Friday, June 12, 2015

Jobs Act, the news on the latest decrees approved –

The government has launched a final two decrees of the jobs act, those concerning the reorganization of the contracts and the reconciliation of work-life (which have already passed the scrutiny of parliamentary committees) . It examined the latest still missing, those relating to active policies and labor inspectorate and reorganization of layoffs.

Cassa ordinary and extraordinary

As for the layoffs, still to pass the scrutiny of the rooms, There was a close on time , both the ordinary and the extraordinary. The roof is lowered to 24 months in 5 years. It can go up to 36 months only in conjunction with solidarity contracts. The instrument of the layoff becomes usable by companies that have more than 5 employees. So far, to access it, it needed at least 16.

The Labour Minister, Giuliano Poletti, has also made it clear that will be introduced a kind of bonus-malus clause. The ordinary contribution for the use of layoffs is reduced by 10%, going dall’1,90% to 1.70% of the salary for companies up to 50 employees, from 2.20% to 2% for those above 50, from 5.20% to 4.70% for the building. But there is an additional contribution of 9% for those who make use of layoffs of up to one year, 12% up to two years, 15% up to three.

Jobs act single agency inspection

The other decrees passed in first test involving the establishment National Agency for the active employment policies, owned by the state, regions and autonomous provinces and whose supervision lies with the Ministry of Labour . It will also involved the social partners on the definition of broad lines of action of the new agency, which will manage the employment services, active policies and unemployment benefits.

Agency only for the Labour Inspectorate that will define “programming inspection and assessment methods ” and will also coordinate the inspectors of INPS and INAIL. The stated goal is to Poletti avoid overlap and make more rational inspections.

We try to get rationalize and simplify procedures and red tape relating to employment, with particular regard to the resignation and white to Durc (single document of regular contributions), using digital technologies. Who will have a role in the controversial issue of remote controls. It also suggests the possibility for employers to monitor the use of technological devices, such as tablets and smartphones, available to employees.

Jobs Act, reorganization types of contracts

Regarding the decrees already become final, on the reorganization of the contractual arrangements are expected overruns project collaboration contracts in 2016 and association in participation. will have to be structured in form of employment, collaboration, also already in place, continuous and providing the direct organization of the time and place of work.

In the case of restructuring or reorganization of the company will change the worker demansionare without changing the salary, with the exception of the accessory. Went from 5,000 to 7,000 euro the ceiling vouchers work.

Jobs Act, parental leave

Ok final also lengthening the time to take parental leave optional raising it from 3 6 years and 8 to 12 years respectively for the child that paid 30% and the unpaid. These innovations also apply in cases of adoption and foster care.


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