Friday, November 22, 2013

Here Xbox One, the video game console will recognize you but you do not ... - The Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on November 21, 2013 at 08:22.
Last edit on 21 November 2013 at 11:55.

It is probably because you do not know who you are listening to. After a night spent rummaging among the novelties of the new video game console Xbox One (€ 499, starting tomorrow in stores November 22) that remains imprinted the report is not always idyllic, but certainly fascinating with the new Kinect, the device is designed to detect Movimente riconocere body and voice commands. The sensor has been enhanced and improved (1080p, multi-array microphones and the ability to record video at 30 frames per second) and is without doubt the true revelation, for better or for worse. More integrated in the interface menu navigation works well even in light off.

its infrared eye sees us perfectly in dimly lit rooms, stands up to six people and is even able to detect the heartbeat and interpret our facial expressions. Hearing also works well. Responds quite well to voice commands – even in the presence of speech defects as important as in the case of the writer – but to have a minimum satisfaction must impare a long series of instructions, almost all of which have “Xbox” as a keyword.

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that somehow kills the “magic” because the console while recognizing your appearance does not interpret, not guesses do not know us well enough to understand at what we want. Moreover, it reminds us that we are talking to a machine. Feel urlacchiare commands in front of the television for those not affezionanto video games, however, is an ominous sign. However, applications with Skype, the navigation interface and combination voice and gestures in some games such as Forza Motorsport Ryse and promise a very interesting future for Xbox One, however, on land that has no rival (Ps4 has also a camera with similar features but not as powerful). In addition, Microsoft was once forward-looking and with the choice to share the code with all the developers has earned a non-negligible advantage over its competitors.

The machine

As we wrote earlier, the technical specifications are those of a midrange PC (8-core processor and 8GB of RAM). The technical magazines seem convinced that the machine is less perfomante rival Ps4, the controller is finally lighter and more in line with the modern design but the real advantage of Xbox One is related to the scalability of the Microsoft cloud. From the earliest moments to grips with the new console is clear that this machine has a clear vision of the future, has been designed to be online and to connect with the entire Microsoft ecosystem. Prove short, you understand the concept of platform services and to have declined with a clear vocation for entertainment.


aesthetic draws a lot (too much) Windows 8, the colors are a bit ‘and fired quadratozzi for the app refer to the universe of Redmond. The menu navigation is, however, agile and simple. You can find everything quickly. The services are integrated so for example the video of the play sessions recorded with Game DVR you can store and share on Sky Drive. By Upload Studio can edit video recorded with Kinect. With SmartGlass you will be able to use their smartphones and tablets as to govern the interface. Skype (owned by Microsoft) with Kinect provides a video conferencing service that alludes to professional software. The input to the decoder for satellite TV or terrestrial digital television also capture the inside of the console. The appearance and design of the Xbox One, worthy of a videogioregistratore years of penta really well suggests the compactness of a machine designed to handle all your digital content. However, the confluence of video, audio and games (games are loaded on the hard drive with waiting times for pc eighties) could in the future make insufficient hard drive of Xbox One of only 500 Gb.


Forza Motorsport 5 (number one contender for the Playstation Gran Turismo) is the title of the most representative features of this machine. Do not squeeze your hardware to the core (in truth, none of the games coming out it does, it must wait for the second wave when the game designers avrannopreso more familiar with the console) but pushes the accelerratore on the front of the multiplayer and online has always been a battle horse for the Xbox. More than for the wealth of tracks and vehicles (92 cars, 42 brands and more than ten tracks) the game saves our driving style and plays populating the circuit of self-avatars that mimic in all respects. Remaining in the field of exclusive Ryse: Son of Rome, the adventure game from Capcom set in ancient Rome as gory and bloody mutilation is surprisingly dependent on a game that is not boring. Shortly innovative but well done especially with regard to integrating with Kinect (can be controlled by voice legions). The title is more fun Dead Rising, the survival horror with the highest number of zombie circulating in the history of video games. This third installment of the next-gen has little or nothing (the graphic at times jaw-dropping), follows the gameplay very well known and little visionaries. To wow surprises and effects will touch in any case wait a bit ‘of time. But the cloud and interaction with TV, music and video already represents a novelty for entertainment from the living room.


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