Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Casillo launches wheat for celiac – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on September 1, 2015 at 6:36.


International debut at Expo 2015, for Gluten Friendly, named after the worldwide patent developed by the team of Carmen Lamacchia, researcher of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Foggia for products containing gluten modified and then edible for people with celiac disease. By scientific research was born in April “Gluten New World”, a spin-off from the University of Foggia and the company that has financed for about 800 thousand Euros, the group Casillo in Corato, near Bari among the most important in Italy in Field of groats, wheat, flour, edible, baked goods, and number one in Europe for the commodities wheat. Now it is the turn of the technology transfer and industrialization of the spin-off. Between September and October, it will be shown in their Expo, the cluster Cereals and tubers, by Pasquale Casillo, president and CEO of Molino Casillo SpA, phase two of the project and the results obtained from clinical trials and testing in pilot plants for the production of these special flours destined for celiacs, and which could revolutionize the diet, because the more digestible. It may indeed be born a business, only in Europe, can count on at least 5 million potential consumers struggling with this form of intolerance. The update on the project Gluten Friendly happen in space that the group Casillo – grew until, in 2014, a turnover of 827 million – employs as main partner of the official sponsors Flour Varvello cluster Cereals and tubers. The characteristics of such meal will be tested during three cooking show with many chefs on Sept. 3, 8 and 29 October. All appointments “for tasting – explains Renato Modugno, group marketing manager – product obtained from flour of grains treated at the end of this process of detoxification.”

The cooking show and all events planned on the occasion of Expo – or 22 Casillo Day until October 31 – are and will be used to illustrate all the new features in the product range in the last 15 years by the second generation of the group founded in the 50s by Vincenzo Casillo. News that called flours older varieties stone ground (project in collaboration with the CRA Foggia); The Author of groats, flour naturally biofortificate according Flour Varvello; Casillo selection, range of flour and bakery products made from durum wheat semolina and Agricola del Sole (production of organic wines and extra virgin olive oil). The meetings are also useful to meet new buyers, as has already happened in some b2b organized by Expo. “Thanks to the coordination of Confindustria participate – explains Francesco Centrone, who coordinates the group’s presence at Expo – to other forums, such as the one on” EU and ASEAN “and on Africa to be held in September, in which the contacts are potentially betobe useful. Then we verify the actual fruitfulness. ”




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