Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Smart home: faster growth than expected – Webnews

The market for smart home appears to grow at speeds faster than initially considered possible by analysts. It reveals how an intervention of Business Insider, according to a report developed by BI Intelligence, the consumer response to the smart home . The forecasts are very optimistic: the next five years, the market will grow exponentially.

There are many devices that, even now, can help make your home more intelligent on the market can be counted tens of smart thermostats, sensors for leak smoke, tools for central stations and safety locks can be managed remotely, appliances connected always on the Net and more. An industry that is rapidly taking foot is to the easy installation , not requiring the user structural work for relatively low costs. And consumers do not seem to be making out on your chance to turn their old apartment in a real concentration of technology.

BI Intelligence notes first of two key areas, ready to push the market for smart home towards the peak, expected in the next two years. The first is the familiar : smart devices are simply updated versions of products that the consumer already knows, it is a thermostat or an oven. The fact that the market has focused on the factor update, rather than outright on the introduction of the first non-existing categories, helps the user to gradually adapt to the new technology. The second is the save : the majority of customers, in fact, would be attracted by the ability to manage the energy consumption of the house, through the practical device, such as light bulbs smart, essential to break down costs in the bill.

The two key areas mentioned above would have a positive effect both on the buying habits that orientation of the end users, as well as show some of the data in the report. For example, according to a survey conducted in the US by Parks Associates , two-thirds of the owners of homes with broadband would be interested in buying the bundle for the house offered by the same ISP. In 2013, the figure stood at only about a quarter of respondents: it is today 60 million homes , compared with about 91 million total in the US. There is therefore no doubt, the house of the immediate future will be more technological than ever.


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