Sunday, November 1, 2015

Shoplifting bike, the defense – The Arena


One of the thefts made sign in a shop of our province

Manuela Trevisani

Life always harder for bike thieves. Forty specialty stores in Verona and decided to network to address the problem of theft, but also to organize as professional learning for the category on safety issues, regulations and innovations in technology.

It is with these objectives that was created the Association of Cycle Operators (AOC), spun out of Garba, other non-profit association that brings together amateur and professional mountain bikers and which operates mainly in the area of ​​Lake Garda Monte Baldo.

“According to our estimates, over the past four years were he scored twenty rounds in the stores of the province: only my shop has undergone four robberies in six years, of which two in 2014, “explains Luigi Bertaso, president of the new association. (…)

Read the full article in the newspaper on newsstands


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