Thursday, December 31, 2015

Electronic identity card with fingerprints and will on … – The Republic

Rome – Here comes the new Electronic Identity Card (acronym ‘surface’). Interior Minister Angelino Alfano has published in the Official Journal of 30 December (in coordination with the Ministries of Economy and Finance, and the simplification of public administration), the decree with the rules of the emission standards laid down in dl ‘Local Authorities ‘. The delivery of the ‘surface’ will take place “within 6 working days.” At the Interior Ministry has set up an interministerial commission that will monitor the various phases of the project.

In the document there will not only personal data, as in the traditional, but also other information such as, for example, fingerprints (excluding children) and the data (optional) on the willingness or refusal of donation of organs and tissues.

THE DOCUMENT The decree published in the journal

A history of 20 years. The project is in the works for almost twenty years. The operation was designed in 1997, had recorded several experiments and also the release of some electronic ID cards. It is also thought of a digital document only with the incorporation of the health card. But everything stopped .

We try again the government Renzi. Right at the end of 2015, the government Renzi tries again to complete the old project. Think of a new type of “digital paper” integrated. It allocates in dl ‘local authorities’ last summer also of the resources for this purpose.

What’s new in Cie. A lot of news of the’ identity card electronics’, compared to the traditional paper version. In addition to fingerprints (children excluded) and the possibility for older indicate the willingness to donate organs or not, there will be a pin that allows access to online services dedicated. The Cie will be made with the typical techniques of the cards values ​​and will have a microprocessor for the storage of data. The plan for the release will be gradual and milestones will be established by an ad hoc committee.

& # xE0 identity card, electronic fingerprints and willingness xE0 & #; on organ donation

The facsimile of the front of the ‘surface’

Names of the parents and the tax code. The information detailed in the new document, appear the names of the parents and the tax code.

The methods of release. The card – explains the third of the 19 articles of the measure – will be carried out “with the typical techniques of the card production values” and integrated “with a microprocessor for storing information necessary to verify the identity of the holder, including biometrics, as well as for network authentication. “

The release request is made by the city office master the municipality of residence or at the consulate, if all residents’ foreign: municipality or Consulate acquire directly “by the applicant biometric primary” and “secondary”, “signature” and, for adults only, the “optional information related to the will ‘or refusal of donation of organs and tissues” in case death: those who want to change the will previously indicated can do so by contacting the local health authorities of belonging, the hospitals, the general practices or regional centers for transplants.

& # xE0 identity card, electronic fingerprints and willingness xE0 & #; on organ donation

The facsimile of the back of the ‘surface’

The infrastructure to ‘public key’. A complex system known as public key ( public key infrastructures ) is responsible for ensuring the certification of identification data contained in the microprocessor, the protection of data, and the safety of the circuit for issuing and checking the ‘surface’.

The Privacy Guarantor supervise intelligence activities. The Guarantor shall ensure data security and system concerning the processing of personal data, and be responsible for updating and alignment of the system in relation to technological developments, the European directives, and possible interactions with other systems EID and other government initiatives of strategic national and international security.

The Pin. is the secret code necessary staff to the use of services that require authentication in the network.

The electronic tag. The national demographic services (to be accessed by police headquarters) contains biographical information, photograph, scanned handwritten signatures.

It is not mandatory. According to Article 4 of the decree, the ‘surface’ is not compulsory: “The request of the issuance of the ‘surface’ is presented by the citizen at the registry office of the municipality of residence “. The fact that it is not obligatory, may be the reason for a new project failure. You can not, in fact, know if people must set up the digital document, or if you prefer to keep the paper version.


For mobility really new –

New technologies and behaviors are laying the foundations for a new mobility, which is intertwined with the town planning sustainable and is necessary to meet the challenges of pollution and climate change. But to change the way we move we need a new way of planning.

Three strategies to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector provide the guidelines to achieve the reduction targets at EU level: Improve , which aims to improve performance, including environmental, vehicles and fuels; Shift , which tends to transfer the demand for transport to consumers means less energy from fossil fuels; Finally, Avoid , which aims to prevent mobility. The beautiful book, edited by Anna Donati and Francesco Petracchini, Getting around (published by Environment 2015) gives an interesting insight into the mix of the three strategies that affects today’s transportation system deeply changing the logic of use and organization.

Towards a new mobility

All the many technological, organizational and behavioral configures what the way things are going under the name of “new mobility” . Not only technological innovation in the engines, the promising prospects of electrification and automation vehicles , reducing consumption have made great strides improving the performance of private vehicles and even those of public transport.

But the massive doses of telecommunication and computer technology in the management and use of fleets and private vehicles have open outlook until recently long ago unthinkable to the translation car from consumer durable in service and to new strategies for integration between different modes of transport.

In the co-modality, pointing enlargement the possible choices by users of information, the car tends to become a service to be used only when needed, with public benefits in terms of use of urban space and reduce pollution as well as individual advantages in terms reduction of investment for self and liberation from the many tasks connected with the possession of the car itself.

It is hard to think that one of the most interesting aspects of the “news” is just the availability behavioral change and the factor that differentiates “new mobility” to “sustainable mobility” is an indication not only of the many technological factors converged through which sustainability can (should?) become common practice.

Fewer employees from private car

Among these many factors converging, the component “save traffic” (Avoid) – certainly marginal in the traditional analysis of the transport system – unprecedented importance under the influence of multiple factors, many of which stem from problems and subject areas outside the scope of transport.

Up to the recent past (and largely still) the most prevalent forms of urban sprawl and the lack of regulation of rent have been a powerful incentive to ‘ mandatory use and systematic private car .

It is very obvious the heavy ballast mail to change the arrangement of settlements, the ways of living and of work based on the use of the car, gradually become prosthesis to individual Faced with all the burdens of daily life. But at the same time it must be recognized that new ways of living, to work, to relate to the right around the social and economic tend to less dependent on the car , to regain short distances, with an organization of public space less subservient to the presence of the car, and profound changes in the logic of possession, circulation and parking of cars.

“Save” motorized mobility does not propose to pursue an unlikely self exclusion from the system, but radically improve the environmental performance of “adapting” wisely uses in combination with other modes of transport and, together, to pursue policies of reorganization of urban spaces designed to achieve multiple benefits in terms of the welfare of the inhabitants, including the to make less to possession and use systematic car .

Resilient City

At this meeting the urban regeneration policies that are developing across Europe. Are policies that have profound effects on ways to move but do not come within the strategies of government traffic, even those virtuously oriented to achieve environmental improvements. Rather arise from the global phenomenon of concentration of population in the city and mode of growth of urban agglomerations such as to endanger the functioning of ecosystem services.

They resulted from the recognition that the right Urban areas are the locus of maximum generation of GHG emissions and therefore the place where they appear most promising measures mitigation and adaptation . And finally born by the new social cohesion problems related to migration, multiculturalism and growing inequalities. Problems that are, in their urban practices of use of space, new forms of expression and attempts unpublished solution.

A particularly interesting part of these urban regeneration policies, including for the new mobility, consists from green infrastructure , or by the formation of the continuous network of open spaces permeable, urban parks and gardens (public and private), with trees so as to create a real new infrastructure Urban.

The Green Infrastructure assumes all the characters of continuity and structuring its basic infrastructure but, unlike the gray infrastructure (roads, collection networks, underground utilities, etc.), takes place in the same space a variety of important functions for the sustainability of the urban organism. The urban scale and the scale of the neighborhood green infrastructure helps regulate the microclimate, mitigate the heat island, to absorb CO2, to feed the aquifers, to purify water, to give continuity to the regional ecological networks, in manage surface runoff and flood risks during the heavy rains that climate change now makes frequent.

Roles for green infrastructure

The good quality green infrastructure, along with traffic calming measures, are a powerful incentive to non-motorized mobility . The continuity and the deep penetration of green network with the residences and urban activities makes it easy and pleasant to walk, take the half-hour daily walk briskly that OrganizzazioneMondiale Holiness believes it is essential for the prevenione of heart disease and obesity .

Even as these new attitudes are born the extraordinary development of measures for the use of the Bike (the long cycle routes and short distance to bike sharing), forms of access to school on foot or by bicycle, forms of collective purchase, the flowering of new proximity services or new forms of marketing km0. Of course it is still a minority phenomenon, but there is no doubt that constitute interesting innovations from the point of view of the “new mobility”, including reducing the need for motorized mobility.

The push from Europe

In our country these urban policies are still made entirely episodic, mostly entrusted to the sensitivity and the good feelings councilor on duty. But they look set to find powerful allies in the European directives for combating climate change, for the conservation of biodiversity and for the new goals of urban resilience and extremes make now unavoidable.

The second round of reduction in CO2 emissions for the transport sector is going to be much more challenging than the first and also to the objectives in 2020. By then, the non-ETS sectors (Emission Trading System, transport, ‘housing, services, agriculture, waste treatment, etc.) will have to reduce their emissions in Europe by 30% compared to 2005. The contribution requested Italy to achieve this objective is a r eduction emissions by 13% .

Set a threshold for such emissions poses the problem of establishing concrete goals and ways of measuring CO2 reductions for sectors such as transport, currently not included in the ETS. Problem that will become even more important in the near future, in fact 23 October 2014 the European Council established an agreement for a further “package” of targets to be achieved by 2030 that includes:

• emission reductions emissions by 40% compared to 1990 as a must for achieving by 2050 a reduction of at least 80%;
• cover at least 27% of energy consumption from renewable energy;
• An increase energy efficiency by at least 27%;
• the strengthening and reform of the EU ETS emissions trading.

On the way to the desired low-carbon economy, reducing demand in 2050 the transport sector is between 54% and 67%: far more courageous changes are indispensable to that required to achieve the targets for 2020.

The importance of a new style of planning

We are therefore in the midst of a new regulatory environment, economic and social places, for our country, urgent need to change . The experience of European countries who have gone successfully along the roadmap towards a low carbon economy show the need and the importance of a new style of planning, led by the administration public.

A planning objective-based awareness, cooperation between different levels of government and the various interests involved, but also on the active participation of end users, the willingness to experiment and propose mutual trust between government and citizens. It is not exactly the case of urban planning in Italy, where the public administration gets credit for having abandoned any ambition to drive urban transformation and the urbanization of new areas by municipalities respond to the needs of cash rather than in some need of the community.

The setting of quantitative targets is an important opportunity to take up new attitudes with the issue of planning and really proceed towards better sustainability of the transport system in framework of urban regeneration that must lead by 2050 the cancellation of land use and restoration of the generalized ecosystem services.

Some of these attitudes of connection between transport planning, urban regeneration and participation active residents are already effectively reflected in the proposals concerning the Community SUMP (Sustainable urban mobility plans). As shown Community Plan for sustainable, strategic nature, it must focus on the objectives of quality of life rather than on those of transport; aims to build with residents and local interests.

The invitation is to From ambitious goals , able to collect sharing, enthusiasm, participation in their implementation. SUMP are also plans of mobility and even here the responsibility for their implementation is in the hands of the administration of transport. But their implementation involves constantly throughout the administration and civil society. The systematic monitoring and effective action must give concrete demonstration of the achievements and benefits related.

An effective means of connection between transport plans based on conscious objectives and plans of urban redevelopment is already included in the toolbox of programming. This is the Strategic Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs (SEA): an extremely undervalued today in our country and applied almost entirely ineffective. In sharp contrast with European strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, considering the SEA one of the tools of the highest potential (see: Living well within the limits of our planet – 7th general program of action of the Union Environment until 2020).

The SEA is not only the right instrument to take account of differences, but it is the construction site owned of the decisions, the search for synergies and consistency, the sedimentation of experiences and flexible re-orientation of the actions according to changes, often rapid, the economic and social context. In the transport sector Avoid, Shift and Improve will have to contribute to harmonious and balanced proportions to achieve the objectives.

And the results will be much better as the resources made available from the auctions of emission allowances will be distributed according to demand and to the aspirations of the citizens rather than the strength of the business and financial interests involved. The tools for the “new mobility” are, in our country, all potentially present and is clearly noticeable the openness to change of the citizens. Now it is up to politics and its ability to usher really a style of administration finally adapted to the times.


15 films that expect in 2016 –

Even three Italian films, only three sequels and many original works, given to the festival, full of hype or just promising

 revenant In the movie that will arrive in the next year lurk some masterpieces announced from overseas (where they have already seen), films expected for years, and others that are being confirmed as genuine surprises. Many of these will see them approaching the period of Oscar “ is no coincidence. Unusually for this type of lists we are well Three Italian films . Unusual news is that for which one of the most anticipated films of the 2016 There are only three sequels and a couple of movies that fit something that already exists, for the rest we are faced with all original productions that have made headlines for their exceptional characteristics, or because they have already shown in major festivals.

We list our 15 in order of forward for their arrival .

15. The son of Saul (January 21)
do not wait for anyone poor The son of Saul , film has all the features not to be expected: it is a drama set in a Nazi concentration camp, he has great actors and Hungarian.

Yet this film already seen in Cannes (where it won the Grand Jury Prize) you can put your hand on fire.
completely different from anything that made regarding Holocaust , is a story that seems to take place ‘ Hell, in a place where there is no order or sense, an environment that we see very little (the film practically fits almost always the protagonist and closely, even while moving), populated by Jews crazy or incattiviti than tolerable. One of them tries to bury what he believes to be his son, while all around him are followed massacred and desperate attempts to escape from the Nazis.

14. Fast as the wind (March 11) There
back before a movie of Italian motor racing. One directed by Matthew Oak and Stefano Accorsi as co-star. The history of our cinema, recently, we have become accustomed to beware of such operations, usually thought to be like the American equivalent but in fact far below. The first images seen for As fast as the wind , however, seem to say the opposite and are sufficient to ignite a spark of hope.

13. Warcraft (June 2)
‘s not so much the fact that Warcraft to resume the video game of the same name to create expectation but plus the fact that the head of the project has been put on Duncan Jones , director of Moon and Source Code , a great lover of gaming and bold experimenter of language. It seems unlikely that the reins of such a mammoth production may have been allowed Jones a margin of experimentation, certainly is time for him to build on the contamination of languages ​​that began to handle in previous works.

12. It’s better than working (January 21)
storyline itself is still not out, when you know that there are among the guest stars Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad and Gianni Morandi (and that there is a role originally planned for Jean Claude Van Damme). The film debut of the collective The Pills, became known on YouTube, he is shrouded in mystery though ready to come out in late January.

11. Pride and pregiudizo and zombies (Feb. 4)
There is little to expect and much to wait. For years, they are promised the film adaptation of the homonymous book. So much now comes a bit ‘out of the big indigestion movie themed zombies (if not kitsch and misplaced one should speak of invasion like that). If the elapsed time has led to an excess of recasting or distancing healthy for the ‘ humor will find out only when you exit.

10. The case Spotlight (February 18)
Seen at the Venice Film Festival is one of the strongest films of the year. True story of how the Spotlight section of the Boston Globe at the beginning of the 2000s has found out and exposed one of the greatest pedophile scandals within Catholic Church . Written with great skill and interpreted with charisma by Michael Keaton, Liev Schrieber and Mark Ruffalo, is one of the best films of the year.

9. Finding Dory (15 September 2016)
is the result of Finding Nemo , all centered on blue fish with memory problems. Nemo is one of the highest peaks of Pixar, state of the art of their usual parable of “ crossing of something so vast that it seems impossible “. One of the film’s finest, comprehensive and demanding that the study has been able to accomplish. To his followers he has met the same team and seems to have carried on the same tone. If Toy Story 2 and then also Toy Story 3 have shown that for Pixar “ sequel “is not necessarily synonymous with” worse “, there is hope.

8. They called Jeeg (February 25)
Seen at the Film Festival in Rome and then to Lucca Comics & amp; Games work before Gabriele Mainetti does not have much to do with the Japanese animation but rather with the Film superheroes American. It is a perfect origin story of a superhero between the plausible and the totally fantastic set in a Rome subway and credibilissima. A film for rhythm, concreteness and enjoyment has nothing to envy anyone, and as we already have said, is the first truly modern cinecomic ever made in Italy.

7. Steve Jobs (January 21)
If the intention of the film was to exploit the wave of emotion general for death Steve Jobs then comes very late. However in this strange biopic written by Aaron Sorkin , directed by Danny Boyle and starring Kate Winslet and Michael Fassbender , there is much more than just the desire to monetize worldwide interest. The story of Steve Jobs through three stages (the behind the scenes of three presentations, one of the Macintosh, one of the NeXT Cube and that after his return to Apple) is a human parable. Real or fictional it is a journey in 20 years of technological evolution and lifestyle.

6. Hail, Caesar! (March 10)
Nobody like the Coen brothers in recent years has been shown to make a film both commercial and divergent. Dividing his time between dramas (the last, beautiful, About Davis ) and comedies have traced a universe where chaos reigns alone and nothing makes sense, in which ‘ We condemn all human idiocy to die and suffer without a reason. Hail, Caesar! is another chapter in their gallery of comic fools.

5. Creed (January 14)
was to be yet another remake / sequel apocryphal: the story of the son of Apollo Creed . Nothing less attractive and more lazy. When approaching the exit, however, more and more have started to occur praise and certificates of appreciation for this film written and directed by newcomer Ryan Coogler . Sylvester Stallone he is nominated for a Golden Globe, and there is much talk of possible Oscar nomination, who has seen it says is one of the few films that really is close to the spirit of Rocky .

4. Anomalisa (February 25)
It took literally years for the crowdfunding campaign Charlie Kaufman could realize his film. All shot in stop motion and with only two voice actors to make all the characters (though it makes little sense), this unusual film, unusual works are always written by Kaufman, is a pearl of madness and film write-high. It has nothing to do with the usual film of human relationships, but goes deep in the most uncomfortable soul to awaken the cynicism massacring feelings. A unique work.

3. Zoolander 2 (February 12)
Not only is awaited (and rightly so), but what little I was shown impatience seems to apply. Filmed mostly in Rome, composed of almost the entire cast of the first, plus some new, to-date and obsessions of the last years, the second installment of one of the movies most beloved comedians of our time is, in itself, an event.

2. Hateful Eight (Feb. 4)
At one point, when the screenplay was leaked on the net, Quentin Tarantino said that he would more shot. Then he thought and did, is now finished and before its release regular, in early February, the film will make a special tour only in theaters equipped with projectors for 70mm film (in Italian is the chosen one: l ‘ Arcadia Melzo).

Inside, dialogues, violence and eight characters brought together by something in a cabin while it’s snowing outside on the West disillusioned . One is reminded of Sergio Corbucci (which Tarantino says he is writing an essay), but most likely it will be something surprising.

1. Revenant (January 14) only
Shot at sunset in the North (where the sunset not only takes a few minutes), lit with natural light and described as “ The film hardest I’ve ever taken part “character from Leonardo DiCaprio , Revenant is the latest addition to the duo Birdman, or director Alejandro Gonzales IƱarritu and cinematographer most important and surprising in recent years, Emmanuel Lubetzki. The first images have points of view, movements and inventions voracious, the story is that of a hunter nearly killed by a bear, then abandoned by all who choose not to die in the ice and the news coming during production workers spoke of imbufalite, unsustainable rate and foolish decisions. Impossible not to wait for him.


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Tuscia Web

Lazio Research and Innovation technology . In addition to 25 million … The 2016 regional budget contains important new regarding transfers on local public transport, an increase of 42 million compared to 2015, and 41 million more for the Lazio Region, approved the budget and the stability law Moon News – Latin America – Real-time news all the news (4) & nbsp; & raquo;


Filipino priest celebrates Christmas mass on hoverboard – TGCOM

  • Tgcom24 & gt;
  • Magazine & gt;
  • Philippines, priest celebrates Christmas mass on hoverboard: Suspended
31 December 2015
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– Altar goodbye? In the churches of the future it could become the mobile pulpit with all’hoverboard. Skateboarding motorized two-wheel was used, in fact, by a Catholic priest in the Philippines to celebrate Christmas Mass, but … cost him dearly: the suspension from the priesthood. Why? Cassock technology gives the homily keeping in perfect balance on the middle and along the aisles of the church, the pews crowded with worshipers for the day of celebration. The video of the original performance, posted on YouTube, has collected in a short 14 million views. But the higher this breath of fresh air is not liked at all.

So, the Diocese of San Pablo in Laguna has suspended the priest his motorized in high mass Christmas seemed so at comfortable in the pews of the church of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Binan. “The Eucharistic Prayer demands respect and reverence – reads a note – why the priest (which was not revealed the identity) will go a bit ‘of time to reflect on what has happened. He admitted the’ error”. For Christmas hyper short, the time is not ripe church.

Mass Christmas
Catholic priest



Wednesday, December 30, 2015

LG has prepared the hub for the home of the future. It looks like … – – ​​Digital Day

The 2016 will be a year that will see many innovations in technology. One of these is certainly the explosion of devices IoT (Internet of Things). LG has already presented its platform SmartThinQ order to interconnect all of the smart home appliances, but will present at CES 2016 even the newcomer: the SmartThinQ Hub, which is a metal cylinder that will work as the nerve center for sensors and smart appliances.


SmartThinQ Hub is a device that collects and distributes data to and from appliances and sensors connected (hence the “hub” of the name), allowing us to control them easily via smartphone. In addition, it can notify a few events in the personal calendar, or voice through the 3.5-inch display on the top. If the utility were to stop here, probably would not do anything more than a normal app for smartphones, but This metal cylinder , available in Black and Champagne Gold finish, encloses within a speaker for listening to music through the most popular music services or simply doing streaming from your phone or tablet.


Lo SmartThingQ Hub, will not be missed by many, seems to be the twin brother of Amazon Echo, another device was recently presented with very similar functions. The selection of Amazon, however, can not rely on the advantage of being able to operate as a real hub for smart appliances that every smart-home-respecting must accommodate. In addition, this must give about LG, The Korean company has wisely married a format of communication open , the AllJoyn® Alliance open source framework, that will provide the ability to integrate as many devices do not manufactured by LG itself, and to propose complete packages for specific purposes, such as for the health-care, energy savings or checking the air quality.


All devices that exploit the platform SmartThinQ will be present, of course, at CES 2016.


New Mercedes SLC: news and features of the heir of the SLK – Blasting News

There are many news proposed by automotive market in 2016 : ranging from simple makeover, for example, will the French automaker Peugeot with new versions of the 2008 and the 3008, the production of new car as will happen with Mercedes that has decided to abandon the production of the historical Slk favor of the new SLC . In fact, twenty years after the launch of the SLK, in 2016 there will be the new model of the roadster of Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes SLC: the novelty of the bodywork and interior

The transition from SLK to SLC should not be read as a mere name change, but as a most important overhaul of one of the classic cars of the Teutonic brand. From the point of view of the body, the main changes they register at the front of the car in which the German engineers are using the lines already proposed in the new SL . Also renewed the headlights which combine to give the car a more sporty and aggressive character. However innovations of the headlights are not limited only to aesthetics: even in terms technological Mercedes offers a new system (called ILS Intelligent Light System ) that allows you to automatically optimize the illumination adapting to the car outdoor lighting conditions. Referring to the roof, the German engineers maintain faith tradition who want all-metal: thanks to an efficient mechanism of opening / closing, you can operate the mechanism in motion (the important thing is that you do not exceed 40 km / h). With reference to the interior, the new Mercedes SLC has a decidedly sporty look: confirmed the only two places and three spoke steering wheel, the main changes are represented in reference to the instrumentation. With reference to the technological side (besides the aforementioned ILS), the Stuttgart sports car manufacturer provides the Collision Prevention Assist Plus (designed to improve and automate the braking system) and Comand Online in order to assist the driver in traffic sign recognition.

New engines for the Mercedes SLC

Other important new heir of the SLK are as regards the new engines . Mercedes will offer a 1.6-liter 156 horsepower which serves as the base engine in the range. Interesting seems to be the new Diesel (a first for this kind of car): it is, specifically, a 2.1 to 204 horses. For those, however, were pointing especially to the performance side, it proposed a petrol engine 3.0 V6 Turbo 367 horses well.

Mercedes SLC 2016: price and release date

If you regard the release date Mercedes confirmed that the car will be launched in the month of March, only rumors remain in reference to money car which, however, should be about 40000 euro as happened with the SLK. If the motors are your thing and you want to be aware of the new car that will characterize the 2016 (such as the new Fiat Tipo), we invite you to take vision of the other articles of ‘author.


Last session of the year with few exchanges, oil collapses – The Republic

Milan – Last session of the year at a slow pace with reduced trade and a few cues from the macroeconomic front. A curious insiders are quite budgets year-end: all the European markets closed 2015 with a positive balance, with the exception of Madrid and London. In the United States the only question is the Dow Jones, which lacks about 100 points to store the year with a plus sign.

Milan Milan stock yields 1.12% for a positive balance – beginning of the year – more than 13 percentage points. Frankfurt has finished exchanges first, for the day reduced to -1.08%: the financial year to date is positive 9.56%. In the rest of Europe, Paris closes retreating 0.52% and London file 0.64%. The spread is a steady step by 100 basis points, while the ten-year BTPs on the secondary market make the 1.59% on the same values ​​of the vigil, but below the average of the last 12 months to stop ‘ 1.7%. Just on the public debt, the Treasury has awarded at auction BTP 5 and 10 years old for a maximum total of 4.5 billion euro with rates slightly higher. The yield on five-year maturity rose from a record low of 0.37% to 0.57% while that on ten-year rate rose from 1.36% to 1.59%. CCTeu also sold 1.5 billion in December 2022.


Wall Street , veteran from a session in rally towing of energy and technology, reopens trade weak: the Dow Jones sells 0.2% as the S & amp; P 500, while the Nasdaq moves back of 0.5%. A condition the seat is the trend of the oil , returning to score declines with heavy data on US stocks. These are in fact grown by 2.63 million barrels, reaching 487.41 million: the figure is higher than the expectations of analysts who predicted a decline of 2.5 million. WTI is in sharp decline in New York, where prices are reported below $ 37 a barrel. After an initial rise, the ‘ change gear and lost ground against the US currency. The single currency touched session lows at $ 1.09070, before recovering to $ 1.0933. Stable euro / yen to 131.77.

From the macroeconomic point of view, according to Istat in November the index of Producer Price of industrial products decreases of 0 , 5% from the previous month and by 3.3% against November 2014. Even the Institute of Statistics has released the monthly note on the economy, indicating the expectation for a “moderate growth” in the coming months. Meanwhile, data on real estate sales were positive for Italy in the third quarter, with growth in the housing market by 8.9%, while in the US compromise agreements marked a decline of 0.9% in November, much worse than expected which estimated an increase of 0.5%. News also came from the ECB , which brought to 129 the number of banks subject to direct supervision as “systemic” for the Eurozone are six more, fruit eight inputs and two outputs than the previous group. Italian ones become 15: enters the Credem.

In the morning the Nikkei index of Tokyo Stock Exchange closed the session with a gain of 0.27% bringing its improvement to 9.07% throughout 2015, given that this is the last trading day for the Japanese market this year and will reopen on January 4, 2016. The index took 51.48 points settling at 19,033.71. On the year they earned around 1,582.94 points, with a positive period and one more lively due to the slowdown in Chinese. This last session of the year was one of the least active with only 1.49 billion shares traded on the main market.


Fashion here is the cult moments of 2015 to remember –

365 days marked by events, openings, exclusive parties, new products, farewells and major players. The 2015 has been the fashion world a year full of new, exciting and unique. In a word? “ Dazzling ‘. We start from Milan. April 30 and May 9 were inaugurated the ‘ Armani / Silos and Fondazione Prada . Two creative spaces created by the two most famous Italian brands in the world. The first is a museum dedicated to fashion King George , which this year also celebrated the 40th year career with a show unique in its Teatro; the second, however, is a creative space dedicated exclusively to art, desired by Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli , to exhibit the works of art belonging to their private collection and those collective treated ad hoc. Both with a clear objective: give the city of Milan (their city, ed) an exclusive and unique, that everyone can enjoy, visit and love .

Also another Italian fashion house has triumphed this year. Day , which should soon reach the one billion euro turnover over, according to rumors, the stock market listing, has been one of the strongest brands on social networks Tagged year. The reasons? The unexpected appearance of the duo Zoolander , Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson , on the catwalk of the fashion show in Paris, which he loved doing poses iconic and take selfie with the public. And the choice of Jovanotti to wear some outfits exclusive Roman label on the stages of his international tour. In 2015, in fact, Instagram is still one of the media in the fashion business, thanks to the success of the deluxe collection of H & M in collaboration with Balmain presented exclusively on the social network of photos. As well as the limited edition collection of adidas Originals signed by the pop star Pharrell Williams , who realized the iconic sneakers Superstar in 50 colors pop.

But the fashion world is not just made of double-digit growth and smiling shots. There are also the farewells and 2015 was “a year of farewells’: first Alexander Wang who left the creative direction of Balenciaga , then Raf Simons that left Dior to devote himself exclusively to his mark (according to rumors from the atelier of Avenue Montaigne, the case was too much stress, ed). Finally, the most unexpected, that of Alber Elbaz Lanvin , after it collided with the management and ownership. But not all the goodbyes are so bitter, that of supermodel Gisele BĆ¼ndchen took place last March, in fact, is a very intense chapter of his life. In fact, he left the catwalks, backstage and photo shoots to devote himself to working for her most important, that of mother.

There is who is gone and who, instead, has arrived. Michael Alexander in January, in fact, has become the new creative director of Gucci , taking the place left a few weeks earlier by Frida Giannini . It immediately won over the audience with the trend genderless , also beloved by John Galliano Maison Margiela , who paraded men with women’s hairstyles , dresses and heels.

But the parades and more strong effect of this 2015 are those by Rick Owens . The Californian designer fact, before parading men with oversize tunics from which you can see the sex, then parading “women Cyclops’ supporting bodies of other women upside down, great quote of slavery and dependence (even emotional). And if Owens wins the award for best concept and styling, Tom Ford if he wins as best soundtrack, that of Lady Gaga . For the last women’s collection, in fact, the Texan designer declined to organize a show itself, but record a video viral starring the American pop star, singing and dancing I Want Your Love . While Hussein Chalayan won the award for Best Visual Effects on the catwalk, with its biodegradable clothes that melt in front of the audience with water. And that best represent the further step of fashion who wants to run towards a sustainable future and technology, the latter represented, for example, since its launch last September the new Apple Watch designer HermĆØs .

Last but not least, the concept of fashion as social phenomenon , very important today, that analyzes, explains, courageously faces important issues, delicate and He tells the audience with his language. This view is best represented by the admirable choice of the brand Carrie Hammer to pull a girl with Down syndrome, Jamie Brewer , during the parade of the brand took place on February in New York City.


Vineyards, a call for 1,600 hectares in Sicily: create reserves for the young – Giornale di Sicilia


PALERMO. “The 2015, the year of the wine, ended with important news about the Sicilian wine sector: are going to be assigned new planting rights to 1,600 hectares of vineyards distributed in priority areas Doc the most significant of the region as well as in the smaller islands finest wine-growing. ” Says Antonello Cracolici, Regional Councillor for Agriculture. “In the announcement with which will be assigned rights – adds – reserves were created for young people entrepreneurs already operating in the sector and for owners of farms already established that intend to further develop the wine. It was also published on the website of the Regional Agriculture, the notice ‘wine CMO for 27 million euro on the restructuring and conversion of vineyards. “

” Always the CMO in wine measure’ investments – ends – will be published later this year a further announcement that allocates 11 million euro to the sector: this announcement will allow the presentation of annual projects aimed at the modernization and technological implementation of existing wineries, the modernization of packaging processes and measures to promote the marketing. “



Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The 10 technology trends for 2016 – (Blog)

From the evolution of neural networks to health just a wearable, here’s what to expect in the next 12 months

If 2015 gave a lot of satisfaction to those who love technology, 2016 should not be outdone. Among the new products on the launching pad and experimental technologies now sufficiently “mature” to arrive on the market, the 12 months that lie ahead should bring with them interesting news on several fronts. Here are some of the technology trends that should mark the entire 2016.

Virtual reality finally becomes reality

Among the the fastest-expanding already in 2015, virtual reality promises great things for the 2016. From tech “niche”, virtual reality should become an economic and trade increasingly important. About, in large part, to viewers VR becomes cheaper and affordable for all, that will be the driving force for the entire industry. More and more developers will be interested to release apps for virtual reality, thereby multiplying the virtual worlds in which you will be immersed.

The appearance of ultra app

The evolution of technology is so fast that what appears today as being certain and immutable is set to change in a profound and, in some cases, disappear altogether. The mobile apps are an example: until not long ago operated only if used by users, today able to take action in an independent way by coating a vital role in the lives of users. It is not ruled out that in 2016 the app, more and more autonomous and “free to move”, break the boundaries of mobile devices to go to “contaminate” other sectors. It is not impossible, in fact, that in a few months the cars, thanks to apps developed for the automotive ecosystem, pay the account of the distributor or the takeaway that there is no need for cash or cards Credit various. The first experiments in this sense, have given encouraging results.

User experience “environmental”

The combination of these two elements leads to the creation a new operating environment within which users can “move” and interact with apps, programs and devices. The user experience become environmental boundaries between different devices and different technologies thins more and more and, thanks to the development of technology related to ‘ Internet of everything , the’ interaction will not be limited only to the display of the smartphone or the computer screen but it will end with the “invading” the reality.

Health at wearable


Thanks to the app and wearable devices more reliable and economical, all (or almost) have the ability to control their health state. But we are only at the beginning of a Copernican revolution of technology related to the world of health: by 2019 the care industry hi-tech should grow by 600% thanks to the landing of new market tracker and wearable invisible (or almost) and able to control every aspect of our body. A significant step forward both for the technology, but also for the national health system: the wearable , in fact, allow us to monitor the health of patients in real time, allowing it to intervene only in case of actual need.

The year of bots

This will be possible thanks to the expected development in the field of bots. In 2016, in fact, it is expected that the technology related to automation software make strides, allowing us to dramatically increase the levels of productivity at work, but not only. The bots will play an increasingly key role in our daily lives: analyzing our choices, our tastes and our preferences will help in the selection process in any sector, from daily news to the dinner menu.

Quantum computing to the rescue

quantum computer

How Google teaches us, the future of computing moves from quantum. And if in 2015 it was down the wall of 1,000 qubits, it is likely that 2016 reserves surprises even more interesting in this area. Moreover, all the big names in the tech world are investing heavily in information Quantum: not only Google, but also IBM works hard to create quantum computers more powerful and reliable.

machine learning 2.0

Neural Networks more and more advanced and developed allow us to go beyond the limits of artificial intelligence today. Thanks to the support of computer systems increasingly powerful and refined, we will be faced with machines able to independently analyze the world around them and learn as new information and concepts. With deep neural nets you will be faced with a new type of machine learning , capable of analyzing increasingly large datasets and databases ( bigger date ) and seem, in their own way, intelligent.

The era of autonomous objects

The automation software will inevitably large consequences also at a level of automation of the objects and means. In the near future autonomous vehicles and smart and personal digital assistants will be on the agenda are an example of the car that drives itself and Google voice assistants like Siri, Google Now, Cortana and Amazon Echo. Relying on increasingly powerful hardware infrastructure and a greater amount of data on which to base decisions and answers, these agents will become more autonomous, getting to interact naturally (or almost) with their owners.

virtual reality

Knowledge increased

Even if we do not make it fully account , we live now in the age of telepathy digital . Thanks to our activities on the web – whatever it is – you are able to influence the thinking and choices of people thousands of kilometers away from our computer station. We are therefore able to send information from the brain to the brain without physical contact, direct or indirect, that is. And thanks to the developments that will be recorded in areas such as virtual reality and augmented reality you can soon “increase” their skills thanks to neural microcomputer implanted under the skin. Scientists at the University of Southern California, just as an example, have developed mnemonic prosthesis that would allow anyone to recover full memory also suffering severe brain damage. In the case of stroke, for example, simply reload memories and ability to return to live in a “normal”.

The Internet platform

In the evolution proposed technology will play a key role new platforms of the Internet of things in development. These platforms will be to ensure a heterogeneous objects can interact freely and without boundaries whatsoever. There will be no more distinctions between apps, devices and interfaces, but all taking place in a connected and interactive world.


The web of apprentice sorcerers imagination – the poster (Registration)

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In the network of apprentice sorcerers imagination
poster (Record) new epochal this colonization is that if historically comes in opposition to the colonized, conquered but not pacified, now takes place with the explicit consent of the people themselves, the protagonists of a process of
