Thursday, May 14, 2015

Apple is the most valuable brand of 2015 – Webnews

Apple wins again the first position in the ranking of most valuable brands Forbes . The Cupertino company is, however, marked closely by another industry leader, able to impose itself over the last year compared to competitors much more predictable, which Google is in fact Microsoft to finish second .

Every year Forbes magazine releases its ranking of the most valuable brands in the world. And in first place, not surprisingly, ranks Apple: the company that over the past year has touched record heights, accomplices also the quarter-tax relating to the success of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The head evaluates the brand in 145.3 billion dollars , a real technological supremacy in the universe.

With a growth of 17% over the previous year, Apple today beat any competitor on the market . As Forbes explains, the scepter is due to the 74.8 million smartphones sold in the last quarter of 2014 , an increase of 49% and a profit of $ 18 billion. Apple this quarter has sold more devices Samsung, a fact that has not happened since 2011.

Now in the first position for the fifth consecutive year, the group of Cupertino reaches earnings 33% higher than all ‘ previous year, investing in much less advertising than its competitors. While Samsung has spent $ 4 billion to advertising, in fact, over the same period Apple has invested 1.2. Everything about the production in-house, but also a consumer of faithful that, as reported by the head, “worth more than Madison Avenue to promote a product,” .

Not only numbers, but also innovation . In an increasingly crowded with proposals, such as tablets and smartphones, the company identified its new target: the smartwatch . And despite coming after many other players in the sector, with its Apple Watch it has set new market standards and revolutionized the entire industry. Not surprisingly, the clock of Cupertino has already beaten all competitors, with a production that still barely able to meet the huge demand.

As mentioned earlier, the second place goes to Microsoft, to Despite predictions of Google and others. The Redmond company has succeeded in the past year to modernize its brand, particularly with Windows 10 , an operating system that is attracting curiosity from many quarters. It is also recognized for his research on biometric products, such as Microsoft Band, and news for micropayments.


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