Monday, September 28, 2015

Electricity rates, which discourages consumers from reform … – The Daily


More consumption , the less you pay. In defiance of the saving energy and continued calls on the reduction of emissions . According to environmentalists and consumers, this would be the logic underlying the reform of the electricity rates , proposed by ‘ Authority for Energy and Gas . Not only. The reform also would block the development of renewable sources in favor of fossil fuels, and increase the costs of bill electricity for the poorest families. Why associations are up in arms and the government itself, in the words of Secretary for Economic Development Simona Vicari , admits that there is a risk of an increase in disbursements “for many consumers” .

For months the Authority will work but, despite various filings, the text continues to be criticized. The goal of the Ombudsman is to update the method of calculation of electricity bills, eliminating the progressive that now allows those who consume less pay proportionally less and moving network charges and system (which are used for example to finance the promotion of renewable and “assimilated”) the variable part of the bill, that is, the amount payable on the basis of electricity transported on the network to meet customer demand, to the fixed (all other expenses regardless of consumption). In this way, the reasoning goes, those who consume more, as large families and small businesses, will have a bill lighter. To go up against one of those who consume little energy, such as single , couples and non-residents with low power consumption. It goes without saying, however, that while it is less convenient to save energy or autoprodurla, with the result of discouraging the use of renewables and energy efficiency. In addition, families but very poor can still have lower power consumption of a single well-off.

An earlier version of the reform had already been presented in February. But, after much controversy, the guarantor has decided to start a new reference on a proposal for a softer, to get to the final text by November next. “According to some participants in the consultation – says the new document – investments in energy efficiency and for their own consumption would lose part of their value and the introduction of tariff reform risk changing the economic balance of investment already made and to slow the natural evolution of the market towards technological solutions characterized by greater environmental sustainability. “

Compared to the first version, the new text provides for a more gradual measures , which would take effect between 2016 and 2018, and a shift of the burden reformulated so as not to penalize too much energy saving and consumption. Another novelty is to maintain differentiation between residents and non-residents to lessen the impact of the reform on customers in their homes of residence, although not at the expense of housing residence.

But the changes are not served to silence the critics. ADUSBEF , code , Greenpeace , Italian Solar , Kyoto Club , Legambiente and WWF continue to ask to take a step back on the progressive introduction of the principle of “ consumerism ecological “. Ie “less consumption, more saving.” For the seven associations reform is not adequate to the social, environmental, economic and productive: “Increase the cost of electricity, particularly for vulnerable groups and encourages the consumption of electricity drawn from the grid, which is still mainly produced from non-renewable sources, discouraging all forms of electricity savings, “they say.

To take the field also the chairmen of the Environment of the House and Senate, Hermes Realacci and Giuseppe Francesco Maria Marinello : it “is likely to favor a less efficient use of energy, resulting in increased emissions and bills,” in particular “for the poorest families,” he said in a joint letter to the Authority for Energy.

Objections to which the undersecretary Vicari has tried to answer during a query on the subject presented by Senator pentastellato Gianni Girotto in the Industry Committee in the Senate. “The government has asked the Authority to learn impacts of the overall proposal” and “will assess the data that will be provided, reserving the appropriate steps,” said Vicari. But admitted that “the gradual overcoming of the tariff structure can lead to an increase in certain rate components, with impact for many consumers.”



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