Friday, March 25, 2016

of (sheet) style choices – Apogee Online

In Faenza meets the elite of Cascading Style Sheets, a day of study, discussion and networking.

Everything is ready for the start of CSSDay 2016, and to disseminate knowledge likely to make the web more and more attractive, interactive and readable in what promises to be a new digital renaissance of textual and graphic communication. Francis Fuller, manager of the event, has agreed to answer basic questions to understand the nature of the day and why it stands out quite rightly in the panorama of Italian technology events.

Apogeonline: what CSSDay and that the public is addressed?

Francis Fuller: CSSDay is the first Italian conference dedicated to the world CSS and all aspects of frontend development for the interface. The conference began as an offshoot of JsDay (now become international, with over 400 participants from around the world), and wants to bring Italians developers to issues of major importance and best practices.

What we will see today in Faenza?

This year you will talk about the new features of the new CSS attributes; will also discuss performance and optimization of the layout using flexbox.

How did the ticket sales? Are you satisfied?

We did sold out (150 tickets sold) to a month after the event, and then there we are equipped with the seat which usually hosts Kerning. it in order to double the capacity. We passed the 230 tickets. I would say that we are more than satisfied.

Is there something special that stands in overall excellent CSSDay program?

We strongly suggest the Vittorio interventions Vittori on how to collaborate effectively multidisciplinary teams and that of Matthew Cavucci on the future of the language. In short, a path designed to improve their work and to see a little ‘further.

Where are we with the technology? Why it pays to become a CSS specialists today?

Today it is hard to be experts in something, without remaining that you need to study CSS to understand even better browsers, and somehow their own frontend developer work.

Do you have a message that you care and want to convey to the public the CSSDay?

Even if you know by heart how to use bootstrap , or any other CSS framework, you do not think in any way to stop studying or learning. The “new” CSS is a live document with new attributes and features that are approved and placed on the browser every day. It is important to keep up to date and continue to experiment with new techniques and practices.

A changing world, that of the CSS, which CSSDay definitely allows you to discover and decipher with the latest tools and in the light of the latest developments . Good luck to all, and maybe even a few late-comer who decides to jump in the car: there’s room for him.


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