Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Festival of Science and Philosophy here all the news – Nowadays


An edition dedicated to young people: this is the new feature in 2016 with the “Festival of Science and Philosophy – virtue and knowledge”, in Foligno 14-17 April.

To declare Pierluigi Mingarelli, Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Sciences , which in collaboration with Oicos ​​Reflections and City of Foligno is promoting the event, presented this morning in Perugia in Salone d’Onore of Palazzo Donini.

for the intervening Catiuscia Marini President of the Umbria Region, and President of the Province of Perugia and the mayor of Foligno Nando Mismetti.

“the Feast of Science and Philosophy – said the governor – is an event of great prestige and value, primarily because it involves quality characters and internationally thick, but also because it aims to spread scientific culture among young people and to bring it to the attention of the general public. The city of Foligno has been able to build all this and promote it in an intelligent way. As a region we can only support a project like this and we continue to keep the dream of a physical place, just as the Park of Sciences and Arts, that the face of this event is not an annual event but something physically present ever. “

“the support of the region in all these years has been continuous – said the mayor Mismetti – and we must give credit to the promoters of having set up an event that involves the city in toto, not only in the four days of the festival but with many initiatives throughout the year. “

” This year – said Mingarelli – we decided to open the festival to young scientists and philosophers, starting with those Umbrian. “

they were then joined by nationally known names of international scientific and philosophical views, for a total of ninety speakers and 114 conferences, all housed in the main historic buildings and theaters Foligno . In the program, therefore, a four days made of debates and conferences but not only . The central theme will indeed “Dare to know” , famous assertion that carries the signature of the philosopher German Immanuel Kant.

Four areas in which will consist of: “Dialectics of Science and Philosophy”, “Brain and Mind”, “A Science for Man” and “Science: the the XXI century tool. “

Three, however, special sections provided for this sixth edition, beginning with the one dedicated to” Ecology and rationality: the new problems which places the environment “, in collaboration with the MicroMega magazine. And two areas dedicated to new generations who, as mentioned, will see in the first row the young Italian philosophers and Umbrian researchers around the universities of the world.

Thanks to the alternating training projects, are about 200 students of the Umbrian institutions which in recent months have contributed to the preparation of the event and that will continue to give it in the weeks to come.

the event will count on the support of illustrious names , as the geneticist Edward Boncinelli, physicist Roberto Battiston and the two philosophers Silvano Tagliagambe and Julius Giorello. Two consultants instead, the linguist and philosopher Massimo Arcangeli Paolo Flores D’Arcais . The latter will, among other things, starred with S.It is. Cardinal Giuseppe Betori in one of the most anticipated events of the VI edition of the Festival, dedicated to secularism and faith.

“Every year – said Professor Maurizio Ronzini , president of the Laboratory of Experimental Sciences Foligno – receive a special permission from the public, and this year the numbers that we are seeing suggest a great success “.

Taking a look at the section dedicated to schools, many of which are dedicated conference sessions, this year to get to Foligno will indeed school groups from all over Italy : from Trentino to Apulia, through the Lazio and Marche. But many have been, in recent days, the manifestations of interest by lovers of the world of science and philosophy. In short, a real boom of participants, who over a thousand of reservations to a little more than twenty-four hours before the opening of entries.

The great cultural festival of Foligno not will however only disclosure, but also experimentation. Wandering the streets of the city, it will be possible to come across six different locations in which to give vent to their creativity by participating in workshops, attending tutorial exibith technological and multimedia projections and admiring exhibitions. All this will be possible thanks to “Experimenta” , a container of experiences designed for audiences of all ages, which therefore involve large and small.

Among the many appointments in even calendar the one with the 3D printing demonstrations realized by 3DBit, start-up of young professionals Foligno. “our goal – said about the ‘ engineer Carlo Rossi – it is to touch young people with the potential of new technologies. Help them to know and especially to teach them to use them. “

Great space will then be given to food and health, music and moments to live in contact with nature , thanks to the many initiatives undertaken by associations, organizations and schools that have decided to embrace the event to contribute to its growth. Like the one organized by the Lipu, which provides for Friday and Saturday afternoon activity of observation of the flight of swifts from Piazza San Domenico, where they will set up a hundred sun. According lying comfortably, in fact, you can watch the spectacle of nature.

But the “Festival of Science and Philosophy” of Foligno will also solidarity. In collaboration with the association of public assistance “White Cross”, the Experimental Science Laboratory will promote during the four days of the event a fundraising for the purchase of pediatric ambulance , as explained by Claudia cipolloni.

“Looking at all that has been done to date – said the Foligno president of Confindustria, Giuseppe Metelli, promoter with Pierluigi Mingarelli of the Feast – we can not say that there is every reason to move forward and to ensure that this event will help to build a brighter future for our youth, helping Italy to recover that leadership role he had in the past. “

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