Saturday, February 28, 2015

Banks increasingly technological novelties in Italy – SosTariffe


                                     Withdrawals paperless transfers from Facebook, from mobile services: these are the new proposals from banks

There are many banks in Italy who renew their services multichannel , offering innovative solutions for holders of a account , deposit or in general of a relationship with the institute.

Some interesting examples have been reported in the report “ The Compass Innovation ” drafted by the organizer of this month-financial Observatory. For example, the Banca Popolare di Vicenza has renewed its multi-channel offer with a new brand for home and mobile banking, BPViGO !, improving their services.

UBI Bank has restructured its mobile application, which now includes a tool of the family budget; also Fineco it offers one, plus the ability to take out a bank account directly from the phone.
Discover proposals Fineco

Hello bank! instead you can sign documents safely using code DataMatrix, while with the account holders can perform transfers directly from Facebook , sending money to their contacts even if they are clients of Banca Sella.
Go to

It also grows l ‘e-commerce , at high speed, thanks to the spread masterpass service MasterCard, for example, also recently activated from MPS and Intesa Sanpaolo .

As for the example of Webank , in February launched a new app home banking , completely renovated not only from the point Graphically but especially for the features introduced. For example, allows you to attach the photos of receipts and display the current balance of the account with just shake the phone phone.

It stands out, however, the new withdrawal method “cardless” from Webank proposal, ie without debit card; to pick just create a code via the app and add it in the ATM of the BPM Group subsidiary to withdraw. From the ATM then you can reload subscription of the Milanese public transport or pay stamp cars . A geolocation service also allows you to locate the nearest ATM to your position.
Discover Account Webank

‘obvious, then, as banks on our territory to commit more and more to offer more technological solutions , suitable for a situation of growth of digital payments that occurs worldwide.

For more information on the banks mentioned, as well as to learn about the complete proposals of the best banks in Italy, advise the reader to use our free and independent comparators for current accounts, deposit, credit cards, loans and insurance.

Compare the best current accounts

                                     Natalia Pezzone



Friday, February 27, 2015

Beauty: lifting more and more without surgery, new techniques being considered … – Focus

Rome, February 27 (AdnKronos Health) – Fewer scalpel to the lifting of new generation techniques that rely on soft: wires biostimolating electrosurgery surface, new filler. Methods which will compete in Bologna specialists from all over Italy and Europe for the 18th International Congress of medicine and cosmetic surgery Sies-Valet, going from today 27 February to 1 March. A meeting during which we will touch 360 degrees all the themes of cosmetic surgery, with several links on live television with operating rooms. Sessions ‘live’ in which doctors will be able to interact with colleagues involved in the various phases of the operations or medical treatments in order to investigate the secrets of the techniques used.

Among the many topics covered in the eighteenth edition of the conference – said in a statement – ample space will be dedicated to the latest news concerning both the field of aesthetic medicine than that of cosmetic surgery. In particular, among the techniques of lifting without scalpel will discuss the wires biostimulants, surgical threads that are positioned through a very thin needle, without cuts or scars and without the need for anesthesia. These wires cause cells of the dermis, the fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin and are used to counteract the collapse of the areas of the face, resulting in a visible effect and natural. The experts will also speak of the wires traction accounting for face and neck a viable alternative to the old surgical facelift, with an effect on skin rejuvenation always without anesthesia, without cuts and without hospitalization.

Another topic ‘prince’ of the meeting in Bologna is electrosurgery ablative born as a logical evolution of technological achievements, alongside the need for the surgeon to obtain good results and the patient’s needs. The best-known soft treatments which will be discussed are chemical peels, laser therapy with all its variants (used for the imperfections of the face and very much in the hair removal), shock waves, and the use of fillers. The latter, in the versions of the latest generation, will be given much attention. In particular, all new formulations with which you can restore volume to the face, increasing the lips, cheekbones, correct wrinkles, furrows, expression lines. But we will also discuss dell’intramontabile botulinum toxin and various laser application.


As they moved the Italian secret services in 2014 –

27-02 – 2015Gianluca Ansalone

 As they moved the Italian secret services in 2014

The analysis of the four address lines of the Services, in the report on information policy for the safety on the 2014


The main criterion to distinguish the good from the bad actions is, in all sectors of public and private life, measurability. A company’s success is indicated by its budget. The victory of an athlete is measured with a stopwatch. The dilemma of intelligence is historically one instead of an objective difficulty in measuring its action and, therefore, its successes. Makes it clear chapter of the annual report on the activities of the intelligence sector transmitted to the Parliament, in which he highlights the increasingly asymmetric nature of the threats to our national security. Jihad militant, cybercrime , paradigm shift economic and financial breakdown of social cohesion are all aspects of a security that atomizes and that requires preparation, flexibility, adaptability.

The challenge by asymmetric threats is therefore, first of all, a cultural challenge. The intelligence is called to prevent and avert the dangers that are constantly changing and often hide in the folds of a security system very articulate.
The answer, therefore, must be above all methodological and organizational. The report outlines the main strengths of the most recent of the national security system. First, the full harmony with the policy, or with the ultimate decision. It ‘an underline not trivial and is not insignificant. Too often in the past the discrepancy between policy and intelligence has been the basis of some flaws in our system security: intelligence can produce the best possible analysis but it is up to the policy read, evaluate, decide. If you break this circuit “SDA” (See, Decide, Act) intelligence is not working. It would be like losing a stroke eyes and pretend that the hands sink as fair shot.

This increased tune with the political institutions is his gym in CISR, an organism that is now the forerunner of a neighbor, very desirable, United States National Security Council.
Moreover, thanks to the strengthening of the role of Dis, today our services know how to “hit compact”: unity of goals and convergence of action now give full meaning to the debate, which lasted too long, whether to have two intelligence agencies, coordinated by the Department, rather than a single service.
A sensitive subject and treated in the chapter of the report is that of resources. E ‘was and will be for a while’ time of spending review also in the Services. But really hits the importance of a passage of the report: all “dividends”, ie the savings from the cuts, were reinvested in technological innovation. This is an essential point: while remaining central human factor, it is now impossible to imagine intelligence effectively without adequate technological equipment.

Last point of great innovation, communication . The site now regularly receives nearly 150 thousand visits per month and is a reference point for anyone, amateur or analyst, has interest in geopolitical issues, economic and historical. There are countless then spontaneous applications, through the sending of curricula, of young people who aspire to be part of our national security system. And ‘good news not only because “being James Bond” is still a dream shared by the young, but also because obviously the pervasiveness of the new threats we all liability and makes us feel part of a design collective bigger.
> For the future remain open still many challenges. The main? Confidence, the report points out. The trust between institutions but also between intelligence and citizens. Which is part of a larger theme: regain a sense of national pride and rediscover that between institutions and citizens can be a new climate of constructive harmony.

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Barcelona, ​​the queen of the smart city –

The Catalan capital has been named Global Smart City in 2015, ahead of New York, London, Nice and Singapore

 (Photo: Corbis)

(photos: Corbis)

That Barcelona was a city of technology is not new. In the coming days, as every year since 2006, will host the Mobile World Congress and is preparing to be invaded by smartphone and tablet latest generation gadgets and solutions of every kind and type (by the way, Wired as always there will be so stay tuned) .

In addition to the news of the great brands of electronics, however (and records of Leo Messi) the city Barca plays a role as champion when it comes to issues such as energy and environmental impact. According to Juniper Research In fact, British consulting firm that deals with compiling the global ranking of the smart city, the Queen City of 2015 would own the Catalan metropolis . Smart in this context means especially efficient, and equipped with technologically related infrastructure. Parameters that see excel in front of centers such as New York and London (among the best in the field of Open Data) , Nice and Singapore.

The creature Gaudí collects and analyzes data coming from buildings, roads and bridges to allow an optimal distribution of resources. Energy grid and systems for traffic control and lighting increase sustainability and savings. A greener city is a city healthier, economically . Rationalizing the distribution of water, program the lighting of public spaces, dynamically adjust the heating and cooling of homes and offices, converts the particles of excess CO2 in euro.

At the global level, according to the study, avoid traffic jams and make the most of natural resources can lead to a cost cutting 10.7 billion a year until 2019 . The equivalent of the emissions that would be produced every 12 months by 130 million barrels of oil. The analysis looks at it not only for the present but also in the near future, taking into account the projects which will be released in the next 5 years, and their possible impact.

The picture is positive, however, “ issues such as cybersicrezza energy networks and smart metering for consumers still have to take many steps forward , “added the report author, Steffen Sorrell. “ Knowledge is another key point, both in terms of transparency of information shared at the level of understanding of the benefits that go well beyond the simple reduction of the bills “. The challenge for the prize Global Smart City 2016 is already open.

34th Fair of Agricultural mechanization of Savigliano –

It was 1952 when the Granda, by registering his tractor number 4000, became the province of Italy with the largest number of machines agricultural nationwide, earning definitively that name of “agricultural province” that has always distinguished.

On the other hand it is not a coincidence that Cuneo has the most important agricultural trade associations for the number of member companies of the whole country and still in this land border there is the largest concentration of manufacturers of agricultural machinery in Italy, with a number of types of machines that has no equal in Europe. A record of excellence that the city of Savigliano celebrates the 34th National Fair of Agricultural Mechanization returning, March 13 to 15, at the ‘Trade fair Borgo Marene.

An exhibition of three days dedicated to the technologies in agriculture, which covers an area of ​​44 thousand square meters and houses more than 350 exhibitors of farm machinery and equipment new and used, for the plain, the hill , the mountain, the garden as well as companies operating in the field of alternative energy, renewable, biogas, ecological solutions. The Fair is also the occasion for years of study on the latest industry news: there are many steps forward made by the scientific and technological research, the result of continuous innovation of companies in the mechanical sector, which are helping farmers in the difficult economic situation , often combining work efficiency with maximum attention all’incolumità worker and environmental protection.

In terms of sicurezzae environmental protection, in fact, much has been done in recent years, improving more and more tractors and agricultural machinery, and right from the Fair of Agricultural Mechanization of Savigliano have arrived in recent years interesting food for thought and debate. Innovation and application of research characterize these companies at all levels in their “mission” of sustainability. One aspect of the first order that is realized with the “Technical Innovations Contest”, an initiative launched and followed directly by CNR -IMAMOTER, which aims to enhance the realization of PartOf Italian machine or components that present improvements suitable to ensure technical progress in the field of agricultural mechanization, with particular attention to the impact on the environment. An orientation, that of the care of the earth and of quality production and linked to the territory, which would seem to ensure greater profitability over the long term.

The winning companies will be awarded Friday, March 13 at 11.00 at the opening of the Fair and the reasons for the award will be published in leading journals with clear advantages in terms of visibility for the company through innovation rewarded. As always, a great attention to issues of greater relevance to the industry, developed through meetings and discussions that will begin already a few days before the event and will continue until the closing.

The first event is scheduled Saturday, March 7 starting from 09,00 at Crusa Neira with the fourth day of meteorology. Theme of this year ” Meteorology: hailstorms and floods. the impact on the territory. ” A journey through the extreme events of the past to understand the present and plan for the future. Both farms, since the organizations involved in transport and logistics, energy, the environment are confronted with a fundamental aspect of the entire production cycle: the weather.

In the morning there will be a short course aimed at all on meteorology in the Province of Cuneo. In the afternoon, there will be a panel discussion that will have as guest of honor Fabio Galbiati as well as other experts in the field. The conference is organized by Datameteo Weather Network Onlus and with the collaboration of the Manifestations of Savigliano. Follow Monday, March 9 at 20:30 at the Crusa Neira (Piazza della Misericordia -Savigliano) the Conference organized by Confartigianato Companies Cuneo and ARPRO.MA – Association of Chartered Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and titled: “THE NEW COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING. What opportunities for the agricultural fabric and artisan Piedmont “.

During the meeting, addressed both to farmers and businesses active in the field of mechanization and tools for agriculture, the focus will be opportunities related to the new RDP, the Rural Development Plan of the Piedmont Region , the implementation of which will hopefully have a positive effect on the revitalization of the local economy.

The new Regional Agricultural Policy, in fact, set in the context of the “Europe 2020 Strategy”, is designed to get the EU economy over the next decade, channeling attention and resources on employment, innovation, education, social integration and relationship climate and energy.

To encourage the competitiveness of the agricultural sector becomes a priority, to be implemented through the enhancement of the profitability of farms and the promotion of innovative technologies collegate.Interverranno: Giorgio Ferrero (Regional Minister for Agriculture), Domenico Massimino (Provincial President Confartigianato Companies Cuneo), Luca Crosetto (President ARPRO.MA -Association Reviewers Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery), Andrea Chiabrando (expert on rural development, trade associations of the agricultural world).

Wednesday, March 11 at 21:00 at the Crusa Neira the noted mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi will give a lecture entitled “The Museum of the numbers: What is the number, that ‘man can understand? And what the man, who can understand the number? ” To ask these questions was in 1960 the neurophysiologist Warren McCulloch, apparently dissatisfied with the rigid and empty many definitions that were tumbler until then by philosophers. In this conference Piergiorgio Odifreddi addresses two questions in a more fluid and practical: instead of trying in vain to tell us what is the number in the abstract, we usefully shows a series of numbers in practice, explaining how they were born and what they represent small large numbers from 0 to 9.

Friday, March 13th at the always Crusa Neira from 18.00 to 19.30 will be held “Agrimonitor +: control soil moisture, when and how much to water.” The meeting, organized by the company in collaboration with G. Magnano Agrimil Tech Ltd., will the presentation of a simple and reliable system to optimize irrigation management.

The program of thematic meetings will end with a cocktail convivial between entrepreneurs agricultural machinery and equipment to be held Saturday 14 marzoalle 18:00 at the restaurant area of ​​the fair. (Event invitation. For info: -tel. 0172 712 207).

They will be present at Andrea Coletti, newly elected president of the Manifestations of Savigliano, who will explain to published guidelines and planning entity, and the surveyor. Renato Delmastro, known and experienced expert on the subject, researcher of CNR-IMAMOTER (National Research Council -Institute for agricultural machinery and construction equipment), which will update those present on the latest industry regulations.

Another interesting project, which is proposed for the fifth consecutive time, is that of BusinessToBusiness, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo and the Foreign Centre Sea Alps (Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo ).

During the day Thursday, March 12 foreign operators from the Baltic countries, Denmark, Kazakhstan and Ukraine will meet at the Library of the University of Savigliano some manufacturers of Piedmont, in particular in the Province of Cuneo. The Fair of Agricultural Mechanization of Savigliano becomes every year more and more a showcase of relief for the sector on a national scale and in fact increase the exhibitors, the area devoted to it, relations with trade associations and the visibility given by the media. A Fair that year after year, while maintaining a strong link with the tradition in which the agricultural world is connected, has been able to innovate, adapt to changes and incorporate laprofonda reorganization in recent years is affecting agriculture.

If not all of the individual companies are able to withstand the blows of the crisis, many have opted for the consolidation of their structures, expanding in other legal forms. A dynamism that is not only important national markets, it is also essential to increase the capacity of internationalization of companies in the sector.

All of these issues will be addressed and discussed at the Fair of Agricultural mechanization of Savigliano which is a tangible sign of how agriculture follow innovative paths promising for this strategic sector in Italy and in mondo.L’ingressoin fair is free gratuitoe and during the three days visitors will have lunch at the Osteria of the Wayfarer.

For information, please call 338 1464156 or send an e-mail: At the bar of the restaurant, under the project “The trades of taste” of Confartiginato Cuneo will be offered “Panini of Taste”, made exclusively with raw materials craft Cuneo.



New nomenclature, if the best is the enemy of the good – BBC

It is an evergreen issue of the NHS tariff prosthetics and assistive technology. But it is a classic for nothing loved that leads to a nostalgia junk. Launched by the Ministerial Decree 332 of 27 August 1999 with the intent to be updated every three years at most, contains the classification of what the health care system in terms of grants and aids related. And now here first Italian curiosity: while the nomenclature awaited its lawful update accompanied by proclamations, battles and attempts disregarded, the very definition of aid has changed, adapting to the new criteria proposed by the ICF (International Classification of Functioning , Disability and health). The world has moved on, the approach to disability has changed, and the products made available to persons with disabilities by technological development have increased remaining closed off by a cataloging obsolete still in use. Health Minister Lorenzin recently illustrated the imminent launch of the new nomenclature. There are many new features, some controversy and doubt recurring: will be the right time?

That’s nomenclature is a story that sees the experts, associations and all those who follow the fortunes of the legislation on the rights of disabled people in our country engaged in a campaign that lasts for exhaustion. Trench warfare with the aim of expanding the range of products classified to allow everyone access to the best available principals that the market proposes eliminating those superseded by time, or rationalizing the offer. But the verb update from us goes hand in hand with the verb redo. And the verb remake with that wait. Which so far has come to coincide with the adjective vain. So nothing has changed since that ’99.

The nomenclature is divided into three lists, one health benefits prosthetic , another series of technical aids and third of the equipment purchased directly by USL and assign in use to disabled . The first concerns the devices made to measure and those of series whose application requires changes made by a qualified engineer, the second relates to serial devices whose application or delivery does not require the intervention of the technician and the third contains devices purchased directly by local health authorities. Anything that does not fit into this classification is granted in exceptional circumstances only for people with serious disabilities, or only if it is a device that can be traced to the most similar content in the nomenclature, but delivering a cover expenses not exceeding the aforementioned akin.

In 1999, there were standing in energy return, sophisticated mobile lifts and stationary, digital hearing aids, communicators to-speech and a thousand other tricks useful to reduce the disabling condition that there are today. All aids that the Minister of Health Lorenzin ensures that they will be covered in the new catalog. As part of the rationalization disappear self-propelling wheelchairs on the front wheels, the motocarrozzine three-wheeled footwear coating for implants … A great leap towards democracy of AT, which becomes a garrison more widely accessible. Announcements are illustrated by Lorenzin hearing in the Senate of Wednesday, February 4 that provides an update “continuous and systematic” in the nomenclature. However the coveted news does not get support from the plebiscite.

The new nomenclature provides that aids series that are provided by local health authorities are purchased through calls for which the ministry is committed to providing the regions tools that the tenders are made in a reasoned way, that is not the race to the minimum price but encourage maximum personalization . This, however, does not reassure those who see in this method the risk of not get to have the support most appropriate. And so Marco Gentile, co-chairman Luca Coscioni and prepared a petition addressed to Renzi and hopes Lorenzin where the application of a European model consists of a repertoire all models available with costs to the national health service, so that the choice can be clear and agreed between prescriber and assisted .

To learn more, I asked Renzo Andrich which I think is one of the leading experts on aids and also hopes a repertoire of aids, referring to the European Position Paper published in 2012 dall’Aaate (now European scientific assistive technologies) that recommends a medical model only to principals that have a clinical risk and a social model for aids that do not have.

However, the same Andrich argues that “the top priority at the moment is that the new nomenclature to be launched soon. Every although well intentioned improvement initiative, if it were to lead to postponement of the times, it would be absolutely detrimental at this time. We could rightly say that “the best is the enemy of the good.” History repeats itself: in 2008 a new nomenclature was about to see the light at the last moment he was held back by regional officials with the good intention to calibrate some imperfections, arrived at the last minute on the table of the minister, was signed at a time when the falling Government and never came into force because the government later withdrew for further clarification. “

The war of position continues. A good law seems a goal unconquerable. And the ranks of the troops meanders a thought: rather than anything that is better than?


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Google, the multinational that feels a nation –

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Google, the multinational that feels a nation The agreement would be reached between Google and the Italian tax authorities made the headlines again the theme of revenues from large multinationals of the web and the way in which these are to be taxed in the various countries in which they operate. In the background, the Other & nbsp; & raquo;


MWC 2015: how to follow the event on | Live, Video and … – HDblog (Blog)

This morning we talked about the major players in the MWC 2015 and appointments that characterize the Spanish event | MWC 2015: appointments, the protagonists and what to expect from the fair Spanish | . As promised now we suggest all major systems to be able to watch live, via our live and not miss any news from Barcelona.

Special MWC 2015:

Going on page you will find a special dedicated to the event where they will be gathered all the news, information, videos, data sheets, live updates, tweets , background and curiosity published by the editors present in Spain. In the left column you will find the storyline of items with filters to topic; to the center all the videos and articles important and not to be missed , and in the right column sheets, live updates from twitter and other content.

Live in the round!

Live Blog, Live Video and Article continuously updated:

This year, even more than other years, HDblog will live in all appointments main with live blog of the most important presentations, streaming live from Samsung and HTC and daily appointments with our video Selfie with Andrea, Niccolo, Riccardo, Gabriele, Salvatore and others boys of the editorial and other initiatives that we will do during the event.

In addition, as done for IFA 2014 | HDblog live @ IFA 2014: live blog from the exhibition continuous | Also at the MWC 2015 will present an article live continuously updated from Saturday 28 to Wednesday 4 where will be included images, videos, trivia, pictures of staff, Selfie and especially so many girls. Will in fact open selections MISS MWC 2015 and through the comments, you can vote for your favorite.

Do not miss out: Social, Youtube and #hdblogmwc

In addition to the presence of link, sections, links and adaptations aesthetic the site to bring you inside the fair, will be major social networks and in particular twitter and youtube to not miss moments funny, unique previews and video products. We invite you to register and follow us on twitter:

Also crucial enrollment in Youtube:

All of course with the article for more ideas that will post on Saturday.

Announcements and News:

The MWC 2015 will be an important opportunity not only in view of technological developments, but also for the preparation of HDblog. On Sunday morning will be in fact made an announcement on the website with some new features that we hope will please everyone. We are also continuing to develop #HDrevolution on several fronts in the coming months and will be included in the site more features, sections and improvements we are making thanks to your suggestions.

Unfortunately, there is also a delay: as many will know we are making the official application of for all major operating systems (you also WP). That currently this is in fact a test that we never really announced on the site but simply published on iOS and Android. We have tried in every way to publish the app before the MWC 2015 but are still required of code optimizations so we can bring you an app quick and easy. So a little ‘patience: by Q1 will come …

That’s it …. now that you just sit back, watch and comment the news from Barcelona.


Taxi, NCC and ports. Who led the liberalization (missed) in … –

26-02 – 2015Valeria Hatched

Taxi, NCC and ports. Who led liberalization (missed) in transport

Continuing insights on what it contains, and does not contain than the draft, the draft law on competition approved by the government. After examining the text of drugs and pharmacies, that’s what has happened to transport …


There were all recommendations sent over 2014 from ‘ Antitrust Authority to Parliament in early drafts of the bill Competition landed Friday in the Council of Ministers. But the text has been even lighter than expected. (Read all the news of liberalization).

Among the great absent, or the extras, there are transport. The stop at the reorganization of the sector was partly advocated by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Maurizio Lupi . “The opening of the market provided by the bill competition is one of the objectives of the government, but where there are processes of reform of individual sectors in place, the rules on are merged in the individual bills,” said Lupi.

Meanwhile, the Transport Authority of taxi and NCC is convening stakeholders, a sign that the game is not yet closed.


The bill Competition, according to widespread advances in the previous weeks, he should change the regime relating to taxis and chauffeur dating back to 1992, first by abolishing the requirement to locate the seat of the driver of the vehicle and provided only in the territory of the municipality that issued the authorization. A fall would also have to be an obligation for which the rental car with driver can receive reservations only at the garage. A measure that has been read as a favor to services NCC as Uber, offering applications that replace bookings via radio and telephone taxi traditional.


As in the past, the only possibility that the adoption of these standards had made the “full substitution” between taxis and NCC, has triggered the reaction of the taxi drivers, who on February 17 in Turin attacked the headquarters of ‘Transport Authority. “It took half a day to block Turin to send to” those of Rome “a clear message that you want to block the country in the year of the Expo? Having said that, the article had to do down the barriers that hinder the activities of Uber or rental with driver is gone, “said Paul Baroni The print .

Transport Minister Lupi assured, however, that the measures on a car with driver will be returned to an enabling law already provided by the Milleproroghe.


The match between taxi, Uber and similar services, then, it seems only postponed. The Transport Authority has listened last week taxi drivers, Uber and companies NCC, ANCI and the State-Regions Conference. Thursday will touch instead to consumer associations and Friday at companies that manage technology platforms of transport.

The Authority chaired by Andrea Camanzi will verify the offer of the taxi service, rates, the criteria for granting licenses. “According to sources – we read on the BBC – by Easter should have fixed rules sull’autotrasporto non-scheduled and sent reports to Parliament to adapt the law: born 23 years ago when smartphones were not there. “


Of Antitrust annual reporting, which has been a guide to work of the technicians of the Ministry of Development, has been postponed also another in terms of transport:
in the final text of the bill competition jumped reform of ports that pointed to a clear separation in the head with the port authorities, of ‘business activities from that of regulator and controller of the port, limiting the latter exclusive scope. The remaining assets should have been put to tender with public evidence. Again Lupi explained that he had in the pipeline an ad hoc law.


A protest were the unions Filt- Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti , who judged “disturbing the diatribe of powers between the Transport Ministry and the Economic Development.” According to the unions, “the system of rules in force in the ports should be retained, as it ensures stability and qualification of labor, safety of all employees, and users of navigation and the current regulation of services is a guarantee for the technical nautical security in our airports. “

To say no to the rules laid down in the ports bill Competition was also Assoporti . The association has instead assessed “positively the work that the Government and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has started to define the national strategic plan of the port and logistics.”


The bill would also have provided for the possible entry of individuals in the local public transport, rationalization of public companies and services to them, and clearing obligations of any income-statement of public service contracts of rail transport.

“The measures to increase competition in the public sector, at first sight – wrote Carmine Fotina on the Sun 24 hours – would did well at the competition in the industry. “

The fact Antitrust stressed” the need to intervene in local public services and public companies in order to overcome the “public capitalism” that does not allow to reach adequate levels efficiency and quality of services. “

The Authority’s proposal was to open to undertakings other than authorized public agencies, some services such as transport and tourism links with ports, airports and railway stations, or overlaying lines operated on an exclusive basis.

“Nothing to do in this case is not difficult to see the hand of the ‘party of Mayors’, always jealous of the activities of the subsidiaries,” said Baroni on Press.

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Social enterprises and hi-tech boom in 2015 –

February 28 expires the call of the United Nations and in Italy is reflected in the new procedures for the status of social vocation


According to Luis Chiozza, internationally renowned psychoanalyst, the vocation is healthy (that brings benefits in terms of individual well-being) when activity that I do respect three conditions: I like it, is necessary to the community in which I live, is made with solvency and therefore effectively. The social vocation of a startup is potentially an element of individual and collective welfare, and since 2012 is also good for finance due to the tax benefits that are obtained investendovi.

As of today almost 40 startups registered with the status of innovation in social vocation in the register which was, however, recently updated by the new procedures. The idea of ​​social vocation puts inevitably comparing the third sector and sharing economy, technology and volunteering. Article. 29 paragraph 7 of Decree 179/2012 grants to individuals who invest in this particular type of startup innovative tax benefits more advantageous than those already assigned to individuals and legal entities that invest in other types of innovative startups. In the case of so-called SIAVS personal income tax deduction for individuals increased from 19 to 25%, for legal persons the deduction of taxable IRES grows from 20 to 27%. To understand what happens we start from the definitions. The Decree “Growth 2.0″ defines both the innovative startups that the social vocation, recognized the startup operating exclusively in some areas, from social and health training and cultural services. The novelty is that the new procedures will untie sectors Ateco codes, allowing even those who work in a seemingly unrelated code, such as telecommunications, to obtain the status of social.
On 20 January, in fact, , given the advantages of that status and the risk of depletion of the term “social”, the Ministry of Economic Development has in fact issued Circular 3677 / C expecting.
– enrollment in the special section of the Register of firms covered article 25, paragraph 8
– self-certification (to be presented to the chamber of commerce) which states operate exclusively in one or more of the areas listed in Article 2, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 24 March 2006, n. 155 and do it with general purpose
– the obligation of drawing, according to the guidelines, a “Document description social impact”
Beyond the formalities and procedures to report that emerges from the guidelines is said as an extension of the boundaries. The Ministry takes as an example (for the document description social impact) the case of Pedius that leverages the technologies of synthesis and voice recognition to allow communication he who lives a condition of deafness. According to the Ministry, despite the code Ateco “J61 Telecommunications” is not explicitly attributed to any of the areas covered art.2 paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 155/2006, the activity can be traced back to health care, ensuring the status of social vocation. Technologies to social use more and more (examples among others are Horus who is concluding a crowdfunding campaign and Diogenes) and, despite fatichino to receive funding, intercept markets and unmet unrealistic and potentially safer. More tax benefits for investors may be the lever to finance a more forward-looking. The goal is to emerge from the register of innovative startups “false negative” and push the technology to a social use. Steps to achieve a proper balance between the vocation of service and technological innovation are still many and possible synergies between the third sector (traditionally competent in understanding the social needs) and startups able to raise capital are to be built, at least that’s what emerges from those who closely follows social innovation
“If you look at the budgets, social cooperatives are labor-intensive while the technology start-ups are capital-intensive. – Explains Luca Bessero of ItaliaCamp Liguria – The third sector has not yet capitalized intangible assets and though I am convinced it should be done by transferring his skills, often embedded in networks, and enhancing them. In this sense, the SIAVS has the right to exist, perhaps as a “spin-off” of the third sector. It ‘a major challenge: we can imagine offices of “skills transfer” within the cooperatives. But the third sector is ready? “. Meanwhile, also on the part of the cooperatives there are attempts to open up to the technology: the case of Genoa Social Hub that until 28 February hopes to involve innovators in social challenge, but that does not hide how difficult it is to collect proposals tech. For Bessero despite some positive elements remain open questions “Who will judge the consonance or not the social vocation of Document Description of Social Impact? What are the penalties, if any? Also, is the ratio of the standard not have thought to outcome (ie the long-term consequences such as a change in behavior, knowledge and skills of the individual or the community; the growth in the number of people reached, or in the use of the service etc .) in a broader sense? To read the measurement grid an ‘innovative company aimed at providing employment for disadvantaged people (see cooperatives type B) would be excluded. ” Meanwhile there are many stimuli to better understand what is in the word “social” and to propose innovative projects related to sustainability: the arrival in Italy of ‘ Association Ashoka that yesterday presented his fellow International and launched the search for Italian excellence, the call of the United Nations # Ideas4Change expiring February 28 , the contest launched by Vodafone not to mention Scholars’ Lab initiative Vatican.

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