Thursday, June 11, 2015

CDM, with the decrees of the Jobs Act in the coming reorganization of contracts – The Republic

MILAN – The reform of social safety nets, the only inspection agency, the National Agency for Employment, the revision of the remote controls and tasks and a set of simplifications always labor. In addition to the news for parental leave, with the extension of time to benefit. These are the issues addressed in the decrees that complement the implementation of the Jobs Act and that should arrive on the table of the next Council of Ministers, which was convened for the late afternoon and that is still awaiting confirmation as to the agenda.

The agenda of the unofficial government – for the best of the day before – there are:

Layoffs, you change. A new roof for the maximum duration of the income assistance (24 months but in a ‘five Mobile’), with contributions proportional to the use of the IGC, then higher for companies that use it more, along with a reduction for all of the ordinary paid monthly. Access to cash will be extended, for a fee, to firms from 6 to 15 employees, with different rates payroll. Only the use of solidarity contracts, whose allowance but will now exceed 80% of pay, give the opportunity for companies to take advantage of a bonus in further cig thereby extending the coverage of workers up to 36 months. Bonus 6 months Cig more, to add to the 24 months allowed by the government or 36 months if you were using the contracts of solidarity, even in a crisis of strategic enterprises of national importance that will draw from a fund of 50 million extraordinary created specifically to deal with these interventions. It provides a mechanism for ‘bonus-malus’: the more you use the more you pay cig. The decree should provide for the reduction of 10% of the base rates and the doubling of those for the use of cig: + 9% for the first 12 months, up 12% from 12 to 24 months and + 15% from 24 to 36 months.

Agency only for inspections. The new body will integrate the inspectorate of the Ministry of Labour, INPS and INAIL. It will streamline the network on the island and it will also determine the level of staff movements. The transaction would also lead to savings in terms of public spending.

National Employment Agency. Establishment of a National Agency for Employment, owned by the state, regions and autonomous provinces, supervised by the Ministry of Labour. It also provides for the involvement of the social partners in the definition of broad lines of action of the new agency, which will have management skills in the field of employment services, active policies and ASPI.

remote controls. Rationalisation and simplification of procedures and red tape relating to employment, with particular regard to blank resignations and Durc. Everything going for the digital channels, which will have space even in terms of remote controls (by the way we talk about the possibility for employers to monitor the use of technological devices, such as tablets and smartphones, available to employees) .

Leave, time of life / work. The decree, just missing the final okay, lengthens the time to take parental leave optional raising it from 3 to 6 years and 8 to 12 years of age of the child respectively for 30% and the one paid by the self-employed, the duration of which is still 6 months. Also it is reduced from fifteen to five days the period of notice to the employer. Approaching the possibility to ‘transform’ parental leave in part-time to 50%.

Just projects. On the reorganization of the contractual forms serves only passes the CDM. It is expected to exceed the project collaboration contracts in 2016 and the association in participation. It focuses on employment, which is extended to current collaborations but are “purely personal”, continuous and they see the direct organization of the time and place of work. Voucher for the annual cap increased from 5,000 to 7,000 euro. About these duties, it is expected that, in cases of restructuring or reorganization of the company will change the worker’s duties also on the lower level of classification, without changing the salary, except for the accessory. There would also be a provision for oil the relationship between school and work.

In the background, in fact postponed until better times, the ideas remain on the introduction of the minimum wage and the review of the mechanisms of union representation .


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