Friday, June 17, 2016

The pizza 3D printed by NASA and other technological innovations 4 – Bergamo Post


The technological research offers every week new inventions that can make our lives easier, including engineers who work for large companies and young people looking for funding on the platforms of crowdfunding . Here is the news announced in recent days.

1) holograms for all at an incredible price

One of the technologies seen in science fiction movies is surely holograms, diffusely used also in sagas that have shaped the history of cinema, consider, for example in Star Wars . The concrete development of these devices, however, was less relevant than previously thought, especially for a considerable difficulty in containing costs and enable a true mass distribution.

Hologami is the first projector really low-cost , you can just have an iPhone and this little gadget to create holograms in three dimensions is able, according to the developers, to leave everyone speechless. It is a simple cardboard with the holographic film that, mounted on their smartphone, creates a kind of holographic pyramid projecting what is shown on the screen of the phone. The most interesting aspect is the cost, with only 4,99 euro you can even now buy it on Amazon. There are two versions: Hologami Studio, to create projections of photographs, and Hologami Astronomy, for planets and heavenly bodies.

2) An exoskeleton to help children who are unable to walk

researchers at the Spanish Higher Research Council, have recently presented an exoskeleton that can be worn by children with spinal muscular atrophy, a degenerative disease that in Spain affects one child in every 10 thousand. The device constructed of aluminum and titanium, weighs 12 kilograms and is designed to help patients walk, in some cases for the first time in their lives, thus avoiding the deterioration of muscles and ensuring a longer and healthier life .

the main problem in the construction of these devices in children is that the symptoms of degenerative diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy vary with time. For this you need an exoskeleton that fits these variations and changes its stiffness automatically, adapting to the symptoms of each patient at all times.

3) NASA prepares spatial pizza printed in 3D

a Texas company, founded by NASA to develop food for astronauts who will face the mission to Mars in deep space, has built a device that can print in 3D pizza. The company is called BeeHex and ensures that the machine is efficient, clean and able to churn out a fragrant pizza in half the time than would a typical human cook.

The mission to Mars will not start before 2030 but the success of this invention could lead already by next year and see this machine at work in our parks, malls or concerts. Like any 3D printer, BeeHex creates the pizza layer by layer, the only difference lies in the fact that the ink used is edible: the first layer is the wide base about 30 centimeters, then the ingredients are chosen. You can select gluten-free ingredients, tomato, basil pesto and many other variants but at the time they are most familiar to the American market to the Italian tradition.

4) A repellent sharks save surfers

the shark attacks the men touched their historical records in 2015 and, although there are very few injuries and death from such an accident, those who frequent the beaches where these animals live He does not sleep soundly. The preferred victims of the most dangerous marine predators are of course the surfers, who with their movements and their surfboard seem to want to provoke their sharks in the environments where they live normally.

Two companies, the SharkBanz and modom Surf, have teamed up to create a secure system to ward off sharks surfers: the result is the Shark Leash, an improved version of the traditional rope that surfers bind the ankle to avoid losing the board into the sea. It works as a repellent for sharks, but without causing any harm to them or to the habitat in which they live and, thanks to its shape, totally identical to a normal string, does not affect the performance of athletes.

” the surfers will wear – explained Nathan Garrison, co-founder of Sharkbanz – hardly notice the difference with their normal strings, both in appearance and feeling of use. ” The part that is tied at the ankle has invented a system for this device that generates an electromagnetic field that can disturb the senses of the sharks. The discomfort of the shark would be similar to that caused each of us to be a person who suddenly turn on a bright light in a dark room: so there is danger to animal health.

5) the robot that takes care of just the home vegetable garden

the methodical cultivation of every available space, without wastage of land, is one of the agriculture of the future objectives, which points to sustainability, to create a healthier food market for humans and for the planet. No one can be picky as a robot, so for this purpose it was created FarmBot, a precision solution for domestic cultivation but not only able to cure the plants steadily and in any case better than I could ever make a man.

Just leave it on a piece of land in our garden or in a greenhouse to see it start to heal the earth and sow the plants, then by following the process of growth in a complete way. Manage it from the app for smartphones and tablets is so easy to remember a management game, with the difference that we will see our choices come to life in a concrete way. It is designed with a philosophy of open source, anyone can then apply enhancements or customizations to the software and the plastic parts can be replaced with the prints in 3D. From the month of July will be ordered even if you have not yet information on the launch price.


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