Monday, June 15, 2015

Maturity 2015: countdown – Vanity

Two days dawn. Wednesday 17 Italian students who have completed the last year of high school face the first test of ‘ examination of Maturity 2015 . The next day, Thursday 18, there will be the second written test Monday 22 and the third , built with questions, questions and problems to be solved by the examining committee. I am just under 490 thousand students . Here’s what you need to know to better face the test also practical indications of Ministry of Education .

> Absolutely prohibited like any other technological tool. No cell phones, smartphones, PCs, tablets. They explain that the Ministry of Education has also prohibited the use of equipment to ultraviolet light or infrared to see written with ink hidden. It is expected to disqualification from for those who use them and you are likely to repeat the year. A check is the commission.

connections are disabled in schools after it was downloaded and decrypted the electronic envelope that contains traces of evidence. It’s not allowed access to the computer labs. An attempt to strengthen controls as in past years the tracks were on line a few minutes after the start of the tests.

According to a survey of those who SkuolaNet groped wants to copy it will do with the classical methods: 32% tip on classic sheets, 24% on the notes pinned on the skin, vocabularies and stationery, 3% on temari and bignami.

On the counter
You may bring your dictionary of the Italian language and the synonyms and antonyms for the first test, the language for the second. Calculators are permitted, but only as instructed by the ministry, then a scientific non-programmable. You can bring a bottle of water and something to eat, even the nutritionist recommended it.

The start of each test is at 8 and 30. For the first time is a maximum of six hours. For oral exams start date is determined by the Commission and draw the order of presentation of candidates, no more than 5 per day.

Thesis If you
It should communicate the title and topic of the day first written report or research project or school-work done. For those who have benefited the school-employment may be a report on the activities.

Mixed, half of the Commissioners are internal and external half, including president.

It is allowed to take the exam itself, in the final ballot, there was a vote of no less than 6 in all subjects, including conduct. They can take the exam the students that at the end of the fourth year to have a vote of no less than 8/10 in each subject, including voting behavior, and not less than seven tenths in all subjects and not less than eight tenths in behavior in the final scrutiny of the two years preceding the penultimate.

That of 2015 is the first maturity for the high school musical and dance introduced by the reform Gelmini. Come therefore practical tests such as dance. The same applies to high schools and state language for the high school of Human Sciences, instead of the old masterful. There are several names of almost all the diplomas.

Second Test
There were two simulations for science with a test that provides for the solution of problems. It will be mathematics, but it is not obvious that it remains so in the following years when the evidence could be physical or natural sciences. They are new tracks for technical and vocational schools and has not been able to look to the examples of the previous years to prepare. For the linguistic the second written test is mandatory on the first foreign language, usually English, a language not chosen by the leavers.

One of the novelties of the interview is this: a matter of the interview precisely studied in a foreign language. Applications for now will only make the insiders, who know better students.

If you are sick, what happens? The disease must be proven by visiting tax and documented. You can take the exam in the supplementary session scheduled by the Ministry.

Tips Food
not abuse the coffee, eat light (water, fruit and vegetables) and not in exaggerated. Okay ice cream, do not skip breakfast.

How to study
not madly without sleep. It’s the first rule of all experts. Better get rested not destroyed the evidence. For advice, please consult the relevant page of the Encyclopedia Treccani.


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