Sunday, June 30, 2013

Wikipedia is not responsible for the content that publishes - Reuters

Into important precedent for the Italian web, to the court of Rome, the encyclopedia
is not responsible for errors, omissions or defamation in vocals, a principle that can apply to others?

Into The court of Rome has decided: Wikipedia can not be held civilly responsible for what is published within its entries. The decision – announced Wednesday by a statement from the Wikimedia Foundation – could be not only a significant decision in favor of the largest online encyclopedia, but also an important precedent in Italy for freedom of publication on the Internet. Let’s see the facts.

Into On 30 January, Cesare Previti, a former defense minister of the Berlusconi government, called an action against the Wikimedia Foundation arguing that the voice on him was a “pseudo-journalistic gossip fueled by the work of individuals [...] absolutely unreliable,” and considering the foundation responsible for unlawful because “Wikipedia would not exist without the defamatory publication.” Previti claimed compensation at the discretion of the judge and also a penalty for each day of delay from the removal of information deemed de famatory. The object version of lawsuit is still accessible online, via the timeline on each page.

Into The judgment of the court of Rome, however, has decided against former parliamentary Wikimedia is not responsible for content publishing, because it does not process them but is limited to providing a tool, explaining clearly how to use. The foundation that runs Wikipedia is then treated in all respects by the court to a web space provider, not having been “proven [...] and in the management of the encyclopedia [...] shall engage in activities other than those hosting provider “.

Into While the measure confirms a trend already spread at international level, it is the first time in Italy that a judgment Wikimedia explicitly absolves from any civil liability, and opens important scenarios for associations and individuals who run blogs, forums, social networks and other platforms that only give space to the free expression of users, without intervening in content.

Into The ruling, in fact, not only establishes the existence of a clear distinction between space provider and author of the content – equating de facto management of a given site to a hosting service – but also says that in this case the supplier can not be attributed to either a responsibility by omission (ie for failing to investigate those published by others), since – in the case of Wikipedia – there is also a declaration of non-liability. To be responsible or partly responsible for any defamation is not so who provides the platform, but rather the individual user who published them. According to the court is the open nature of the site to exclude ‘the obligation to guarantee, “that is a” balance left in the possibility for anyone to edit its content and to request the cancellation. ”

Into To comment on the story we reached Marco Berliri, the study Hogan Lovells lawyer who handled the lawsuit on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Victory in Case v. Previti. Wikimedia is an important result for Wikimedia and probably one of the first sentences of this kind in Italy. What is your opinion on the matter?

Into’m obviously extremely pleased, not so much from the point of view of “personal” but because I believe that this ruling helps to shed light on the (lack of) responsibility of those who manage a platform for sharing of content.

More specifically


Into The judge has clearly denied that Wikimedia can be held liable for content posted by third parties, describing his work as a hosting provider, which is limited to offering the public the technological structure as a simple platform on which to publish content. It is certainly not an isolated earlier, but it is very important because it is the first in Italy regarding Wikipedia.

And if the tort, defamation, for example, is there really?

Into The network is not a free port where there are no rules, as some would have us believe. However it is important that responsibility is ascribed to the author of any unlawful conduct, not those who simply make available the technological tool. If this were not so, there would be no blogs, video sharing platforms, or social media.

The court stated that Wikimedia is not responsible for the content, because its system allows free editing and modification of information. He believes that this ruling could have an impact broader than the protection of freedom of expression on the Internet in Italy?

Into Certainly. The judge first of all given the status of hosting providers – and not a content provider – Wikimedia esonerandola from liability for the content hosted. In support of this, pointed out that this exclusion of liability is balanced by the possibility, accorded to any person, to contribute to the compilation of the encyclopedia entries and to rectify its contents. I believe that this decision represents an important precedent not only for Wikimedia but for all platforms that host content created by third parties: the Court of Rome has in fact shown that can not be recognized hosting provider even a liability for concealment. I want to emphasize how the principles are widely established in other jurisdictions and confirmed by numerous precedents of the European Court of Justice. I hope that other similar measures confirm this address in Italy.

Into The counterparty has thirty days to appeal the possible appeal, but the foundation has already an nounced battle: “if Mr. Previti were to opt for the appeal, the Wikimedia Foundation intends to oppose the appeal with all her strength” .

With Windows 8.1 environment is friendly - Il Sole 24 Ore

Article History


Into This entry was posted on 30 June 2013 at 13:45.

Into With Windows 8.1 environment is friendly

We tried it on a computer typically work: a Dell Latitude E6430S in the Pro edition Deliberately a traditional PC, so no touchscreen, just because of this kind of computer since Windows 8 has created some problems for the ‘interface distinctly skewed towards the touch-sensitive display. With the touch even the new Windows 8.1 is enhanced, now offering two levels of the Start menu: an upper with classic interactive Tile, one less accessible by tapping the down arrow that shows the complete list of installed applications. A setting that reflects what has been seen in Windows Phone 8. But it is not the only one: the touchscreen experience is rewarding for a series of improvements widespread. On notebooks will appreciate the return to the classic button to access the Start menu. Only that leads right to the aforementioned panel with Tile, but here Microsoft stepped in and offers a successful cross between Windows 7 and Windows 8.

They are also interesting Into the f unctions accessible with the right mouse button always on the Start menu: From this pane contextual you can reboot or shutdown the PC but also access to frequently used functions. At the showdown, this addition, the taskbar reorganized and a general reassessment of the windows provide an improved user experience coupled with the classic mouse and keyboard. How to say it with Windows 8.1 in the absence of a touchscreen finally we can be enhanced by a more fluid and less oriented gestures. Sure, better take into account a period of learning in step 7, but shorter than the 8 and, in any case, less challenging.

Into Microsoft on this front is promoted because it is acted wisely on the operating system without altering the logic. Other measures relate to an improved management of the apps side by side, each vying their own half of the screen, and a powerful search system based on Bing. Of note, as a structural element, the upper integration with SkyDrive, which further reduce s the distance between the file and the files stored on the hard disk and those in the cloud. Now the storage service is fully part of Windows 8.1. Last but not least the Store redesigned and more modern and attractive, which provides better access to more apps available, and Internet Explorer 11. In addition to superior performance, the browser has an improved interface for both touch on both the mouse. Finally, we enjoyed the actions of Mail, and bridges the future the ability to set clearly the 3D printers. Therefore, the road test confirms that Windows 8.1 delivers on its promises and makes it more user-friendly operating system from Microsoft.



At the start of a week of pleasant summer - Corriere della Sera


Al via a week of summer pleasant
Temperatures below 30 degrees

Everything about

of the Azores that will give us “a phase summer pleasant and not overly hot”

Into Frame Frame

“At the start of a week dominated by the Azores anticyclone that will give us a pleasant summer phase and without excessive heat.” This prediction “The current unstable from Northern Europe, which detracted from Italy in the last days-the weatherman says Francesco Nucera-will be swept away by the Azores anticyclone, which will open a week and discreet with a crescendo of temperatures.”

TIME MITE – “This type of anticyclone has a mild heart and is not a carrier of heat waves as is the case with the African – continues in the forecast for next week -. We come then to a period below average temperature and high pressure will bring back the values ??in the seasonal averages. ” On the coast of the thermometer will range between 26/28 degrees, while in inland areas far from the sea and the mercury could reach 30/32 degrees. “The summer 2013 seems to have the intention of breaking through the Azores anticyclone, the long series of the 2000s dominated in large part by the high pressures Africa – says Nucera – Summer temperatures have increased by 90s, after a cool period occurred between the 60s and 80s, so much so that in the new millennium average summer temperatures were warmer than at least 1 degree. “

UNCERTAINTY IN FEE – This is because we have been dominated with more frequency dall’anticiclone Africa. Since 2000, in ascending order, hotter summers in Italy are those of the years 2011, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2012 and 2003. The last two, then, were the hottest ever. “Now Nucera-ends-apart from some uncertainty about the Alps, Alps and Apennines, Italy will appreciate a classic Mediterranean summer.”

Wikipedia victorious in lawsuit against Previti - Weather Centre Italian

Into The judgment of the Civil Court of Rome has been very clear, “Wikipedia can not be held civilly responsible for what is published within its voices,” these were the words pronuciate at the end of the cause, he saw Cesare Previti, former defense minister Berlusconi’s government, accusing the Wikimedia company for defamation against him, asking for a risarcimeto damage. The problem arose from the fact that, according to the former minister, within its profile there were rumors pseudo journalistic unfounded. The company responded by saying: Wikimedia is not responsible for content publishing, because it does not process them but is limited to providing a tool, explaining clearly how to use. The foundation that runs Wikipedia is then treated in all respects by the court to a web space provider, not having been “proven [...] and in the management of the encyclopedia [...] shall engage in activities other than those hosting provider & #8216;

Company paid Wikipedia

Company paid Wikipedia

today presents a new scenario for all owners of Internet spaces that are not responsible for the content posted. Once the owner of the internet space clearly warns the user to be responsible for the content posted will not be punished, but rather to account for their words will be the author of the text

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Microsoft, "here is Windows 8. 1". Back button 'start' - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

24:30 June 29, 2013 Into (AGI) – Rome, June 29 – No Surface Mini, no Surface Pro 2, no new ‘hardware’ and Microsoft signed ‘was announced at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. All of us, writes the site, hoping for a debut of the new generation of tablet, or at least in a first quick look as it did last year, when the good Steven Sinofsky made us dream of announcing the first real terminal developed and product from the house of Redmond.
news ‘are those expected, Windows 8.1′ was the protagonist of the event lasted 2 hours. The improvements over Windows 8 are obvious and develop more ‘forward, the next OS already& #8217; available in Preview and ‘certainly more’ compelling and redefines all those small uncertainties that have done nothing but fuel controversy from late October to today . Ample space, as usual, also lots of products to Windows ecosystem, with an eye for newcomers such as Acer Iconia and Samsung Ativ W3 Book 9 Plus
The main user requests were received, of Windows 8.1 will find ‘back his place tatidico the Start button, but in a whole new look compared to Windows 7: Start by pressing it will access the interface with its Tiles, enough’ so one swype up to get an overview even more ‘tidy and all App arranged alphabetically.
Start Screen and’ now more ‘customizable, will be’ in fact can resize Tiles as is already ‘on Windows Phone 8 and 7.5, choosing from a myriad of themes for the background, even dynamic themes (even if in the Preview are not yet available.) Even more ‘easy to move Tiles, selectable i n groups with a simple tap on all of them, without having individually as on Windows 8.
Improve significantly the research, will be enough’ in fact call with a swype the sidebar (right ) and write what we want, receiving an answer in a short elaborate full of images, text, links, web pages and video if available or related. Trying such as the name of a singer will be ‘much more’ easy and immediate access to songs and movies of this artist.
Outlook receives anche’esso a review, between the news ‘more’ interesting we have multitasking, or the chance ‘to open a link or an image next to the application: in the case of a picture we can edit it on the fly thanks to the tools provided by Microsoft by default, with filters, adjustments and modifications of any kind.
The evolves browser, Internet Explorer 11 we can handle infinite tab (assuming that the terminal there allows), and ‘guaranteed user experience even bette r. Certainly more ‘performance and’ the virtual keyboard, with suggestions that appear at the side of ‘finger’ and help us to speed up the writing. Small news ‘for Xbox and for the Chamber Music App, with the option’ now capture images at 360 degrees, just like Photo Sphere on Android 4.2.
Small novelty ‘in reality’ and not just improve the ‘experience of using Windows 8.1, obviously waiting for all those functionalities’ novel which will be released only after the summer with the final version of the OS. (AGI).

The genome is the oldest of a horse -

Into The discovery was made by a group of Danish scientists who were able to map the DNA of a horse lived 700,000 years ago

Some Przewalski horses © AFP

Some Przewalski horses © AFP

Into Ottawa, June 2013 – Traced by a group of Danish scientists the oldest map of the DNA ever obtained. The genome belongs to a horse lived about 700,000 years ago, whose bones were discovered in the Yukon, northern Canada, trapped in the layer of permafrost.

The work, published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature, has shed light on the evolution of horses and you have a group coordinated by Eske Willerslev and Ludovic Orlando University of Copenhagen.

The researchers compared the DNA of prehistoric horse with the map of the DNA of another old horse, which dates back to 43,000 years ago, and the maps of the genome of animals belonging to six races
contemporary equine, including the Przewalski horse and a donkey. From this came the genus Equus, which gave rise to all the horses contemporaries, and donkeys and zebras, originated about four million years ago, twice as long as previously thought.

The research also reveals that the Przewalski horse about 50,000 years ago has differentiated their genes than traced in modern horse breeds, which makes it the only direct descendant of the prehistoric horses.

” The importance of work goes beyond having shed light on the evolution of horses” point in a commentary in Nature Craig Millar, University ‘of New Zealand Auckland and David Lambert Australia’s Griffith University. The research, detect the two experts,” shows that the DNA can ‘have a longer survival than imagined and this’ suggests that it could also study the DNA of the oldest hominid that could shed light on the evolution of man” .

Into June 28, 2013


Friday, June 28, 2013

Microsoft to 'attack, here's Windows 8.1: back to the Start button and you can ... - The Messenger

Microsoft plays the attack to regain lost ground. It launches Windows 8.1, available for free from now on preview: The operating system will be able to print in 3D, will be in great demand the return of the ‘Start’ button and it will be integrated with Bing search engine, with Skype and with Skydrive . Steve Ballmer, the CEO of the Redmond company, introduces the news from the stage of the developer conference held in San Francisco. While running on the network news of a new version of Xbox Music that Redmond is expected to launch soon.


The conference is an important event in which Microsoft once again demonstrates its desire to push on Mobile: Facebook is in fact creating a Windows application, an initiative that could increase the appeal of products Windows. And the store of the app is taking off. “Windows Store is close to 100,000 applications,” says Ballmer, explaining to developers in Microsoft’s efforts to room software faster. Ballmer shows the new smartphones and tablets that will use the new operating system and announced the arrival among the app Flipboard, the application that allows users to form a DIY newspaper with news from the internet and social networks.

On stage with Ballmer also the corporate vice president of Windows, Julie Larson-Green. “With Windows 8 we have built a new Windows. It was an ambitious vision with Windows 8.1 and we finished, “highlights Larson-Green, stating that Windows 8.1 is” ??an important step. ” But the news of Microsoft have gone even beyond Windows 8.1. The company has presented the new platform as well Bing and the new look of Windows Store, “completely revised to best reach customers and connect them more effectively and quickly to the app they want.” The virtual store is indeed growing opportunities for app and taking into account individual preferences, allowing you to discover what is most interesting: “The list of app shows a new layout for better navigation.”

All news that offer new opportunities for developers to build and monetize their apps. And on the day of the Conference of the developers in San Francisco is a rumor running on the network. How Google and Apple, Microsoft, chasing users, would be focusing on the field of streaming music with a new version of Xbox Music. According to reports The Verge, the Redmond company will be launching very soon the service in the web version, making it more easily accessible to users. Until now, in fact, the music streaming service from Microsoft, was born eight months ago, is only accessible through the operating system Windows 8, Windows Phone and Xbox 360 video game console. With the online version will be accessible from any browser and instead will compete with other platforms such as Deezer streaming music, Napster, Spotify and Pandora.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Build is Windows 8.1 - Computer Point

Into Just 8 months after its launch, Microsoft brings its consumer OS up to speed with a cycle of accelerated development. News for Visual Studio and dotNET

Build A's Windows 8.1 Rome – After dealing with the issue Windows Server, Cloud OS and corporate environments during TechEd, Microsoft has used the stage of the Build developer conference to unveil the many new features of its new consumer OS Windows 8.1, Internet Explorer 11 and updated versions of the programming environment Visual Studio and the dotNET framework.

Build On stage in 2013 was of course Steve Ballmer: Microsoft CEO opened the proceedings by explaining that Windows 8.1 is a mix “finished” between the experience of desktop computing and the “modern” in tiles, an update (free) that proceeds following the path of Windows 8 but adds new customization options that should make happy those who still have not made groped by the joys of the Start Screen .

The preview of Windows 8.1, for starters, is available for download starting from the store “app” integrated into the Metro / Modern / Windows 8: the installation of the preliminary version of the OS involves a procedure for updating the store explained on the official blog, and for all other questions is available a collection of FAQ on the website of Windows. The ability to install the OS via ISO will be made available later, Microsoft provides.

Windows 8.1 is proposed as an incremental upgrade free Windows 8 to eight months after the release of the latter, and in eight months much has changed: Microsoft seems to have accepted – at least partly – the many many comments and criticisms on him piovutele during this time period, and now Windows (8.1) should provide a compromise between the “king” of the Windows 7 desktop and setting the whole touch, tiles and cloud of Windows 8 will satisfy a significant portion of the two types of use rs. Into distinctive feature of this compromise is the infamous return of the Start button, a feature which, however, has little to do with the classical implemented up to Windows 7: The new “button” is placed on the Windows taskbar where before there was This the Start button, offering access to the renewed Start screen or in an advanced menu – also accessible via keyboard shortcut Win + X – that makes tasks easier made complicated by Windows 8. Through the above menu will be example, you can turn off (or suspend / hibernate) your system without having to disturb the control panel on screen Modern.

Among the options of customizing the behavior of a tile is the long-awaited ability to boot directly to the desktop without having to go to the Start Screen. The same Start Screen is now more customizable with the use of the same desktop wallpaper, tiles of different sizes to facilitate the organization of the app and display a less chaotic and “random” in the list of applications on your PC.

Into Users who prefer the desktop all the tiles of the world will then be available to conduct various angles of “smart” Modern interface to fit their particular need for contextual coherence of experience, as both the hot corner for move from app to app (upper left corner) and the “charms” (upper left corner) are disabilitabili.

Microsoft has of course also renewed the Windows Store with better organization of the app available for purchase / download, and now it should be easier for users to identify the apps they are interested. The new store will hopefully improve the app market for Windows for developers.

Another important feature of Windows 8.1 is the support of the screens with resolution “pushed” Retina 4K or that they are with the ability to scale the OS native applications (both Modern and desktop) more easily to the top. The “trick” used by Microsoft is the same as that used by Apple on OS X, namely support for an increase of 200 per cent of the definition of pixels and text.

Improved functionality is also internal research to the new OS, which now no longer distinguish between different contexts and offers all the results identified in the network and on the local PC (thanks to the Engine Bing and offline) an overview of what style, overabundance of im ages and some text here and there.

The same thrust integration between offline and online is also seen in the new synchronization features to SkyDrive, while on the control panel Microsoft has chosen to transfer a greater number of options under the Modern interface for easy customization of the system to users of tablet and touch devices.

Guaranteed improved support to portrait mode – always under a tiled interface – for phablet, tablets with small screens and similar devices. A new waiting but that certainly does not make you happy early adopters of hi-tech more stringent integration, Windows 8.1, a driver model and APIs necessary to install and use 3D printers.

Another feature of “qualifying” Windows 8.1 (but destined to land on Windows 7 at a later date) is Internet Explorer 11, and the novelties presented by the Microsoft Build conference reflects quite closely the rumors so far published: the new IE will be even more focused on simplification of the use on devices with touch screen, it will contain a representation of the various tiles to open sites and will include new technologies such as audio-video elements of HTML5, SPDY (not mentioned in the conference but present) and WebGL for 3D online.

And if users and lovers of the tiles for personal productivity will have to wait until 2014 for the debut of the Metro version / Modern / Windows 8 (.1) of the Office package, developers can already get your hands on a development kit based on the new Kinect Sensor 2.0 for Windows 8.1 (the same is included with the Xbox One, but no compatibility between the two systems).

As for the development code itself, finally, the new Microsoft presented at the conference called Build Visual Studio 2013, and dotNET Framework 4.5.1: in the first case Redmond shows the presence of features designed for the management of projects and test platforms “cloud” Git support to the revisions and bug fixes (also for Visual Studio 2012 with an update in part), while in the second – which is also part of the package Visual Studio 2013 – we are talking about increased performance and improvements in the development of the app store for Windows .

Alfonso Maruccia

L '1 Apple Steve Jobs goes all' auction: Starts at $ 500K - The Messenger

Thursday, June 27 agg.13: 37

Sfoglia the new newspaper digitale

Messaggero logo


FURTHER READING  tag apple, steve jobs, mac, computer



To see him so it looks like a simple computer prehistoric, light years away from the wonders of modern technology, but lovers of the bitten apple would recognize at first glance. And ‘the Apple 1 in 1976 and was built by Steve Jobs along with fellow Stevie Wozniak (the real “neat freak” between the two) in his infamous garage. You have until July 9 to try to win it: starting from EUR 500 thousand.


Into Wednesday, June 26, 2013 – 19:54
Last update: Thursday, June 27 – 24:16










Steve Jobs, check a new video:
Steve Jobs, check a new video: “The world will not remember me,”


Apple: no iPhone 5S: comes on 6 October,
Apple: no iPhone 5S: here comes the 6 to October



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