Friday, December 4, 2015

Social networks and web news: Italians are becoming increasingly digital – The Republic

ITALIAN increasingly technological: all watch television, do not disdain the radio and more and more users use social networks and share information on the web. This forografia taken by the Censis in his report on the State of the country’s social habits of use of the means of mass communication in Italy. In detail, the viewers are almost all of the population (96.7%), followed by 83.9% of users radio listening via mobile phone (+ 2%) and internet (+ 2%) still on the rise. If the “older” mass media have the greatest following their use is nevertheless influenced and changed by the new device: + 1.6% of users compared to 2013 for the web TV, + 4.8% for mobile TV, while the satellite TV users amounted to a total of 42.4% and 10% of Italians use the smart tv that can connect to the network.


In this mechanism were crushed local television suffering a triple pressure: severe downturn in advertising revenues, consistent reduction of government grants, significant decline in audience. A state of affairs that has generated a fall in total revenues with negative repercussions on employment.

The greatest development is determined by the digital seeing a growing and ever increasing internet (+7.4 %), reaching a penetration of 70.9% of the Italian population. Large increase also of mobile connections: the smartphone are used by over half of Italians recording a growth of 12.9% while the tablet almost doubled their spread. Impressive, then, the popularity of social networks: the head is Facebook , attended by 50.3% of the population and even by 77.4% of young people under 30, while Youtube reaches 42% of users (72.5% among young people) and 10.1% of Italians use Twitter .

On the other side to pay the greatest consequences of the rise is the digital press, which continues to lose readers: -1.6% for newspapers, 11.4% for the free press, -0.7% books, weekly and stable monthly. In contrast are growing online newspapers (+ 2.6%) and other web portals of information (+ 4.9%). Moreover, the Web is now the primary source of information from which the majority of the population draws news with a predominance of digital natives with a share of 91.9% of young people and is stuck at 27.8% that of the elderly. Same generational relationship concerns the use of social networks that sees over 77% of subscribers among the under 30 compared to just 14% of those over 65.

The report provides an overview of the change in consumer behaviors with novelties like sharing economy , ll ‘ home banking or crowdfunding. According to the president of Censis Giuseppe De Rita However, Italy would be an “existential lethargy collective”, a sort of “limbo” that requires an innovative drive to enhance development and vitality of the social body.

giuseppe de rita

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