Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Flying Donkey, all set for 536esima edition of … – MET – Province of Florence (press release)

City of Empoli
Flight of Ciuco, all ready for the edition of 536esima
The program of cultural and historical. It starts already Wednesday, May 27. The highlight of Saturday, June 6 in Piazza Farinata degli Uberti
And we are at 536 ° Flight of Ciuco. At 19 to Saturday, June 6 for 536esima time, as tradition has it, the puppet will be launched from the bell tower of the Collegiate Church of Sant’Andrea to the fourth column of the Palazzo Ghibellino. In
Cloister of the Church of Saints Simon and Jude Cornelian, the scene of one of the most anticipated events of the program related to the historical and cultural event of the city of Empoli, was presented this morning, Wednesday, May 13, the program of the week lead on the eve of Corpus Christi.
To illustrate the poster of the events, news and special features of this year the Department of Culture of Empoli and the organizers of the Society of St. Andrew, the president Giulia Land, director Claudio Del Rosso, along with Don Guido Engels, Proposed to Empoli, and Alessandro Marinelli, head teacher of the high school ‘Virgil’ and professor of the same institute Antonella Bertelli.

The flight of the Donkey is now an event attended by involving the city, both those who live as a protagonist and those who attend the events, in short, a festival that kicks off the summer Empoli. We are facing a cultural and folk festival that attracts thousands of people total.

HISTORY – It all began back in 1340 with the first Society of St. Andrew. In 1861, after the unification of Italy, the flight was prohibited by law, not only because of the cruelty of the flight, but also for the message of hate that sent to a nearby town, San Miniato. The traditional festival all Empoli was then taken up in 1981 as an event reminiscent, with costume parade from the medieval and the flight of a fake donkey – puppet. This year marks the eighth edition defined the modern age. Since 2011 it has been added to the “Palio of Ciuco”, ie games that take place in Piazza Farinata degli Uberti in the days prior to the flight of the Donkey. A real duel between the castles, with tests of skill such as sack race, the “tug of artichoke” and the tug of war. Vince castle that score more in all categories (small, boys, women and men).


MUSIC and THEATRE – This year is already beginning Wednesday, May 27 with the final of the song contest ‘Empoli Enchant’, open to young performers and authors, meet at the cinema 21 ‘La Perla’.

Continue Thursday, May 28 with another musical evening: in the Church of Santo Stefano of the Augustinians, to 21, perform the choirs of St. John the Evangelist, the Ex Novo and the choir of Santa Cecilia.

Space Theatre Saturday, May 30, in the hall ‘the moment’, at 21, is in the comedy program, strictly vernacular Empoli, entitled ‘Just grab the door to the left’. The show is signed by Romano Franceschi and staged by the theater company ‘La Martinique’.

MEDIEVAL DINNER – The traditional medieval dinner opens the week that lead to the flight of the Ciuco: in the picturesque scenery of the cloister of the church of Saints Simon and Jude Cornelian, Tuesday, June 2, Feast of the Italian Republic, by 20 , convivial evening theme inspired by the culinary traditions of medieval entertainment. A dinner in historical-cultural to unite art, culture and rediscover the tastes and values ​​of our tradition in a magical atmosphere created thanks to thorough preparations, the music, and especially to the special performance of jugglers, fire eaters and belly dancers.

Given the high demand and limited places the gastronomic event provides for the obligatory booking (telephone number 334 5305126).

WIN – Wednesday 3 and Thursday, June 4 space at Palio of Ciuco. As always be square Farinata degli Uberti scenario of the games between the castles who engage in shooting artichoke, relay race in the bags and pull of the rope, for categories and Young Women in the evening of Wednesday, for Small and Men Thursday night. Involved the castles of Pontorme, Monterappoli and Empoli.

SHOWS – Friday, June 5 artistic evening dedicated entirely to children, starting at 21, always in Piazza Farinata degli Uberti: the expected performance of the choir of primary school students ‘Jacopo Carrucci’ Pontorme, the chorus class III primary school ‘Colombo’ Ponzano and exhibition of modern dance school students Terinazzi Empoli.

PROCESSION and FLIGHT – And then finally the big event on Saturday June 6: 17.30 the center will be the location of the parade, with more than three hundred people in costume and the donkey Orazio. Tamburini present the Society of St. Andrew. While in Piazza Farinata degli Uberti Messer Lurinetto (the artist Ugo Giulio), famous minstrel, storyteller and songwriter in rhyme, entertain citizens waiting for the launch of the puppet.

In the square the arrival of the procession is expected around 18.30: there will be the blessing of Proposed Don Guido Engels, the performance of trumpets, drummers and flag-wavers of the Noble Contrada Porta Bernarda Fucecchio. At 19 all with his eyes upwards, he will fly the donkey of cardboard. The ‘donkey’ is made by the students of the art school ‘Virgil’ Empoli.

The event of ‘Flight of Ciuco 2015′ has been realized with the support of the Municipality of Empoli and the Bank of Cambiano.

Prologue to Monterappoli – Sunday, May 17 ‘Waiting for the Flight of the Donkey’, a walk to the discovery of historical archaeological castle Monterappoli with snack-dinner. The guided tour is by Leonardo Land and has a duration of about two hours on foot in low difficulty. Then snack at 19 the former kindergarten (via Salaiola 293). Cost € 10, children 6 to 13 years 5 €. For reservations and Stefania Giulia 333 3319236 346 615 7979.


This event is no longer limited to ‘Flight’ and the parade in period costume, but is preceded by a whole series of initiatives that bring together, with each passing year, many citizens. It ‘a great satisfaction for the council to see how many villages of our city, come together in a single day. Also important is the commitment of the students of the high school Virgilio that give a great hand in the preparation of the event, collaborating with us for four years now. This is the outcome of the intervention of the Cultural City of Empoli, in the opening press conference.

Don Guido Engels, Proposed to Empoli, stressed the importance of living a past that becomes present and uniting. “Think of building a new society while having fun together, she makes me happy. And then this year there will be the blessing of the new donkey true. ”

Principal Alessandro Marinelli and teacher Antonella Bertelli spoke of the involvement of students of Virgil, committed to follow all the steps of the event. “See how the art section of our high school lends and may enable young people in the work public is a great satisfaction – said Marinelli – For us it is one of the most important educational activities, which stimulates artistic expression and beyond.”

“In fact – says Professor Bertelli – artistic expression is not the only important aspect of their involvement, there is also the practical aspect. And then not only must stress the technological aspect but work for the Flight makes us rediscover the links between art and tradition. From March / April, the boys begin to work. This year for the first time is also involved in a painting class that will participate in the ‘hair and makeup’ of appearing to recreate the theme of the event ‘The Black Death’.

Giulia land that actually opened the press conference, President of the Society of St. Andrew, pointed to the passion, the love of the community of Empoli, to this event that every year is enriched and renewed: “We can not to thank all those who lend themselves voluntarily to the success of more than a week of events. The passion for their city and its people are critical to the success of an event that every year attracts more and more public attention. ”

13/05/2015 14:41
City of Empoli


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