Sunday, September 27, 2015

The “New Yorker” becomes virtual and it said in 3D –

3D viewer does not stop the growth and development of digital publishing that through continued progress and inexorable, is trying to supplant the old and dear Publishing cartacea.Arriva by the Member States and particularly from the headquarters of one of the most famous and quoted weekly, the New Yorker the latest news concerning the use of news and in-depth editorial 2.0 era.

It is an app that gives affordable option to read the magazine exploiting reality virtuale.Indossando viewers similar to those used in video games in fact you have the ability to browse the magazine with eyes, having at the same time the feeling of having it in your hands. The app is compatible with the virtual reality viewer Samsung Gear VR that will be on the US market in November is less than 100 dollars and aims to increase the number of readers of the famous US weekly born in 1925 and known for its commentaries on all the vagaries typical of the United States and its people and for its focus on contemporary fiction with the publication of essays, short stories and book reviews.

“Why read the magazine only with hands when you can read it with the whole head? “says Bradley Tucket, developer of virtual technology. “At the New Yorker have always embraced the new technology, the results of this experiment are spectacular” adds Bryce Gimmer, responsible for the technological innovations of the journal.

The results of the editorial are shown in a video released by the magazine and visible from this link


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