Monday, February 23, 2015

Smartphone, the best news and trends of 2015 –

Matteo Barbini

In a few days, from March 2 , Barcelona will focus the eyes of technology enthusiasts. The Catalan metropolis, in fact, like every year will host the Mobile World Congress , which is the most important event in the field of mobile devices, with the center of all of course the smartphone . A wonderful opportunity to see the state of the phones “smart” , whose unstoppable worldwide spread is accompanied by constant product innovation led by brands such as Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, lg , which also are approaching the Iberian appointment in various ways. If the “ Apple bitten ” just ignore it, bolstered by a continuing global success that allows you to snub competition , the Korean giants are out in force, even if only Samsung will coincide l ‘ MWC with a big announcement, or by removing the veil awaited Galaxy S6 . As for Microsoft, which is also the largest drop in ‘ Catalan arena , move almost obligatory metabolized after the purchase of the mobile division of Nokia and re-launched the Lumia range .

But beyond the brand and products – not forgetting the ‘ HTC One M9 and what will show in Barcelona the arrembanti Chinese brands – the Mobile World Congress is a perfect occasion to review progress on ‘ evolution of the smartphone. We we are dealing with a few days in advance, proposing a kind of borsino which measures the various trends . And as in every bag that respects, there are things that take value and others that they lose. Let’s start with the five trend in the smartphone that denote a reduction of interest by producers and / or consumers: 1) screen size , because after a run of the magnification display touch it was realized that go beyond the barrier of the 5 and a half inches is unlikely to make more pocket the object, as well as transform it in a questionable mini tablet ; 2) screen resolution , because after the display Full HD claim to get to 4K seems increasingly unrealistic, already is hard to justify the purchase of televisions UltraHD , let alone explain the difference on a screen vastly smaller; 3) The curved shape , because as for TVs not clear what use, if not to expand the portfolio of some designer cry ; 4) operating systems “customized” from the producers, because with a speed of replacement of smartphones so fast it is not worth too characterize a model, best to leave you struggling with the usual reassuring interface Android (iOS is a world apart); 5) prices dancers , because now in terms of cost everything has already been done, by entry level under the 100/150 Euros to top of the range beyond the 500/600 (but in this case Apple is a world apart).

Of course, there were only the trends outlined above, it would explain euphoria d ‘ Purchase of which still benefit from smartphones. And then here are five trends that instead promise to make them even more attractive in the near future: 1) space saving , and do not appear to contradict what was said about the size of the screen because in reality continues weight reduction , with the barrier of 100 grams closer, and thickness , in some cases, already less than half an inch; 2) image quality , because various technological solutions are becoming increasingly better performances of OLED with a particular attention to the color rendering ; 3) photo quality , because if a smartphone can never match the performance of a cameras many manufacturers are confident of being able to bring not only by increasing the megapixel lens but by inserting a series of advanced features , once the exclusive preserve of traditional cameras; 4) connections ultrafast , because today ‘s LTE Advanced and tomorrow 5G, or as we call, open and open new frontiers multimedia with a use of images, sounds, and movies ever so fast; 5) 4K and here no contradiction to the assertions regarding the resolution of the display, because the high definition serves all right when it comes to shoot movies for later play by connecting the smartphone to a TV UltraHD .


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