Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Taxation, free way to the decrees. With electronic invoicing between private … – The Huffington Post

The receipt paper in a few years could become a memory. This is laid down one of the three legislative decrees on tax delegation approved today by the Council of Ministers that is taking the first steps to electronic invoicing also between individuals, on the basis of what has been happening for the audience, which in fact can send in the attic old receipts tax. For the moment, only a slow transition and optional: No obligation then, but those who decide to use it will be eligible for some benefits, such as reduction of the terms of assessment, the ability to collect the VAT refunds faster and goodbye to spesometro.

It will start from July 1, 2016 with the provision of the service with the use of electronic invoicing between individuals, on the basis of what has been happening in the public and the following year, once the active ‘ technological infrastructure, who will be able to begin to say goodbye to the old paper receipts. An option for

For all companies that supply goods and services from 2017, says Palazzo Chigi, “it is possible to transmit data electronically to the Tax fees” ie receipts “in essence it is the overcoming of the receipt for tax purposes.”

The decree provides, as an option, with effect from January 1, 2017, the electronic transmission to the Revenue of all invoices issued and received. “We will then have a reasonable amount of time to prepare the technological infrastructure – is written in the note – To assist businesses in the use of the new online tool, the Inland Revenue will make available free, with effect from 1 July 2016 , the service base for the preparation of the file containing the data of the invoice and sending it. “

For merchants who decide to make use of this new tool are provided incentives. The innovation involves “novel and simplified tax controls” that will be detailed by a decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance. In practice checks “may be carried out, even ‘remotely’, thereby reducing the taxpayers’ obligations and avoid unnecessary interference with normal activities. It is then excluded duplication in the request for information.” From this comes the impact on the receipts.

From the council of ministers today came the go-ahead to two other decrees. What governs the abuse of the law and sets boundaries more precise the concept of tax avoidance, and a package of measures to support delll’internazionalizzazione businesses.


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