Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Technological innovations on the railway between Fasano and Brindisi – OsservatorioOggi

FASANO – Important news on the railway Fasano Brindisi. E ‘has been activated yesterday (Monday, 14 January) the form involving three stations of the command and control (SCC) which runs from central Bari Lamasinata, rail traffic from Rimini to Brindisi on the Adriatic for an extension of approximately 750 km and 98 stations / stops. The operators, from Bari, can be monitored in real time, the rail traffic on the national network of approximately 2,000 km, of which about 840 km in Puglia.

With the SCC all institutions and apparatuses of stations (points, signals, level crossings) are operated by a single director. The system would increase the quality and punctuality. The ability to manage the movement of trains over a large area, join the centralized diagnostic of all devices on the line, the remote surveillance stations and the real-time dissemination of information to customers. Other advantages are a better relationship between costs and benefits: improving the quality of service, greater efficiency in the maintenance process, increased levels of protection of company assets against vandalism and theft. The total investment for completing the SCC for the lines pertaining to the node of Bari, Bari-Lecce and Bari-Taranto is about 100 million euro, of which 30 for the section of line Fasano – Brindisi.

As part of upgrading technology also includes new central apparatus electric itineraries (ACEI) Fasano, Ostuni and San Vito for the management of trade and signals, and the strengthening of the system for the automatic spacing train. Moreover, they were modernized telecommunications systems with laying of fiber optic cables from Fasano in Brindisi, and was activated the new centralized system for travel information IEC (Information and Communication). System that enables centralized management, automatic, real-time from central Bari.


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