Thursday, December 31, 2015

15 films that expect in 2016 –

Even three Italian films, only three sequels and many original works, given to the festival, full of hype or just promising

 revenant In the movie that will arrive in the next year lurk some masterpieces announced from overseas (where they have already seen), films expected for years, and others that are being confirmed as genuine surprises. Many of these will see them approaching the period of Oscar “ is no coincidence. Unusually for this type of lists we are well Three Italian films . Unusual news is that for which one of the most anticipated films of the 2016 There are only three sequels and a couple of movies that fit something that already exists, for the rest we are faced with all original productions that have made headlines for their exceptional characteristics, or because they have already shown in major festivals.

We list our 15 in order of forward for their arrival .

15. The son of Saul (January 21)
do not wait for anyone poor The son of Saul , film has all the features not to be expected: it is a drama set in a Nazi concentration camp, he has great actors and Hungarian.

Yet this film already seen in Cannes (where it won the Grand Jury Prize) you can put your hand on fire.
completely different from anything that made regarding Holocaust , is a story that seems to take place ‘ Hell, in a place where there is no order or sense, an environment that we see very little (the film practically fits almost always the protagonist and closely, even while moving), populated by Jews crazy or incattiviti than tolerable. One of them tries to bury what he believes to be his son, while all around him are followed massacred and desperate attempts to escape from the Nazis.

14. Fast as the wind (March 11) There
back before a movie of Italian motor racing. One directed by Matthew Oak and Stefano Accorsi as co-star. The history of our cinema, recently, we have become accustomed to beware of such operations, usually thought to be like the American equivalent but in fact far below. The first images seen for As fast as the wind , however, seem to say the opposite and are sufficient to ignite a spark of hope.

13. Warcraft (June 2)
‘s not so much the fact that Warcraft to resume the video game of the same name to create expectation but plus the fact that the head of the project has been put on Duncan Jones , director of Moon and Source Code , a great lover of gaming and bold experimenter of language. It seems unlikely that the reins of such a mammoth production may have been allowed Jones a margin of experimentation, certainly is time for him to build on the contamination of languages ​​that began to handle in previous works.

12. It’s better than working (January 21)
storyline itself is still not out, when you know that there are among the guest stars Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad and Gianni Morandi (and that there is a role originally planned for Jean Claude Van Damme). The film debut of the collective The Pills, became known on YouTube, he is shrouded in mystery though ready to come out in late January.

11. Pride and pregiudizo and zombies (Feb. 4)
There is little to expect and much to wait. For years, they are promised the film adaptation of the homonymous book. So much now comes a bit ‘out of the big indigestion movie themed zombies (if not kitsch and misplaced one should speak of invasion like that). If the elapsed time has led to an excess of recasting or distancing healthy for the ‘ humor will find out only when you exit.

10. The case Spotlight (February 18)
Seen at the Venice Film Festival is one of the strongest films of the year. True story of how the Spotlight section of the Boston Globe at the beginning of the 2000s has found out and exposed one of the greatest pedophile scandals within Catholic Church . Written with great skill and interpreted with charisma by Michael Keaton, Liev Schrieber and Mark Ruffalo, is one of the best films of the year.

9. Finding Dory (15 September 2016)
is the result of Finding Nemo , all centered on blue fish with memory problems. Nemo is one of the highest peaks of Pixar, state of the art of their usual parable of “ crossing of something so vast that it seems impossible “. One of the film’s finest, comprehensive and demanding that the study has been able to accomplish. To his followers he has met the same team and seems to have carried on the same tone. If Toy Story 2 and then also Toy Story 3 have shown that for Pixar “ sequel “is not necessarily synonymous with” worse “, there is hope.

8. They called Jeeg (February 25)
Seen at the Film Festival in Rome and then to Lucca Comics & amp; Games work before Gabriele Mainetti does not have much to do with the Japanese animation but rather with the Film superheroes American. It is a perfect origin story of a superhero between the plausible and the totally fantastic set in a Rome subway and credibilissima. A film for rhythm, concreteness and enjoyment has nothing to envy anyone, and as we already have said, is the first truly modern cinecomic ever made in Italy.

7. Steve Jobs (January 21)
If the intention of the film was to exploit the wave of emotion general for death Steve Jobs then comes very late. However in this strange biopic written by Aaron Sorkin , directed by Danny Boyle and starring Kate Winslet and Michael Fassbender , there is much more than just the desire to monetize worldwide interest. The story of Steve Jobs through three stages (the behind the scenes of three presentations, one of the Macintosh, one of the NeXT Cube and that after his return to Apple) is a human parable. Real or fictional it is a journey in 20 years of technological evolution and lifestyle.

6. Hail, Caesar! (March 10)
Nobody like the Coen brothers in recent years has been shown to make a film both commercial and divergent. Dividing his time between dramas (the last, beautiful, About Davis ) and comedies have traced a universe where chaos reigns alone and nothing makes sense, in which ‘ We condemn all human idiocy to die and suffer without a reason. Hail, Caesar! is another chapter in their gallery of comic fools.

5. Creed (January 14)
was to be yet another remake / sequel apocryphal: the story of the son of Apollo Creed . Nothing less attractive and more lazy. When approaching the exit, however, more and more have started to occur praise and certificates of appreciation for this film written and directed by newcomer Ryan Coogler . Sylvester Stallone he is nominated for a Golden Globe, and there is much talk of possible Oscar nomination, who has seen it says is one of the few films that really is close to the spirit of Rocky .

4. Anomalisa (February 25)
It took literally years for the crowdfunding campaign Charlie Kaufman could realize his film. All shot in stop motion and with only two voice actors to make all the characters (though it makes little sense), this unusual film, unusual works are always written by Kaufman, is a pearl of madness and film write-high. It has nothing to do with the usual film of human relationships, but goes deep in the most uncomfortable soul to awaken the cynicism massacring feelings. A unique work.

3. Zoolander 2 (February 12)
Not only is awaited (and rightly so), but what little I was shown impatience seems to apply. Filmed mostly in Rome, composed of almost the entire cast of the first, plus some new, to-date and obsessions of the last years, the second installment of one of the movies most beloved comedians of our time is, in itself, an event.

2. Hateful Eight (Feb. 4)
At one point, when the screenplay was leaked on the net, Quentin Tarantino said that he would more shot. Then he thought and did, is now finished and before its release regular, in early February, the film will make a special tour only in theaters equipped with projectors for 70mm film (in Italian is the chosen one: l ‘ Arcadia Melzo).

Inside, dialogues, violence and eight characters brought together by something in a cabin while it’s snowing outside on the West disillusioned . One is reminded of Sergio Corbucci (which Tarantino says he is writing an essay), but most likely it will be something surprising.

1. Revenant (January 14) only
Shot at sunset in the North (where the sunset not only takes a few minutes), lit with natural light and described as “ The film hardest I’ve ever taken part “character from Leonardo DiCaprio , Revenant is the latest addition to the duo Birdman, or director Alejandro Gonzales Iñarritu and cinematographer most important and surprising in recent years, Emmanuel Lubetzki. The first images have points of view, movements and inventions voracious, the story is that of a hunter nearly killed by a bear, then abandoned by all who choose not to die in the ice and the news coming during production workers spoke of imbufalite, unsustainable rate and foolish decisions. Impossible not to wait for him.

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