Saturday, March 26, 2016

Begins the season of repentance of the tattoo, the path to the first names of former … – Adnkronos


 Begins the season of regretted tattoo . And increase the need to plastic surgeons to delete them. “It ‘s the time when patients contact us more for this intervention: they begin to plan their vacation and growing attention to the body, which with the arrival of the heat will be more visible,” explains Maurizio Valeriani , plastic surgeon of the hospital San Filippo Blacks in Rome. Topped the list of tattoo that ‘repented’ want to eliminate “are the names of former partners, for obvious reasons. But they are also frequent requests to clear more sexually explicit drawings and those that ‘show’ private parts, such as footprints that draw a path to the genitals, “says the surgeon.


 Tattoos, emphasizes Valeriani, “ are the expression of a state of mind, the affirmation of something that is dear and that gives security . By fixing an image on the skin expresses a feeling and you it gives strength. But for this, when they take part of the changes in your life, you want to delete . ” To repent is a large part of who gets a tattoo: “30-40%. And we actually see of all types,” recalls the doctor.


 “There are also drawings in total contrast to the patient’s personality that we face: a drawing that expresses violence on a sweet girl and an angelic look, or – says Valeriani – too delicate image of a very manly man. Contrasts maybe they produce for a shift in person or by a choice made from the very beginning without the necessary reflection .


 It can also be aesthetic reasons. “Now – adds Valeriani – the tattoo is also an art form . There are signs of a great beauty. But also bad drawings, whose contours, they will eventually fade and turn in spots of color. ” To delete them you resort to laser “but several sessions are needed, especially when it comes to large and colorful designs” . Easier, in fact, “remove the black while it is more difficult and time consuming to remove green, blue, white”. But the new technology help.


 “Today we have an Italian laser technology, ‘laser pico’ that allows you to reduce the sessions even on colored designs. A curiosity: it is the same ‘family’ of laser that the manufacturer gave to Pope Francis to clean the statues of St. Peter “, he concludes Valeriani.


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