Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Best tech gifts and educational for a child – DDay.it – ​​Digital Day

Anki Overdrive, the track of the cars of the future

Three years ago, during the convention for developers Apple, Tim Cook took the stage three young students of robotics at Carnegie Mellon University: had included a system artificial intelligence inside of electric cars, creating the first track for the cars “smart”. Anki Drive is the name of the first project is the evolution of the track for the cars that crazy still hundreds of thousands of children around the world: there are no rails, there are no barriers, the cars whizzing open on a track without constraints of any kind, ready to kick off in exciting challenges . Compared to the traditional remote control button you use your smartphone to check the car: changing lanes, accelerating and braking, with cars that can be driven by a human pilot or a small computer that can prevent accidents and to understand How should overtake and when. Anki Overdrive is the second generation: the cars are the same, but the track is composed of a set of magnetic sheets with elements such as bridges, jumps and parabolic. The starter kit, essential to start, including two cars, a charger and ten pieces of track that allows you to assemble eight different circuits. Costs 149 £, and when to spawn one in Italy you have to look for some reseller on sites like eBay or Amazon.


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