Friday, February 27, 2015

As they moved the Italian secret services in 2014 –

27-02 – 2015Gianluca Ansalone

 As they moved the Italian secret services in 2014

The analysis of the four address lines of the Services, in the report on information policy for the safety on the 2014


The main criterion to distinguish the good from the bad actions is, in all sectors of public and private life, measurability. A company’s success is indicated by its budget. The victory of an athlete is measured with a stopwatch. The dilemma of intelligence is historically one instead of an objective difficulty in measuring its action and, therefore, its successes. Makes it clear chapter of the annual report on the activities of the intelligence sector transmitted to the Parliament, in which he highlights the increasingly asymmetric nature of the threats to our national security. Jihad militant, cybercrime , paradigm shift economic and financial breakdown of social cohesion are all aspects of a security that atomizes and that requires preparation, flexibility, adaptability.

The challenge by asymmetric threats is therefore, first of all, a cultural challenge. The intelligence is called to prevent and avert the dangers that are constantly changing and often hide in the folds of a security system very articulate.
The answer, therefore, must be above all methodological and organizational. The report outlines the main strengths of the most recent of the national security system. First, the full harmony with the policy, or with the ultimate decision. It ‘an underline not trivial and is not insignificant. Too often in the past the discrepancy between policy and intelligence has been the basis of some flaws in our system security: intelligence can produce the best possible analysis but it is up to the policy read, evaluate, decide. If you break this circuit “SDA” (See, Decide, Act) intelligence is not working. It would be like losing a stroke eyes and pretend that the hands sink as fair shot.

This increased tune with the political institutions is his gym in CISR, an organism that is now the forerunner of a neighbor, very desirable, United States National Security Council.
Moreover, thanks to the strengthening of the role of Dis, today our services know how to “hit compact”: unity of goals and convergence of action now give full meaning to the debate, which lasted too long, whether to have two intelligence agencies, coordinated by the Department, rather than a single service.
A sensitive subject and treated in the chapter of the report is that of resources. E ‘was and will be for a while’ time of spending review also in the Services. But really hits the importance of a passage of the report: all “dividends”, ie the savings from the cuts, were reinvested in technological innovation. This is an essential point: while remaining central human factor, it is now impossible to imagine intelligence effectively without adequate technological equipment.

Last point of great innovation, communication . The site now regularly receives nearly 150 thousand visits per month and is a reference point for anyone, amateur or analyst, has interest in geopolitical issues, economic and historical. There are countless then spontaneous applications, through the sending of curricula, of young people who aspire to be part of our national security system. And ‘good news not only because “being James Bond” is still a dream shared by the young, but also because obviously the pervasiveness of the new threats we all liability and makes us feel part of a design collective bigger.
> For the future remain open still many challenges. The main? Confidence, the report points out. The trust between institutions but also between intelligence and citizens. Which is part of a larger theme: regain a sense of national pride and rediscover that between institutions and citizens can be a new climate of constructive harmony.

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