Thursday, October 29, 2015

News from CAM: get prenatal testing to assess the risk of … – MBnews

News from CAM: get prenatal testing to assess the risk of fetal abnormalities

After the introduction in Italy of NIPT, which occurred with the CAM in March of 2013, the non-invasive prenatal tests offered today on the market are critically numerous, and many are sensitive positions in this regard and exponential number of women seeking more information on the topic, given the statistic that about 1% of the fetuses has chromosomal abnormalities .

In this context, the CAM, thanks to its European network Labco, he has made a big jump yet scientific, introducing neoBona, a testing of new generation , which provides increased reliability, speed and precision . Developed incorporating new technologies Illumina -leader world in DNA-sequencing and the experience of Labco -reference European Union’s Prenatale- diagnosis, the test is a radical evolution of the previous methods to detect the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus .

Thanks to new technology, unlike other NIPT with neoBona sample analysis is provided by massive parallel sequencing with readings DNA type paired-end (readings coupled) instead of reading single-end . This technological evolution, in addition to a new algorithm in the study bioinformatics data, improves the reliability of the test. Only neoBona, in fact, adds to massive sequencing the definition fetal fraction , distinguishing the DNA of the unborn child from the maternal with this innovative method and exclusive, that ensures a higher reliability of the final result. Without risk for the mother and fetus, since it is based on a small sample of maternal blood obtained through a traditional pickup, neoBona displayed from the tenth week of gestation and runs Also in the case of assisted reproduction , including in vitro for egg donation, and in the case of twin pregnancy .


NeoBona detects the risk of most frequent trisomies Fetal – trisomy 21 or Down syndrome, trisomy 18 or Edwards syndrome and trisomy 13 or syndrome Patau-, allows to detect the sex of the fetus and the risk of possible changes in the sex chromosomes . Than traditional screening test allows avoid a large number of invasive depth (with risk of miscarriage) unnecessary because it has a false positive rate of less than 0.1% (compared to 5% of the combined test).

In places CAM (32 in Monza, Brianza and Milan hinterland) and in the other group centers Labco Italy (SDN Institute in Naples, The Bulwark in Genoa and in different cities of Liguria) pregnant women can be tested from the tenth week of pregnancy, getting result in 7 working days .


* This content is not an article produced by the editors of MBNews, but it is a statement coming from an external source (Press CAM Monza) and published in its entirety.

Photo courtesy by the Press CAM Monza.



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