Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Subscribers: high school superstar, choose them 50.9% of the students – BBC

Milan , May 18, 2015 – 18:15


The high school like more and more, but less and less classic. The Scientific meets ifavori students and families (including option applied sciences and address sport). Language a bit ‘on. Technical a (nice) po ‘down. The Ministry of Education has published a Focus on enrollments in the first year of primary and secondary schools of first and second grade for the school year 2015-2016. A report that contains no novelty: the data were anticipated by the Ministry of Education in February.

50.9% to high school

Of the approximately 545mila students who have decided to continue their studies with a course of higher education / training after secondary degree (95%), 50.9% chose a high school. The remaining 5% chose to continue attending exclusively paths IeFP at facilities Training accredited by the Regions. among the high schools, the Science (15.1%) is in first place, with an increase of + 0.4% and + 0.5 option applied sciences and address sport. Down the classic (5.8% compared to 6% last year). Increasing the high school language (+ 0.3%), which contains 9.1% of enrollments. 30.5% of students leaving the school has opted instead for a technical institute, thereby marking a slight decline over the previous year (-0.3) but an increase in the technology sector (+0, 2), which increase especially the members to address ‘Computing and telecommunications’ (+0.3). It loses some ‘address’ Administration, finance and marketing “(-0.4 percentage points compared to last year) and earn a little’ ‘Tourism’ (+0.1).


The 18.6% of students (€ 157,822), finally chose to enroll in a vocational institute, down 0.8 percentage points from a year previous. Also – novelty of this year – are 27 458 applications submitted to the Vocational Training Centres (CFP) of the regions that have decided to use the service of online registration. Starting this year, in fact, the Ministry of Education has made available to the regions, free of charge, the implementation of online registration so as to enable pupils who finish secondary school level I can sign also in further education and vocational training by accessing a single portal.

Procedures Online

What statistics ministerial stress emphatically is his approval of the computerized procedure of the “Online Registration”, launched on 15 January and ended 15 February 2015: 90% of households satisfied with the service, that is save time according to 66.3%. About 68 percent have done everything independently, others have taken advantage of the IT equipment’s Office school. Applications for enrollment in the first classes of primary and secondary schools of first and second degree were 1,588,781, 97.2% of which were directed at state schools.

More girls to high school

Watching the choices made by gender of students, compared with last year, nothing has changed: more girls to high school (and in particular to high school) girls and less technical institutes; in contrast, the boys prefer the high school and technical schools. More or less equal, finally, on the banks of vocational schools.

Northeast: Technical forward

From the percentage distribution of members by geographic area shows that high school like, in particular, students of central Italy (56.7%) and less to those of the north-east (45%) who prefer especially technical schools (35.8%).


Among the young people who have chosen a professional institute is the field of “Services” with the largest number of participants (14.1%) while 3.7% opt for the sector “Industry and Crafts.” Considering the specific addresses of the path that ‘Services for gastronomy and hotel hospitality “is what the largest number of entries (9%) although, over the previous year, showing a slight decrease.

School Time

As for the “school time”, for primary and secondary schools families have shown a preference for the ordinary time for both primary schools (27 hours per week) and for the secondary school level I (30 hours per week). The request of Ordinary Time in the primaries increases especially in the south with a significant increase in Campania (rising from 45% last year to 51.2% of current), in Calabria (from 23.2% to 28.6%) and in Sicily (56, 8% to 61.8). The so-called “full-time” 40 hours in the primaries is chosen by most families of Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany; while in Sicily have recourse to the 9.5% of households, 18.4% in Puglia, 11.5% in Molise, 19.2% in Campania.

May 18, 2015 | 18:15



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