Friday, December 4, 2015

Schools, the Copernicus confirmed leader – BBC

research on teaching high school

Schools, the Copernicus Again Leads
On the podium of the classics Giordano Bruno

The Galvani is still the classic that better prepares
Mattei of St. Lazarus in the summit between the technicians

BOLOGNA – The Galvani is still in high school that prepares classic and best in the address, New this year, even in the language. The Copernicus remains at the top among the scientific and beats all the results obtained by their students.

THE STANDINGS – The Mattei of St. Lazarus and the Pier Crescenzi-Pacinotti are in first place among engineers, while the Da Vinci Casalecchio it is for the human sciences. Here is a photograph of the schools in Bologna (high schools, except the artistic, and technical schools) who prepare better to higher education according to the survey of Eduscopio, the database of the Agnelli Foundation that compares 4,000 schools in Italy. A classification useful for students and their families, struggling in recent weeks with the Open Day organized by the school to guide the choices of who is finishing secondary school degree.

I CRITERIA – To determine the rankings Eduscopio is the result in the first year of university graduates through the Italian media of the vote weighted by the credits of each examination and through the percentage of credits acquired from those described in the first year . It even comes Fga index, based on which the ranking is drawn up, which is a composite indicator that combines averages and percentages of credits earned by giving them equal weight. The nationwide survey followed 709,000 graduates of three school years (from 2009-2010 to 2011-2012) in their university courses in the first year. The registered in Eduscopio from schools in the province of Bologna, in the period considered, are 8.595.Abbiamo looked the way they did the schools of the capital by considering a radius of 20 kilometers.

CLASSIC AND SCIENTIFIC – In addresses classic and just about scientific confirmations. The Galvani excelled last year (before the Minghetti) and does so again this year. If anything, the novelty comes in third place, where the check Giordano Bruno Budrio, followed by private and San Luigi Manzoni, who a year ago followed (but with some distance) the two big citizens. It is a school, that of Budrio, where, however, 85% of graduates enrolling and exceeds the first year of university. Another confirmation in the address scientific, with Copernicus that stands atop the leaderboard. And like last year, the Copernicus conquest index Fga highest ever. They follow the Galvani (which last year was ranked fifth), the Fermi and Righi, who a year ago were in second and third place. The Copernicus has the highest rate of graduates who go on to university and pass the first year (90%), choosing mainly technical, scientific and economic statistics.

LANGUAGE – The address language is headed still Galvani, like last year, followed by da Vinci of Reno and Copernicus (last year these two positions were reversed). To address the human sciences, introduced by the reform Gelmini by combining the socio-psycho-pedagogical, the Laura Bassi leave the primacy and slipping to third place, after the Da Vinci of Casalecchio and Sabin. In the address technical, economic sector, leads the Mattei of St. Lazarus as last year, followed by Salvemini of Reno and Rosa Luxemburg. Among the expenditures of the technology in the first place is the Crescenzi-Pacinotti, followed by Aldini and Belluzzi. These are schools where more than half of graduates do not go to college.

Marina Amaduzzi


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