Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cip, the region will get rid of the shares – The Sentinel of the Canavese

IVREA. It is a subsidiary from which the region (with 16.26% of the shares) decided to quit. Being a consortium – that of the production facilities of Canavese – the fee will be divided among the others. “What the region would leave their share – says Alberta Pasquero, president of the CIP, the Consortium for the production facilities of Canavese – is not new. Him to say for some time, whenever we have the shareholders’ meeting. In recent years we have worked with municipalities and shareholders that we have involved. We are in the area for over thirty years (since 1981, ed ) and I think, frankly, that our mission should continue until it’s useful. Because we are at the service of the members. ” The reference shareholder of the consortium is the metropolitan city, with 35.77% and 26 municipalities of the Canavese, taken together, have the 40,85%. Follow the former mountain communities (Valchiusella Baltea canavesana and Sacred Valley) with 0.20%, Confindustria Canavese (3.46%), other 14 companies (3:05%), and Association Confapi small and medium industries and the province of Turin (0.20% each). In over 30 years of activity, the consortium has coordinated activities of construction and management of areas equipped for production facilities and promoting initiatives to foster technology transfer and business innovation. In 2014, the sale of a lot in the Polo hot pressing. “There – adds Pasquero – will be built a new settlement and, again in 2014, we have followed the work of an already established company that is working to double the production.” Two areas are yet to be placed on the market (in the industrial centers of Samone and hot pressing).

The future? Obviously it is in the hands of shareholders. The last budget of the closed with a slight profit for the year (a little less than three thousand euro). The Board has identified some guidelines for the future of the entity, for example, through the experience, could play an important role in encouraging the use of Community resources on the local economy. Or it could promote a project on the reuse of areas or industrial properties currently disused or underused.

In recent weeks, the Consortium for production sites (who years ago has also incorporated the technological district of the Canavese) is dancing on the project related to the application to UNESCO site of Ivrea industrial city of the twentieth century. In what way? “We have given our willingness – says Pasquero – to draw up the plan for managing the site. We believe that a subsidiary as the Consortium, at the service of local organizations, can play an important role. ” The consortium spoke at the round table in late March Officina H where the candidacy of Ivrea has been introduced on various subjects, confirming the uniqueness, the national scene, a city that presents itself as a whole.

The Consortium is, in recent weeks, dealing with the Foundation Guelpa that, in budget 2015, has provided support to the last part of the preparation of the dossier and the management plan, an integral and essential documentation that, in September, will be sent to the Ministry of Culture. “The candidacy Unesco is an excellent opportunity to Ivrea and the territory and I believe it should be defeated the doubt of not making it – looks Pasquero -. The conditions are all there. ” And to those who put forward concerns about the role of the consortium says: “I do not think there are controversies. I think there are just people who do not know us and do not have clear our business. “


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