Friday, May 15, 2015

School, back off of Renzi on conscription. Room: at the start … – The Daily


Matteo Renzi backtracks on conscription of teachers who are threatening to block the ballots in protest, but the bill School goes without excerpts: “I do not separate myself from the assumptions reform,” said the Prime Minister in Radio too . The leader of the Democratic Party has denied that one can separate the process of reform from that of stabilization. “Impossible,” he concluded. “We hire with a different model of school. There will be hundred thousand assumptions between this and next year is a huge figure. For more precarious there can be no other than the insolvency procedure. “

In the morning began the discussion aimed at Montecitorio. The House approved the text of Article 1 with 243 yes, 107 no and 1 abstention: it thus establishes the autonomy of schools through the reshaping of the annual number of hours of material, the strengthening of school time and flexible scheduling of ‘the total time that will also allow the opening afternoon. “Finally,” said Minister of Education Stefania Giannini on Twitter, “you will be able to fully implement autonomy.” Also approved Article 2 of the bill with 251 yes and 83: This is the article that relies on the head teacher (of which it is expected a strengthening of the functions), to ensure the effective and efficient management of human, financial, technology and materials, explicitly call respect for the powers of the governing bodies. Moreover, confirming the news dell”istituzione workforce autonomy, it notes that it is established on the entire educational institution or comprehensive school and all the teachers who belong to contribute to the implementation of of the three-year plan ‘training offer with teaching, enhancement, support, organization, planning and coordination. In the afternoon, after the break that has allowed some MPs to meet with the protesters, it was approved l ‘ Article 3 School of the bill with 267 yes and 92 no: includes the activation, only in the 2nd two years and the last year of secondary school degree (instead of the entire secondary path of the second degree) of elective courses chosen by students, also using the share of autonomy and flexibility of the spaces. The same teachings can also be activated by networks of schools and teachers can be identified to be entrusted with the coordination of related activities.

Meanwhile, negotiations continue between the minority Pd and the government. During the long period in which the speakers have made the views on the amendments to the second article of the text, near the banks of the government there was a long conversation between the minister Stefania Giannini and the parent company’s outgoing Pd Robert Hope . Once again the government is opposed to the minority Democratic Party: “Without amendments to the law on school my transition in the Democratic Party concludes,” he reiterated to ‘Omnibus’ Congressman Stefano Fassina : “The school is the decisive step. ” At 16.30 in front of the Pantheon in Rome there will be a demonstration of the unions, titled ‘The world of education meets parliamentarians of the House and Senate’. The unions have called it the event also deputies and senators.

Meanwhile, the Budget Committee in the House , in its opinion to the text bill arrived School classroom, expressed some perplexity on covers of financial changes in the Culture Committee. In the opinion, the Annual Report in which parts of the text will be added to the clause invariance financial and other specifications, so as not to generate new costs for the state . Among these, are asked to specify in the text that the needs for the personal Ata – that will be present in the POF three years – “take place within the limits and parameters” provided for by Presidential Decree 119 of 2009, which in fact rules about the number of administrative, technical and auxiliary. Even the distribution of teachers among regions should not “jeopardize the achievement of the objectives of savings” provided for by the Presidential Decree 81 of 2009 on the limits of formation of classes. And again, the school networks (which will start in 2016), the staff of the executive (which may consist of up to 10% of school teachers) and teacher training should not generate new costs. Same thing for the coverage of the teachings and disciplines (including gender equality), which must take place “in the upper limit of the staffing overall.” In addition, the educational to be held in the schools during the summer breaks should have – writes the Financial Statements – “character of eventuality” and will still be made with the staff and resources available to current legislation. The latter provision is sought for activities, the guidance projects ‘s school-work .

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