Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A technological passport for all “asylum seekers” – Brescia Today


The controls of the police to enter the police station on Via Botticelli The document issued to those who He has granted international protection Alessandro Pavoni, Enzo Tarquini and the assistant chief vicar Caesar Capocasa SERVICE FOTOLIVE

There are five first “travel documents” issued by police headquarters in Brescia to as many aliens who the Territorial Committee appointed to consider the position recognized protection status International, subsidiary or humanitarian. The books appear in all respects similar to the passports of the latest generation (only changes the color of the cover), hidden inside a microchip containing biometric data dell’intestatario and are valid for two years or five years depending on the type in which the part refugee. The document allows the holder to travel freely for up to 90 days within the Schengen area. A novelty that comes, as underlined by the assistant chief vicar Capocasa Caesar, “at a strategic moment in the light of what recently happened.” (…)

Read the full article in the newspaper on newsstands

Mauro Zappa


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