Thursday, October 22, 2015

Campania, ultra-wideband for 155 municipalities. See more new hi-tech … – The Morning

The research system in Campania, with the districts high-tech and ilLaboratori public-private partnerships, together with the investments in the development of ultra-wideband, are the stars at Smau, the three days in Milan dedicated to Innovation and inaugurated yesterday. Over 70 investors interested in discovering new talents of the innovation ecosystem, more than 300 startups and workshops and around 450 companies present. These numbers event that creates a dialogue between the main actors of innovation.

The numbers: 300 workshop distributed in 12 Arenas topics by distinguished speakers alternate Speed ​​Pitching, lasting 90 seconds each, in which companies and local governments can meet the Startup and discover new opportunities. The participation of the research system in Campania Smau place within the Action Plan for Research, Development, Innovation and ICT funded on Po 2007-2013 ERDF Ob 2.1, through Sviluppo Campania.

The districts of high technology (Dta) formed by the action of Ministry of Education and the Campania Region are six and operating in strategic areas of investment: Dac (Aerospace District), Stress ( sustainable construction) Databenc (Cultural Heritage), Campania Bioscience (Biotechnology), Smart Power System (Energy), Dattilo (Transport and Logistics). Added to these is the technological district on materials, Imast. Each Dta is flanked by a varying number of clusters of second level. The Public-Private existing are 8. To these are added other 13: Ritam (materials for aerospace), Ehealthnet (ICT for Health), Top-ins (ict for telecommunications and sensors), Temotec (ict for cultural heritage ), Biochamp (materials to health), Athena – Fuel Cell lab (energy), Mars (transport and logistics), M2q (food), Tide (materials for agro-food), (biotechnology), Most (transport), water (environment), Smile (materials for health).

In the districts are involved over 500 businesses including over 400 SMEs. Each of these aggregates, through a network of strong relationships, for someone even from established trails start before aggregates the main generators of scientific knowledge from Campania (seven regional universities and 40 research centers) and of important companies operating in the area. The goal is to create real technological centers of national caliber.

At the booth of the Campania Region we are also recounted the results of large project Ultrawide Banda, the first Italian region to complete the program on the implementation of network of new generation optical fiber and help to achieve the objectives of the European Digital. Were drawn up, the infrastructure works in 155 municipalities involved in the project (36 more than the 119 provided for in the original plan). The total investment of over 175 million euros, of which 118 million European public funds and 57 million to Telecom Italy. A million and 147 thousand units enabled the delivery of innovative digital services with connections from 30 to 100 Mbps, for a base of over 2 million and 800 thousand inhabitants. Involved 16 industrial areas and more than 1,400 offices of the PA, with 275 health facilities and 562 schools.

                     Thursday? October 22, 2015, 12:13 – Last Updated: 12:20


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