Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Energy savings: Midori at SMAU Turin –

Announcements of Midori for energy saving in the home presented at SMAU Turin .

Midori at SMAU Torino
part in SMAU Turin presenting solutions to promote energy efficiency and the saving energy in the domestic sector, offering services to promote consumer awareness (through the web platform Kiui) and a significant cut on expenses.

= & gt; Energy efficiency to cut costs

Project NED

In particular, it will be shown the project NED (Not -Intrusive Energy Disaggregation), a real technological revolution in the field of power metering: the system automatically estimates the power consumption of the devices in an apartment, offering many advantages: having a single point of measurement to maintain low costs, no complex phase initial set-up, in view of the historical time of the estimated consumption of each device.


Midori will be at SMAU 29 and April 30, 2015 at Lingotto Fiere, Pavilion 1, stand C03.

= & gt; Read all news for SMEs in Piedmont

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