Saturday, November 30, 2013

Animal experiments, researchers with Garattini - The Republic milan logo © Division The Republic Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso SpA – P. Iva 00906801006
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The comet Ison not have it done, pulverized by the Sun ... - The Messenger

“This morning, for the sake, I woke up again at dawn (Friday 29th ed.) It was 5. I waited until the last to see her in heaven, but no trace of Ison. I now think that there is no more hope of seeing her. The heat of the sun has pulverized. “
Gian Paolo Tozzi , an astrophysicist at INAF Arcetri, followed the parable of the comet at the telescope of Medicine, Bologna, along with a team of scientists.
“Our group follows the comet for a year, from October 2012, a month after its discovery. Since that time we have never released it-goes-the scholar. On the evening of Thursday 28, through the filming of SoHO, we noticed something strange. The comet had changed its appearance: the principle had a well-defined nucleus, then it became more and more weak and point, a process typical of when a comet breaks its core, is dissolved, leaving only part of the tail. “

“They’ve said so many positive things, but when a new comet plows through the space of the solar system, and does so for the first time, one must be cautious.”
“Sure-more-if it had not escaped unscathed from the contact with our star in the sky we would see an unforgettable show, with a huge tail and shiny. But it did not happen. ” Several factors have worked against the comet discovered by two astronomers Russians in September last year. First the core. Ison was one of only 4 kilometers in diameter (but even this figure is to be verified, there is those who speak of a core of two kilometers, ed) and then, another bad point, its trajectory is too close to the Sun-Hale Bopp, passed in 1997, for example, has a core of 50 kilometers. The most famous Halley, periodic comet (its passages occur about every 76 years), has a core of about 6 kilometers in diameter but does not come close to the Sun less than 150 million kilometers. Ison, however, has touched our star rising to 1.2 million kilometers.

But the comet Ison has been of enormous scientific interest and observers from around the world are already processing the data after collecting valuable information about its composition and its structure. “He has shown an interesting outer part of the ice-says Tozzi-and especially organic matter such as methane, acetylene and more complex molecules. It ‘a traveler who has brought with it’ a story of 4 billion years undergoing various vicissitudes: the bombing of cosmic rays, impacts and who knows what else. ” “The data collected will be processed and will be processed in the next few days-stressed Sara Beech, a researcher at INAF-and we still can not say too much in confirming, for example, the identification of the line of ammonia emitted from the cometary material. In observing sessions have also successfully tested the new receiver of the parable of Medicine, for more of a celestial object in motion that involves operating procedures at all simple. However, we are very pleased with the preliminary results, everything went in the best way. “

team of Italian scientists, coordinated by Claudio Codella , also belong to the researcher Sara Beeches and another colleague, Gianna Cauzzi , which followed the event from Sacramentro Sun Peak Observatory in New Mexico.

Vanishes Ison, but in heaven (albeit with the aid of a small telescope), comets, there are three other (see other service). However, if in the meantime they will be discovered other comets promising, it remains a certainty: the dear old comet Halley. She does not abandon us and we will be visiting in July 2061.

Although for next Christmas we will not see a bright tail, it remains to understand what actually remains of Ison. Part of the core, in fact, seems to have survived the heat and the effects of the Sun Astronomers are observing and developing the latest data, but to understand the extent of the “zombie”. “We’ll have to wait a few days, when the remains of Ison will be close to our planet, commented succinctly Karl-Battams NASA. We have a new set of unknowns and this object so crazy, dynamic and unpredictable continues to amaze and confuse us. You have to wait a couple of days. We are analyzing the data to try to understand what is happening. “

A few more hours, then, then you hope to have much clearer ideas and, above all, to understand if the comet is capricious The time has come to draw up the certificate of death.

enzo.vitale @
on Twitter @ enzotvitale

Friday, November 29, 2013 – 19:39
Last updated: Saturday, November 30 – 20:48

The request of the Pope to young people: "You must live, not just get along" -

“To live, never scrape a living.” He asked the Pope met the university for the Vespers of Advent. An “open mind” does not allow “affect the prevailing opinion”

Pope Francis (Olycom) Papa Francesco (Olycom)

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Vatican City, November 30, 2013 – “To live, never scrape a living.” He asked the Pope encountering the university for the Vespers of Advent. An “open mind” does not allow “affect the prevailing opinion” and the “globalized world” young people contribute to “save their own characteristics” without “lowering the level of ethics.”

Francis Pope remarked “challenges” that young people are “called to deal with inner strength and courage of the Gospel and denounced the” socio-cultural context “sometimes” weighed down by mediocrity ‘and the boredom. ” Pope Better World has asked not to be “stealing the youthful enthusiasm” and not “let himself be imprisoned by the uniform weak thought and thought as well – he said – from a globalization understood as approval.” “The thought – said the Pope – is fertile and when ‘expression of an open mind, discerning, always illuminated by the truth’, from goodness and beauty, if you will not let affect the prevailing opinion, but remain faithful to the principles ethical and religious Christians, you will find the courage to even go against the current. ” “The plurality ‘of thought and individuality’ – said Pope Francis – reflects the manifold wisdom of God when he approached the truth ‘with honest’ and intellectual rigor, so ‘everyone can’ be a gift for the benefit of all.”

Into the living consistent with the Gospel, he suggested, ‘may’ be of help the beautiful witness of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, who said: ‘To live without faith, without a patrimony to defend without support in a continuous struggle the truth ‘, not’ live but vivacchiare. We must never scrape a living, but to live. ‘”
At the end of vespers, the icon of Mary Seat of Wisdom is given by the university Brazilians – who had guarded for the celebration of World Youth Day in Rio during the year of faith – a delegation of French university. “


The Pope to young people: "You have to live ever just get along" - RaiNews24

“To live, never scrape a living.” He asked the Pope met the university for the Vespers of Advent. An “open mind” does not allow “affect the prevailing opinion” and the “globalized world”


Scored: 5 times, Average rating: 4.4

Papa Francesco

Vatican City, November 30, 2013

“Do not spectators but actors” in the “challenges” of the contemporary world. Not mediocre or bored, not approved. “You can not live without looking at the challenges,” “not been to the balcony, struggle for dignity and against poverty.” This lifestyle has proposed that the Latin American pope to the young people, celebrating Vespers in the Vatican Basilica of Advent, the first meeting with the university students of the Roman universities of his pontificate.

“To live, never scrape a living,” he said, and “do not be stealing the enthusiasm of youth.” The students of the Roman universities, particularly those pontifical are a cross-section of young people from different parts of the world. Meeting them today, in a liturgical context and prayer, Pope Bergoglio has launched some messages, on the line of other meetings with the guys, like, among others, the one with the young Argentine, in Rio, as part of World Youth Day . Among other things, arm, inserted a reminder not to live according to the balcony.

were present in the basilica also deans and faculty from other Italian universities, cardinals, several authorities, including the mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino. Pope Francis has asked the university to be inspired not to the “ball” that “level projections and differences,” but the “polyhedron”, which respects the “multiplicity” and “unity in diversity”. Do not be “stealing the enthusiasm of youth,” he urged, must “live, never scrape a living,” as Piergiorgio Frassati, Piedmont boy of a good family of the twentieth century, that the Church today is a blessed.

“The thought – said the Pope – is fruitful when it is an expression of an open mind, discerning, more enlightened by truth, the good and the beauty if you will not let affect the prevailing opinion, but remain faithful to the Christian ethical and religious principles, you will find the courage to even go against the current. ” “The plurality of thought and individuality – said Pope Francis – reflects the manifold wisdom of God when he approached the truth with honesty and intellectual rigor, so that everyone can be a gift for the benefit of all.”

Into the living consistent with the Gospel, he suggested, “may help the beautiful witness of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, who said: ‘To live without faith, without a patrimony to defend, without support in the fight continues truth, not to live but vivacchiare. vivacchiare We must never, but to live. ‘” “You know, dear students – the Pope said in an insert in the arm – that you can not live without looking at the challenges, without responding to the challenges.” “Please – recommended – do not look at life from the balcony, mingle there where there are challenges, life, development and the fight for the dignity of persons and the fight against poverty, the fight for the values ??and many struggles that we find every day. “

Before you begin vespers, the pope listened very carefully to the greeting of a rector – which was not provided the name nor the university of origin – who denounced the failure of the “meritocracy” in front of ” survival of the fittest “, the” cuts “decreed by the dictatorship of the” rating agencies, of obedience to finance. ” The professor also said the case of students who work illegally to pay for the studies to the only brother that the family can keep the university, and denounced the “death of a middle class.” In this context, he said the rector, is vital to the Pope’s call to the “values”: “we need – he said – his call to hope, and charity” and “we will be asked how we used the talents” without succumbing to ‘”utilitarianism immediate.”

Pope Francis has dropped in the Vatican Basilica at around 17.30, but before his arrival, starting at 16, the Cardinal Vicar of Rome. Agostino Vallini upheld the icon of Mary, Seat of Wisdom, patroness of college students. At the end of vespers, the icon of Mary Seat of Wisdom is given by the university Brazilians – who had guarded for the celebration of World Youth Day in Rio during the year of faith – a delegation of French university.

Comet Ison, "small core" survived the encounter with the Sun - The Daily

‘) ;/ / ->}



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Friday, November 29, 2013

The comet Ison not have it done, pulverized by the Sun - The Messenger

“This morning, for the sake, I woke up again at dawn. It was 5. I waited until the last to see her in heaven, but no trace of Ison. I now think that there is no more hope of seeing her. The heat of the sun has pulverized. “
Gian Paolo Tozzi , an astrophysicist at INAF Arcetri, followed the parable of the comet at the telescope of Medicine, Bologna, along with a team of scientists.
“Our group follows the comet for a year, from October 2012, a month after its discovery. Since that time we have never released it-goes-the scholar. On the evening of Thursday 28, through the filming of SoHO, we noticed something strange. The comet had changed its appearance: the principle had a well-defined nucleus, then it became more and more weak and point, a process typical of when a comet breaks its core, is dissolved, leaving only part of the tail. “

“They’ve said so many positive things, but when a new comet plows through the space of the solar system, and does so for the first time, one must be cautious.”
“Sure-more-if it had not escaped unscathed from the contact with our star in the sky we would see an unforgettable show, with a huge tail and shiny. But it did not happen. ” Several factors have worked against the comet discovered by two astronomers Russians in September last year. First the core. Ison was one of only 4 kilometers in diameter and then, another point against, its trajectory is too close to the Sun Halley, for example, a periodic comet (the period of his passes is approximately 76 years), has a core diameter of 50 kilometers.

But the comet Ison has been of enormous scientific interest and observers from around the world are already processing the data after collecting valuable information about its composition and its structure. “He has shown an interesting outer part of the ice-says Tozzi-and especially organic matter such as methane, acetylene and more complex molecules. It ‘a traveler who has brought with it’ a story of 4 billion years undergoing various vicissitudes: the bombing of cosmic rays, impacts and who knows what else. ” “The data collected will be processed and will be processed in the next few days-stressed Sara Beech, a researcher at INAF-and we still can not say too much in confirming, for example, the identification of the line of ammonia emitted from the cometary material. In observing sessions have also successfully tested the new receiver of the parable of Medicine, for more of a celestial object in motion that involves operating procedures at all simple. However, we are very pleased with the preliminary results, everything went in the best way. “

team of Italian scientists, coordinated by Claudio Codella , also belong to the researcher Sara Beeches and another colleague, Gianna Cauzzi , which followed the event from Sacramentro Sun Peak Observatory in New Mexico.

Vanishes Ison, but in heaven (albeit with the aid of a small telescope), comets, there are three other (see other service). However, if in the meantime they will be discovered other comets promising, it remains a certainty: the dear old comet Halley. She does not abandon us and we will be visiting in July 2061.

enzo.vitale @
on Twitter @ enzotvitale
www.enzovitale . com

Friday, November 29, 2013 – 19:39
Last updated: Saturday, November 30 – 0:16

Castel Sant'Angelo 'burning' but 'just a game. Sony Introduces ... - AGI - Italian News Agency

Castel Sant Angelo and burns just a game but Sony unveils Ps4 video 22:07 November 29, 2013

(AGI) – Rome, November 29 – Countdown and then the show starts: fireballs catapulted by soldiers who besieged Castel Sant’Angelo and a winged dragon fire fortress that suddenly collapses. But then there ‘him, Ezio from’ Assassin’s Creed ‘at dawn out of the ruins and jump into the void.
Everything seems impossibly real and viewers are all kidnapped by a continuous interplay of color, light and sound.


Soon after, the castle turns into a spaceship with symbols on the game that always accompany the console: x, squares, circles and triangles are broken, multiply and stick out from vents and windows for moments of pure chaos.
But to bring back the calm, ‘was the final explosion with the word’ Ps4 ‘which has enlightened the audience.
Castel Sant’Angelo A fiery kicked off the show with projections that accompanied the debut of the Playstation 4.
Interactive Images and video game characters live and the event has certainly lived up to the expectations of fans. Among the guests there were also Black Eyed Peas, Kledi Kadiu, Alessandro Roja, Adem Ljiajic and Tin Jedvaj. A performance of ‘videomapping’ with over 120 ‘moving heads’ and 400 architectural projectors from all over Europe and more than 150 people involved in organizing the event.
Plus’, video game characters of flesh and blood who received fans accompanying them in different rooms where you could try the PlayStation 4. Ezio Lara Croft Aiden Pearce of ‘Watch dogs’, which will be released’ in 2014.

But now

Ps4 and ‘for sale, just in time for the Christmas period, even if a week after the Xbox One. The stakes for the Japanese brand and ‘very high since last month reported a net worse than expected, halving the annual target in the face of strong competition. Both the Ps4 is the XBox One offer a cutting-edge graphics can provide realistic effects processor with a much more ‘faster than previous versions. Sony has received more ‘than 1 million requests for the console while Microsoft does not reveal the requests received, but does know that they are higher than those for the previous version, the ’360′, eight years ago. Jack Tretton, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, and is’ safe said that the new console will be ‘one of the products most’ sought for the new season and that will be ‘a’ long-seller ‘, ie intended’ to ssere purchased for the coming years. (AGI).

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Here Ps4, beautiful console and "realist" who invented the viewer ... - The Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on November 28, 2013 at 10:51 am.
The last amendment is November 28, 2013 at 11:24 hours.

There are those who curse your opponent during a game of Fifa 14 and whoever confesses morally strong pulling on his nose. The worst players in dishabille oo with intent to interpret flah mob of living will come soon. For now, to expose themselves on video – thanks to the share button that allows you to share gaming sessions on social networks – there are only Americans but starting tomorrow there will also Italian and European, which only means that on Twitch.Tv and Ustream will see some good. The spectacle of “YouTuber” or exhibitionist video if you prefer practicing the gameplay is the novelty of this new console from Sony that leaves the forward-looking, hypertrophic and expensive fantasy play of Ken Kutaragi (father of the Playstation) for a more prosaic task of realpolitik. Ps4 (399 €) is a console designed to appeal to “gamers” and to offer developers more options. E ‘but a gaming machine that looks to the present, which aims to make ends meet without launching into betting too bold (as it was in its time was the 3D).

The console

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However, he

power 10 times greater than that of the PS3, full HD resolution and promises smooth 60 frames per second. As similar as architecture Ps4 has a Ram slightly more powerful than the Xbox Kinect One that also has to manage an operating system and more cumbersome. The design of the “box” seems to be sculpted. Sony waiver to the curves of the old Ps3 for a look from Dark Knight. The sharp, black lacquered and iridescent strip of LEDs make it a gadget worthy of Batman. The Dualshock 4 (the new controller) has improved, but besides being slightly heavier than the Ps3 has a limited autonomy (after 4-5 hours of play it is better to recharge the battery). Next to the “share” on the controller is a tactile surface and an LED light, all options designed to sharpen the wits of the game designers and to offer new forms of gameplay. Even the interaction with PS Vita, not the lucky Sony handheld console has been designed to offer a “second screen” to the game on the model of the Wii U or Xbox One who has the technology SmartGlass. We must understand, however, how many studios decide to imagine new functions with PS Vita. Same goes for Playstation room, the device has four microphones and two 3D sensors (there is not one infrared) that allows you to capture the movement and recognizes voice commands. The gadget from Sony is less sophisticated than Kinect (Xbox One) and was born as optional gadgets (49 euro) and then before being taken into consideration by the game developers will have to reach a certain number of sales. The user interface has been revised. And ‘more modern but still far from those functions for speed and Xbox One. Even the offer of non-gaming content for now is not comparable to that of Microsoft. The manager of Tokyo but have never made any secret of wanting to focus on gamers. And in this respect have designed a machine best suited to interpret the needs of lovers of video games.

the future.
cable will offer perspective through the platform Gaikai game streaming (and compatibility with titles Ps3). The service will start next year in the U.S., over here there is not even a date. Remains to be seen what will be the life cycle of the product console. Both Ps4 and Xbox One for the lack of support Ultra Hd mainly due to the Commercial Times (the first 4K TVs are now just arrived on the market but at prohibitive prices) and the cost is likely to make these machines at least in terms of graphics less efficient than a new generation of devices (from the iPad to smartphones) that are attezzando to the new standards. Of course, as has been shown at the time the success of the Wii, the games are not just graphics for this tradition of games and fantasy author who owns Sony will be a winning asset in the long term.

The promise of the manager Sonuy are 20 exclusive games, including 12 new IP in the first year of life PlayStation 4. Dozer is the fourth installment of Killzone, technocratic shooter developed by Guerrilla Games. The graphics and environments are not discussed, instead the story is a bit ‘of water, the rest of the small Dutch software house have never distinguished themselves as storytellers sublime. More fun although a bit ‘babyish is Knack, a platformer by Mark Cerny, one of the architects of Ps4. To overcome pass, during the launch phase, the PS4 version by paying a discounted price. Basically, who will buy the disc version or digital game for PS3 will be entitled to a discount on the version of the same for PS4. Other exclusive launch phase are Driveclub, Infamous: Second Son and The Order 1886. But the revelation already disposnibile on PSN Network is Resogun of small and talented team of Finnish Housemarque. It is a colorful, fast-paced shoot’em up in the wake of Super Statdust. They are small jewels copyright that may in the future become a strong point of the console.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The sky of the four comets, here are the stars that light up the ... - The Messenger

It was discovered in September of last year, when he was at a distance of about 615 million kilometers from the Sun, but only the day after tomorrow we will know what will be its fate. Ison, the comet spotted by astronomers for the first time Russians Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok, holds the scientific community with bated breath. A question of all: will it make to survive the heat of our star? We’ll know in just a few hours. But Ison is not the only star that errant visits us from the depths of the Universe.

There are four, in fact, comets visible during this period. Lovejoy, the last to be discovered in chronological order (was spotted last September by Australian Terry Lovejoy), is the real surprise. Currently located near the constellation Leo and has all the characteristics to become bright enough to be seen with the naked eye later this month.
Comet C/2012 X1 (Linear), however, is in the vicinity of the star more brilliant constellation of Bootes, Arcturus, and is visible (but not to the naked eye) in the early morning sky not far from Ison. And finally, the Comet 2 / P (Encke), a periodic comet well-known and studied because it has a relatively short period of 3.3 years.

But the undisputed star of the heavens seems to be the right Ison. Thursday will pass through the so-called perihelion, or the closest point to the Sun, at a distance of less than two million miles from our star. “It will be found immersed in the solar corona – comments Paolo Molaro, INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Trieste – The moment the comet will reach the maximum heating and the volatiles trapped inside will become of the gases that exert strong pressure that could lead to the destruction partial or total of the comet. ” So as you will see in our skies? “I believe that survive the passage grazing the Sun, probably fragmenting – continues the scientist – and who later became very bright, visible to the naked eye and with a tail of varying degrees and will be a real spectacle for the whole month of December.”

Optimism Molaro has a precise scientific connotation and is based on a statistical model of granite. The Ison, which has about 5 km in diameter, is a relatively large comet when it passes close to the Sun and the evaporation of water and other volatile components will produce a significant amount of gas and dust form a vast and luminous tail. “When comets become visible to the naked eye – the scholar continues INAF – become a wonderful show. The queues as in the case of the Mac Naught of 2006 can reach lengths of hundreds of millions of miles. “

Ison is under the eyes of the whole world so much that NASA had prepared an incredible mission. He had built a telescope to be launched in September with a hydrostatic balloon to observe the comet in detail, but before the launch (expected on 28 September), something went wrong and the project after months of frantic work has been lost. What NASA is one of the many projects that aim to unravel the mysteries of comets. “Italy – adds Molaro – is engaged with the ESA Rosetta mission that aims to study the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.”

A question arises, why is it important to study a comet? “In our solar system, comets are the most ancient things that we can observe, virtually untouched since their formation – ends Molaro – They may have brought part of our water and other ingredients that have allowed the start of the complex chemistry of life on Earth. Today they are an important tool to understand the formation of our system and the variety of extra-solar systems. ” But amid forecasts, assumptions, plans one thing is certain: the Ison, Comet Christmas, will never return.

PlayStation 4: Preview the test of the new Sony console that is ... - The Messenger

the seat Sony Entertainment Italy have been waiting for this moment for a year, maybe even more. And now, when we are close to the big event of presentation of the new PlayStation 4, the excitement and the tension is palpable. Soon fact in our country and in the rest of Europe will raise the curtain on the next generation consoles Sony, already released in the U.S. as it prepares to fight a war without quarter with the competitor, Microsoft’s Xbox One, in stores from November 22.

The event In Rome, Thursday, November 28, at the location of the Castel Sant’Angelo, from 21 a great event welcomes all gamers in the new era of the Sony console. To give an idea of ??the show that awaits those who want to participate, here are some numbers: over 120 “moving heads” and 400 architectural projectors with a staff of 150 people will create one of the biggest events of “videomapping” ever made on a monument town, with high-definition 3D projection on the façade of the Castel Sant’Angelo. A show that will last about five minutes starting at 21, but that will then be repeated every half hour to allow everyone to attend (if you want to really enjoy it the best advice is to admire it from the Tiber Tor di Nona).

But for you to get prepared, we have tried to preview the PlayStation 4.

Slender. This is the first impression you give the new Sony console. Of course, this does not mean that it is particularly small or light, but considering the power, we can say that the line is very “light”. The console has a boxy but sleek and elegant, it is completely black, alternating opaque parts other shiny, and has a light blue stripe at the top. It has two USB ports and front, well hidden compartment to insert the Blu-ray disc.

Controller First of all, the controller. It is one of the characterizing parts of Ps4, and is perhaps the biggest news item. What the Ps3 was quite disappointing and too tied to the logic “arcade” of the PS2, especially when compared with that of the Xbox 360, much more comfortable and easy to handle. This time, however, this aspect has been very well maintained. The controller, in addition to being more aesthetically pleasing and much more blunt, is lighter than its predecessor, although it has always the built-in battery that can be recharged with a special cable (which could also be a little ‘longer, and forcing those who have a big tv not stray far from the console). The distance between the two levers analog is increased, the “triggers” have rear ends oriented upward, which allows a much firmer grip, and prevents fingers from slipping.

The central part controller is characterized by a touchpad, one more tool whose usefulness will depend on the individual, however, games, and a rear light bar that will give different information depending on the games used. For example, in one of the exclusive titles most anticipated PlayStation 4, “Killzone: Shadow Fall”, the bar indicates the health of the character, and thus becomes green, yellow or red depending on the state in which it is the protagonist. Always at the center, on the controller there is a small speaker, a bit ‘as one of the first Nintendo Wii, which only plays some sounds like the voice of the opponent during the online challenges and that significantly increases the level of realism. Finally, in addition to two motors for vibration, Ps4 controller is also equipped with a motion sensor similar to that generally mounted on mobile devices.

Console That the PlayStation 4 is a slim console, is shown not only by aesthetics. Has in fact only one operating system, unlike the Xbox One, which has three. This is for a reason that well sums up the philosophy Sony: the Ps4 is not intended to be a multimedia center “all encompassing” as his alter ego Microsoft (Xbox One is also possible to connect the TV decoder), but first and foremost a console game. It sounds trite, and maybe it is, but it is not simplistic: the new PlayStation was designed for the true fans of video games “old-fashioned”, and then, only at a later time, for all the others.

And then one of the essential features is the simplicity and immediacy. You can tell immediately from the main menu, minimalist, similar in many respects to that of the PS3, but even more “schematic”. Well, so much talk and little play.

exclusive “Killzone: Shadow Fall” and “Knack” And then we talk about the true raison d’être of the PlayStation 4: videogames . We tried two: ‘Killzone: Shadow Fall “and” Knack “. The first is the new chapter in the saga that saw the birth in 2004, and that has always been an exclusive Sony. In a post-apocalyptic, futuristic but decadent, the game is set on the planet Helgan, where there has been a sort of “cold war”, but very hot and violent, between two factions. Not surprisingly in a city that was built a wall so reminiscent of that infamous erected in Berlin in 1961. The game is a shooter quite classic, and what really makes it interesting is the level of detail achieved, which showcases the potential of the new PlayStation. It is there that we realize what we can expect from the new generation of consoles: the details that may be flowing water on the face of a man or the flames flare up inside a building, so realistic that it seems to watch a movie in high definition. The unknown, both in that the Ps4 Xbox One, if the houses of game development will be able to exploit these potentials. You do not need to remember how the Blu-Ray Disc mounted on the PS3, which made up the cost of the console, in the end made the difference with the competition and was a great untapped potential. That said, “Killzone: Shadow Fall” has a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels for 1080p and runs at 30 fps (frames per second). What is really admirable is that there are no real “sequences” that divide a picture from another, but all that you see, even the most spectacular scenes, are made directly by the game engine. In practice, there are scenes produced separately and then pasted right from the start it was
“inside” the game, and it never comes out.

But if on the one hand shooters always collect a lot ‘of consensus, the other on a Sony console could not miss even a platformer that respects. And so “Knack”, a futuristic Crash Bandicoot, in which the character has the ability to compose and decompose through the “substance” with which it comes in contact, moving from being smaller than most of his enemies in a giant that delivers powerful punches. The feeling is that the value of “Knack” is more symbolic than anything else. Despite the fluidity of the game looks inevitably many of the platform of the previous generation of consoles. In short, it’s a nice tribute to the great classics of the PlayStation, but it is not very exciting.

To sum up, it is certainly not a coincidence that in the United States, in the first 24 hours that it was on the market, PlayStation 4 has sold more than one million units. It’s not just a question of power (even the Xbox One from this point of view, no joke), nor of aesthetics, c h and of itself is quite attractive. But the hard-core gamer and those loyal to the brand they have seen and will see the potential in Europe is absolutely level. Sure, maybe it will not be the console “for the whole family” wants to be like the Xbox One, but it sure could be the right choice, at least initially, for lovers of video games. Not to mention that the Ps4 costs 399 euro, 100 euro less than the competitor. The package includes the controller, cables, and headset, but no camera, which can be purchased separately (One has the Xbox Kinect included). But if you really want to be safe, resist the wave of emotional output, and pick up a controller. And let it be the console to choose you.

Climate, Piedmont dissolved in 20 glaciers -

Climate, in Piedmont glaciers dissolved 20 (ANSAmed) – TURIN, 27th NOVEMBER – In Piedmont the last 50 years have dissolved 20 glaciers – about 118 – and the total area is more than halved, from 56, 4 km square at 28. To update the map is a study conducted by the University of Milan with the support of Levissima. Many case studies: the Monviso there were 11 glaciers, there are only 7, all ‘glacierets’, that is very small and easily redeemable. Monterosa on the Belvedere was made of three glaciers today it has remained one. (ANSA).

Cybercrime, Italians fear him but do not change password ... - The Republic

The ALERT, at least that is present. But protection from cybercrime, in Italy we are still behind. That the theft of personal data is dangerous Italians know it, the danger is perceived, and indeed often overrated. Eventually, however, there is little protection and evil, not fully assessing the risks of sharing sensitive information such as geographic location.

Delineate this adversarial relationship between Italians and digital security is the study of the Observatory Cermes Bocconi-Affinion, on a sample of a thousand people between 18 and 75 years, which divides Italians into four categories. One in four is part of the “optimistic” they are men of 50-59 years of North-South and East with reduced risk perception and pay little attention to protecting their information. The “conscious foresight”, 22% of the sample, are more men than women, between 18-29 and 50-59 years, the same source of optimism but on average more careful to protect themselves. In general, women and young people are among the most aware of the risks but also continue to protect themselves in an elementary way.

According to the study in short, the protection takes place in an elementary way and sometimes contradictory. 67% of Italians, for example, does not change their passwords frequently. “Above all – emphasizes research – we are not aware of the size of the assets of our personal data. Study asked what Italians consider it part of their personal data and what are the relevance and the risk of theft.

The “confident” are 15% and are mostly women between 30 and 49 years in the North-East and the Centre that will protect enough in the digital domain – for example, use strong passwords and check the plausibility of the sites and Ecommerce – but underestimate the size of their information assets. The “anxious vulnerable” category are the most full-bodied, 38% is mainly composed of very young women (18-29 years) and average well-off residents in the North West and in the islands, while considering that the higher the risk of data theft protection measures using elementary example are careful to type the pin, but do not separate it from the cards.

Overall Italians are tied to a ‘traditional idea of ??”personal data”, 92% agreed that it is composed of the data, 85% includes health data, more than 80% includes those financial, but only 58% includes data on the movements . It is feared the theft of the physical media on which data is stored, smartphone identity card. Youngsters are especially concerned about the risk of theft of mobile phone sim card.

The web browsing is considered to be very dangerous, as they think a little less dangerous use of information in the mobile environment – such as entering data via the phone – and use in real-world environment, such as giving your credit card to the waiter. Conventional also caution: 69% is protected while you type the pin, the pin holds 67% separated from the papers, 59% not communicate their passwords. Yet only 33% of the changes frequently, 37% of complex constructs and 38 % only pay online with prepaid cards. 77% does not have a protected database of your personal information.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Comet ISON Live: You may already have completely fragmented - 3bmeteo

The path of ISON The path of ISON

Comet ISON is nearing its perihelion, the closest point to the Sun (take place on November 28th at 18:24:57 UTC) and if it will indemnify the His meeting with our Star should return visible in our skies since December 3.

To follow the live data Click here

For details on 3D model click here

WOULD ALREADY ‘FREMMENTATA? However, we hear news very encouraging considering that its core according to some may have already disintegrated, for others it might disintegrate shortly after the critical point set in the perihelion. Confirming the news coming from Spain, where researchers millimeter IRAM telescope reported yesterday a decrease of molecular emission of Comet ISON : The decrease recorded between 21 and 25 November, it could indicate that the activity of the nucleus is falling or that do not even exist anymore.
According Battams, NASA: We are reading reports online where you says that the molecular emission of the comet decreased drastically in the meantime the production of dust seems to be immense. This may indicate that the core is completely fragmented releasing a huge amount of dust, making the issue subside. The fragmentation of the nucleus has always been one of the risk factors associated with this comet, so if this is what happened, it’s not a surprise. However, these reports are new, and though undoubtedly valid, we must continue to observe the comet to be sure of what is happening. Remember: Comet ISON is a grazing comet, which comes from the Oort Cloud, and the last time we saw something like that was EVER! In addition, a grazing comet from perihelion to three days has never been studied in so much detail.

According to recent estimates would now only 0:13 AU from the Sun traveling at a speed of about 119,900 km / s with an apparent magnitude of +0.66.

skeptical even NASA in a statement that states that ISON pussy little more than a million kilometers from the surface of the sun, about 30 times closer to the passage of the comet Encke in 2007. They also point out that in 2007 the Sun was near the solar minimum and then was poor the same active the Sun, while the Sun is now in full swing, very close to the peak of the solar cycle and therefore are more frequent eruptions.
This reduces the hopes that steps ISON indemnify its passage around the Sun, but even in these cases the hope is the last to die.

While one side is feared the fate of ISON, other scientists expect with trepidation that the comet is invested by a powerful CME (coronal mass emission), that generated by a blasting should not affect the core of Ison, seen that the gas inside is not very dense, but would study its effects on the tail of the comet.

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Provider forced to block pirate Web sites - Mr.Webmaster

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News of 26/11/2013 Shared 6 times on major social networks!

‘in some ways a historical conclusion that recently made Advocate General of the European Court of Justice; Pedro Cruz Villalon is in fact intervened on an appeal to the Supreme Court of Austria that required clarification on the adoption measure of inhibitors to block copyright violations on the Net

In practice, as determined by Villalon, Internet Service Providers will be required to prevent access to websites that violate copyright, we speak of those who practice beyond the specific type of activity activity are referred to as “pirate sites”.

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judgment of Villalón part by an instance of Constantin Film Verleih and Wega Filmproduktionsgesellschaft , in the third grade of trial, had asked the judges of the Oberste Gerichtshof to compel an ISP UPC Telekabel Wien to block the site “”

But to see recognition of their reasons the two production houses have had to resort to the European Court of Justice which, ultimately, has provided an indication of the possible implications which may be particularly burdensome for providers of connectivity.

PrimeSense is Apple - Computer Point

Israeli company that gave birth to the first Kinect will allow you to push on gesture recognition: the launching pad 3D sensors for smartphones and tablets?

Rome – Apple acquired PrimeSense for a figure of around $ 360 million. With the formality of the agreement, announced by the Israeli financial daily Calcalist, close the open speculation last July at the time of the first contacts between the two sides, but it opens a debate even bigger. What’s cooking in Cupertino to exploit the technologies developed by the Israeli?

PrimeSense has risen to prominence three years ago thanks to the built-in Xbox 360 Kinect, a sensor capable of perceiving and recognizing human body movements that , without the use of additional accessories, allows the player to drive the console. The partnership with Microsoft has given great satisfaction to PrimeSense, which with the same technology used in iRobot AVA and Asus Xtion earned profits in excess of $ 200 million. Despite the success, the two companies have decided to separate, Microsoft decided to produce at home the second edition of gestural controllers and the Israelis concentrated on the development of 3D sensors.

The idea would be to integrate in small mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, as demonstrated with the Nexus 10 last developer conference Google. Among the projects developed in the last year, also, there is such Capri 1.25 designed for the processing of three-dimensional images on displays of varying size. So do not just phones and tablets, but also a TV: maybe a new Apple TV?

There is talk of assumptions, of course, because no one can know what the real plans of Apple, as usual, not exactly talkative about the objectives of the acquisition. “Apple is usual to acquire small hi-tech company, but do not talk about our plans,” said spokeswoman Kristin Huguet. Same old story on the other side, with representatives from PrimeSense which confirmed the sale and the impossibility of being able to add details on the future organization.

The certainty is that the secret rooms of Cupertino teeming with ideas and the demonstration is the campaign purchases in 2013: Passif Semiconductor, HopStop, WifiSLAM, Locationary, Embark now and PrimeSense. Small business function in the intentions of Apple, beat interested in new ways and at the same time enriching the potential of its evergreen. Among these is undoubtedly the desire to broaden the Gesture Recognition Technology to facilitate a remote control that goes beyond even the touchscreen. Likely that the list of new arrivals stretch yet, for that matter, between cash and investments for the great acquisitions, we are yet to spend 146.8 billion dollars.

Alessio Caprodossi

Monday, November 25, 2013

Apple buys Israeli PrimeSense - Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on November 26, 2013 at 08:19.

New York – Apple gives you for shopping at year-end hi-tech international, buying an Israeli company of three-dimensional technology. And in doing so strikes a blow to its major competitors – starting with Microsoft – in the relentless battle being fought on the new frontiers of the Internet and mobile gadgets.
Perhaps $ 350 million a giant iPhone and iPad seized PrimeSense, which specializes in developing solutions that enable digital products sensory perception and elaborate movements and scenes in three dimensions. This 3D technology has been used by Microsoft in its game console Xbox Kinect.

The Israeli company has now made significant progress in adapting the technology to the sector of equipment “mobile”, becoming even more attractive: it has been shown to be capable enough to miniaturize its sensors to incorporate them successfully into a Google Nexus 10, an experiment conducted during a developers conference in May. The technology, according to the company, observes the movements and translates them, like human beings, in a stream of synchronized images. On the sidelines PrimeSense has also designed a 3D scanner to be connected to a printer in three dimensions, now at the center of innovation manufacturing.

The move

scored by Californian group raises the rumors about his preparations to launch a new and innovative products, such as an Apple TV, incorporating the technology. But not only is television. Apple already had in 2011 filed a patent related to solutions “touchless”, the idea of ??allowing the transfer of content from one gadget to another simply through gestures. “Pulling”, in fact, between the two without ever needing to touch them physically. Apple is still committed to demonstrate that you have not lost the innovative drive that boasted under Steve Jobs. It remains the leader of the market capitalization on Wall Street yesterday and its shares gained 1% this morning to $ 524 in a session of general increases where the Nasdaq is back to pass for the first time in thirteen years the 4,000. But it is besieged by increasingly aggressive competitors. South Korea’s Samsung dominates in smartphones and tablets. Microsoft has in turn raised the bar, absorbing Nokia recently. And Google, whose Android operating system is already the brains of Samsung products, now controls directly Motorola.

Apple that PrimeSense is the second capture of an Israeli company in two years, after detecting the group of microprocessors for Anobit flash memory – other technology for use in its gadgets – in January 2012. The courtship towards the new prey, who recently had picked up 85 million from local investors and U.S. confirming its expansion, had lasted for some time. Ever since last July in the Israeli newspaper Calcalist were filtered rumors on the interest of the group led by Tim Cook. Apple, as usual, has kept a low profile in the operation officially without giving even the financial terms: “From time to time we buy small technology companies, but we do not disclose our strategic plans,” said a spokesman. “We confirm the operation with Apple – added PrimeSense – but we can not reveal anything else.” The next revolution, for now, can wait.


Xbox One, successful launch. With problems - Computer Point

the Microsoft console makes recording important numbers to debut on the market. With some differences compared to PS4, and with a common tendency to give headaches to a certain percentage of users

Rome – A short drive from the PS4, Xbox One even went on sale over the weekend: the console Microsoft was expected to test consumer perhaps more than the Japanese counterpart, and the first impact of the new multimedia center in Redmond with the market has provided encouraging results. “Unprecedented”, giving faith to reports the U.S. corporation.

Xbox One has sold 1 million units in the first 24 hours, in a manner similar to PS4, says Microsoft, but PS4 had just debuted in the North American market (USA and Canada), while the new Xbox it took no less than 13 national markets to achieve the same result in sales.

In any case, Microsoft is celebrating the news and talk about orders “unprecedented” able to beat the results of two first Xbox, and Gamestop records a very high interest towards the next-generation of home consoles with 2.3 million potential buyers.

Xbox One not to miss is made naturally its fair share of problems, errors and malfunctions it is now in the habit of high-profile launches videogame: the whole telematic network of Microsoft has gone belly up on the occasion of the commercialization of the console while the most annoying defects reported by customers include a “green screen of death”, a Blu-ray that “eats” the disks without reading them, several problems with the rendering of 3D graphics to the GPU of the console.
Microsoft confirmed the existence of problems but ensures that it is a question of a small part of the Xbox One sold, and that the corporation is actively engaged in replacing the flawed machines quickly.

Problems that Microsoft will likely solve with the shipment of a new console are those of a structural nature, such as the first games in digital delivery with more than a few default and the calling “all-in-one” of a car that might not even be worth the 100 dollars / euro in more (compared to PS4) if the user’s intention is simply to play video games.

If you test disassembly iFixit repairability and also gave a positive outcome for Xbox One positive opening a chapter for consoles new generation, there’s the other side who emphasizes the flaws: will irreparably network congestion with disastrous effects for all, provides Blue Coat, which specializes in the sale of equipment for filtering of traffic telematics.

Alfonso Maruccia

Stamina: Judge L'Aquila, not to care for Naomi - AGI - Italian News Agency

18:30 November 25, 2013

(AGI) – Chieti, November 25 – The little Naomi can not ‘receive treatment with the method Stamina. This was decided by the judge of the work of the Eagle Annamaria Tracanna that on November 18 he received an urgent appeal from the parents of the child Guardiagrele. The baby, who is 18 months and ‘suffering from spinal muscular atrophy (SMA 1) and the father and the mother, through the lawyer Michela Di Iorio, had asked that their daughter could be cured at the company hospital Hospitals civil Brescia, where the method is practiced Stamina. “I have read the ordinance – said the lawyer -. Judge, evidently, must have favored the thesis of the Scientific Committee by the Minister wanted Lorenzin.” Probably, feel the parents of the child, the attorney will propose ‘complaint before a panel consisting of three judges. “A minister or whoever he should come here to the hospital to tell Naomi that does not have the right to be treated as requested, this should only be done, but no one and ‘seen or heard by now.” The pope ‘of little Naomi meets the pediatric ward of the hospital where the child of Chieti and’ emergency was hospitalized last night for a strong respiratory crisis. “I was leaving, he had already lost ‘fainted but we pretty much saved at home with oxygen – said the pope at AGI’, Andrea Sciarretta 26 years -. Today is a bit better but they are nonetheless keeping under control.
If he had left it, today would be to say that all courses are nearby, as is the case in Italy, only a day after the tragedies occur. We asked that our daughter is guaranteed the right to be cured, only this – continues the pope ‘Naomi – now everyone knows his story, thanks to the Pope who asked to pray for her to millions of people: yesterday we were leaving without you even care that you try this, that we ask for. has what this girl done wrong to deserve this indifference? ” , Glosses the pope ‘of the baby. (AGI).

Apple buys PrimeSense - RaiNews24

Founded in 2005, the Israeli company produces chips used in three-dimensional sensing products. Its technology is used in Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect.


Microsoft’s Kinect

Rome, November 25, 2013

Apple has bought Israel’s PrimeSense, a company specializing in 3D sensors that worked on Kinect, Microsoft’s video game console hands-free.

The news of the purchase, as reported in the online edition of the BBC, has been confirmed in a press PrimeSense but no financial details. The price, according to sources cited by the Wall Street Journal, should be around $ 360 million.

Several companies are experimenting with gestural control technologies. In October 2011, reports the BBC, Apple itself has filed a patent for controlling devices without physical contact.

, told the British TV Nitin Bhat, partner of the consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, “is one of the mega trends and industry. From the perspective of Apple seems an attempt to make their gadgets more attractive “. One such technology, he added, could be integrated into a future product line “that includes an Apple TV.”

PrimeSense has also recently launched a 3D scanner that allows you to ‘scan’ an object in your environment and play with a 3D printer.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bollo Auto and Aci: a tax that costs the pockets of Italians in every ... -

car tax and Aci: a tax that costs the pockets of Italians in every way

Sergio Rizzo, a journalist of the Corriere della Sera today published an article that focuses on waste ACI and vehicle taxes.

From Pier Luigi Bersani suffered twice the defeat of his Minister of liberalization at the hands of a real lobby. He tried to abolish the public Vehicle register, and it was always rejected by losses. The first, in 2000, the second in 2007. Italians could save a bit ‘of money on any change of ownership, and that since 1992 the Pra was an unnecessary duplication of the schedules of Motor Vehicles. Before Bersani, even supporters of a referendum promoted in 1995 by a committee headed by the former director of the Sole24ore Gianni Locatelli and consists of a number of associations and the magazine Quattroruote had had to surrender. The signatures were collected in abundance, but the Constitutional Court declared inadmissible the question. So much so mysteriously powerful, the lobby of the Pra, having escaped from the clutches of the spending review, being barely affected by the decree simplifications motorists no longer have to communicate the loss of ownership and changes of residence, which will be acquired office.

car tax

survives as one of the last remnants of fascist legislation, given that the entry of vehicles to the Pra is provided for by a decree of 1927. But what matters most, this hidden tax of about 200 million per year, a figure equal to six and a half times the budget 2014 for the hydrogeological throughout Italy, represents a formidable life insurance for a caravan called Automobile Club d ‘ Italy. The only sports federation dependent cones that in addition to managing a law for compulsory state function for the citizens of collecting a tax as well: the car tax. Obviously not free. For the collection of that tax has grossed 41 million last year, which added to 191 introitati thanks to the management of public Vehicle register are 232 million. Sum to which must be added 14 million revenues “different” from the state governments and the Regions for information services on mobility. Total public revenue, 246 million: ie 84, 8% of total revenue, amounted to 290 million. Proportions that describe the anomaly of what we’re talking about, but do not say it all. Because if a few years ago turned the money anyway, the blow that has recently taken the car market, dropped to levels of fifty years ago, has brought out all of a sudden all the weight of a mammoth structure: three thousand employees , 106 provincial structures and who knows how many companies suspended.

The first checks Sara Aci national insurance, which owns 9 other investments

  • 21% of the tour company Valtur Carmelo Patti, finished in extraordinary administration.

  • 10% of the finance company Zenit.

  • 87% of the insurance Ala.

  • 100% of Sara lives.

  • Nomisma, the research center of Bologna founded by Romano Prodi.

  • ACI computer, which had been assigned to the IT architecture of the expensive tourist site national, star of countless mishaps.

  • a company that designs, studies and consultancy (Aci Consult),

  • the corporate owner of the circuit of Vallelunga near Rome (ACI Vallelunga),

  • a firm ‘technical assistance for vehicles and health care to the person “(Aci Global),

  • a real estate (Aci Progei),

  • a sports club (Aci Sport)

  • travel agency (Ventura).

  • the joint venture to 50 percent with the publishing house of Silvio Berlusconi (Aci Knopf), established in 2000, the last year’s budget ended with a loss of 257 thousand euro. It was not the only hole.

then count the deluge of subsidiaries and affiliated to ACI province. Finding them all is a grueling job search: their number is on the order of a hundred. There is everything, the Monza Racetrack to real estate companies, to tourism businesses, to companies that manage parking lots. One of “Aci service” if they are sixteen diverse.Da budgets this sieve, the distance is short. On Republic Antonio Fraschilla said last year that 106 of those over 57 local associations were at a loss. From 6 million to Palermo 4 of Lecco, on the 5th of Rome, on the 2nd of Venice, one million of Cagliari, Catanzaro, Padua … But it’s nothing compared to the ACI national chasm. And here attentive to the games. The 2010 budget closed with a loss of 30.3 million, but would have been no more than 41 to 11 million non-recurring income: 9.8 of “use of funds provision” and a million of cancellation of arrears. That of 2011 has gone on for 26.6. On purely accounting terms, achieved thanks to gains totaling 48.8 million. Also purely accounting, because obtained from the sale for almost 53 million of a building in the Pearl street in Rome at the group’s real estate Aci Progei. Translation, sold himself. Dare: without that curious game of spin the budget would have ended in the red for 22 million? The pattern was repeated in 2012, with capital gains accounting for 7.6 million: the sale of offices in Rome and Palermo at the usual ACI Progei and land to the company, always controlled by ACI, which manages the racetrack Vallelunga. But this time the ” ammuina “is not served if not mitigated the dramatic bottom: 28.7 million net loss. Result, without considering those singular extraordinary income in the last three years in the accounts ACI would open a chasm than a hundred million. And this year? Cut here, cut there, the quote says it will end in a draw. Already. But even here with the expectation of a gain of 8 million: now that it must be scraped off the bottom of the barrel with real estate, which is expected to yield here is a slice of the insurance company. But no one has bought.

Faced with such a situation, any government would have intervened a long time with proper decision. Even more so after the solemn slapped the Court of Auditors. In addition to highlighting some irregularities, the Audit Court did not fail to point out the blatant certain amount of emoluments of the vertices. The Secretary-General Ascanio Rozera, powerful all-rounder for 41 years ACI employee, traveling around 300 thousand Euros per year. While the president Angelo Sticchi Damiani, who was appointed at the top of the institution as he told the daily show on the eve of a decision of the Court of Auditors has sentenced at first instance to pay 21,986 Euros for an alleged loss of revenue caused to its’ Aci about some sponsorship for the championships Italian car many years ago, I touch on 236 000. And to the three vice-three? The Court says that each of them is entitled to € 105 799 per year. A small donation, judging by the caliber of the triad, which stands a name: that of former powerful Pasqualino De Vita was born in 1929. For 18 years, even before being appointed to head the Union Oil, occupying the seat of the President of the Automobile Club of Rome. And it was also president of Aci Aci computer and Mondadori, then counselor Sara. A typical case, his, how things work in that world closed and self-referential in which power groups tight and timeless are the good and bad times, moving from one task to another summit. Rosario Alessi, born in 1932, became President of ACI at fifty, in 1982. After 18 springs, in 2000, he passed his hand: “I think I am a man with a sense of proportion and I think you can not stand sitting eighteen years at the same place.” In April last, near dell’ottantunesimo birthday, was confirmed as president of the Wing insurance. In 2012 he was appointed president of Sara. Even before Sara Life, Sara properties, Banca Sara, Sara Holding Bank … must be said that sometimes there is also some spectacular new entry, as when he arrived in Milan ACI Commissioner Ermolli Maximilian, son of the Bruno Ermolli among the most trusted advisors Berlusconi. And as commissioner he became President, here’s land in council Geronimo La Russa, the son of the minister Ignazio and former adviser of Premafin family Ligresti, along with Eros Maggioni: the consort of Michela Vittoria Brambilla, then Minister of Tourism. After all, what’s missing are not just ICA places. Each of the 106 provincial structures has a board of directors, as a rule consists of five people (in Milan are seven), plus a panel of three auditors. Do the math: overcome altitude of 800 seats is a snap. Governments, said. Perhaps this explains why ACI has been treated with kid gloves. Just think about the last gift: the ministerial decree which have been prettily rates increased ICA in oxygen debt due to the estate of the useless Pra. It was 21 March 2013, and the government of Mario Monti author of the measure, who resigned three months ago, shuddered to pass the baton. But except for the reaction of Unasca, the association of driving schools, which appealed to the TAR moaning citizens bled further by at least 30 million (disputed by ACI), no one said a word in the Palace.

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Gartner refers the boom smartwatch - The Press

smartwatch, despite the hype, will not achieve market success even under the cover of Christmas. Still fail to inspire consumers and their high price is not justified, according to Gartner analysts . Tablet bracelets and fitness will continue to be the favorite items to buy for consumers during the holidays.

It ‘s true that many major manufacturers like Samsung have entered the field of smartwatch but the results were not exactly brilliant. The products, says Gartner, are not very interesting in the eyes of those who buy in terms of design, applications and functions.

Just a few weeks ago the site reported the news that a third of smartwatch Galaxy Gear delivered to Best Buy, the largest chain of stores for electronics consumption in the United States, were returned by the owners. The flop is probably due to the fact that this model introduced by Samsung in order to send and receive messages, or answer calls and do not need a smartphone, but being only compatible with a mobile phone from the Korean company. Gear also does not support some basic applications, including those in the popular Google Android device.

Annette Zimmermann, principal research analyst at Gartner, “users expect more” from a product that has a price of $ 200-300, but not yet sufficiently able to interact with other devices on the market. In order to take off the market this technology must be able to do better. The time is not yet ripe for the boom and Gartner predicts that wearable devices will remain only complematari to all phones until at least 2017, with less than 1% of smartphone users willing to replace the phone with a combination of a tablet plus a wearable device.

Maybe consumers can recognize the utility of using a smartwatch leaving your pocket or purse a smartphone or a tablet, but there are several obstacles that impede adoption on a large scale. In addition to the price, an inhibitive factor consists of the design functional and attractive with little screens too bulky.

The ability to break through the market does not depend, however, according to Gartner, only looking hardware. The development of the app and interoperability between different devices represent key elements to ensure the future success of smartwatch. Smartwatch to be designed as objects with a value in itself and not only as complementary devices to smartphones, because it would take them to a fate of certain failure. Once you overcome the challenge of the mainstream manufacturers will have to face new and equally challenging as that in the work environment and the use of BYOD.

Siats, the 'bully' who terrorized the tyrannosaurs - The Republic, logo © Division The Republic Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso SpA – P. Iva 00906801006
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