Thursday, October 15, 2015

Vigilant, small staff Increasingly technology – Il Giornale di Vicenza


The city police Marostica during controls in the historic center

With the release of Nine Union of Marosticense last January, the local police has three operating units less. This imposed a reorganization of the management of the service with some news: a web portal to consult the minutes at its own expense and possibly pay the penalty on line.

“The local police units currently under Union , – says the mayor of Marostica Marica Dalla Valle – Remember that the unit of the local police force currently in the Union, excluding seasonal employees are eight more an administrative figure. The workforce is faced with many services (traffic management, notifications, civil protection and hail, demonstrations, video surveillance, administrative activities and control of the territory). To maintain quality of the service of the local police in control of the territory of the towns of Marostica and Pianezze, achieved over the years, we have chosen to work on two fronts: to implement the technological equipment for the control of vehicular traffic and the management of innovation ‘ office records. ” (…)

Read the full article in the Journal on newsstands,


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