Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hyperloop and the train that goes to 1200 km / h: pride (also) made … – TGCOM

– Living in Rome and work in Milan. How? With Hyperloop, the track where a train will travel ultra fast can reach 1200 kilometers per hour, covering the distance between the two cities in just 25 minutes. Brilliant for those who in recent years has used fast trains on rails to move from one end of the boot. The creators, of American origin, they would be looking for partners of Made in Italy for the design and choice of materials.

 Hyperloop and the train that goes to 1200 km / h: pride (also) made in Italy

The futuristic design of Elon Musk, number one Tesla (a manufacturer of electric vehicles), there since 2013. It provides for the capsules for goods or passengers traveling in steel pipes at low pressure. The reduced electricity consumption makes this idea completely innovative, both for what concerns the transport sector, both for the protection of energy resources. Are there solar panels, placed on top of the tubes, which recover energy. Another new technology that looks to the environment is the structure of concrete pillars that hold the pipes, capable of collecting carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

The proposed Musk has also involved our Country : Requires fact minds homegrown willing to cooperate with the company that is building the project in the search for a sophisticated but comfortable. But in reality a part of Italy is already working on this innovative idea: Gabriele Gresta, already co-founder of Digital Magics, is part of the team Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, the company that is carrying out the company’s supersonic train. “We will make a capital raising very early to prepare for a listing on the Nasdaq that could see the light in the second quarter of 2016. In addition, we are receiving the attention of many multinationals interested in finance or sponsor the project. We want to be financially supported only Hyperloop privately, “said Gresta during a meeting at the Digital Magics.

The first trial of Hyperloop
will be conducted in California’s North Quay Valley of Los Angeles, where he is being born a smart city with zero impact. Here it will construct a line five miles that will cross the city, on which you can do the tests needed for the launch of the capsule on a large scale. Work will begin next year and 2018 passengers of Quay Valley will use the speed trains.

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Fast train
Elon Musk
New Technologies

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