Monday, October 12, 2015

Eurosystem: “‘We invest in the welfare of the worker … – BolognaToday


The company from Treviso information technology, with an office in Bologna is one of the few Italian companies that triggered an experimental, to help employees to recognize and manage their emotional states and create empathic relationships with others.


Eurosystem SpA has always focused not only technological innovation, this time in the footsteps of Google has picked up an aspect of the company related to the welfare of those who He is working there. An important responsibility when you consider that in Italy the percentage of companies that engage in projects for the welfare of employees is very low.


Recent studies completed by major American research centers, carried out over the past 20 years and on hundreds of companies around the world, have shown an actual connection between “job satisfaction”, (ie the degree of “satisfaction” professional personnel and corporate management in the workplace), the productivity and profitability of the company.


Stafano Bacci was appointed eight months ago production of the Eurosystem, and says: “I have been a certain degree of stress among people and I thought it needed a signal change that should not only be a new management but a metamorphosis of the people. I saw too many colleagues standardized and closed in their roles. “


Bacci spoke on the board and you have activated the project “ Be there ” with a professional who is leading a group of workers in a path awareness .


Be there ” to adopt, among other things meditation, through this changing approach in treating the “symptoms” that make up the “ill-being”. The route begins from an approach centered on the “heart” of the employee as did companies: one for all, of course, Google.


How is this happening?


Through a change of relationship that starts from meditation.


We start from the expression body, in comfortable clothes in a suitable space you do exercises yogic to help regain control of their bodies, reducing of the physical nodes Stress .


In the second phase working process cognitive dissonance : where people are training to challenge their negative thinking and restructure based on emotions absolutely harmonious and positive. The third phase is the explanation emotional intelligence that is, the ability to recognize, use, understand and manage their own and other people’s conscious emotions.


The second and third step is when writing it down emotionally strong episodes that happen during the day, by filling in a form with specific fields like: Situation activating (description of the situation that triggered the ‘emotion). The thoughts (description of thoughts at that moment). The Emotions (how he felt). Behaviors (as reacted). level of intensity (short, long, long, etc). On the same tab, fill in with the point of view of an observer. Answering such questions as: This thought corresponds to the objective reality of the facts as I feel it is? This thought helps me feel psychologically and emotionally well? This thought is used to make me feel and act like I want to feel and behave? Etc.


The description of the situation from another point of view, it helps to understand that the whole thing could have been handled differently, up to the reformulation of thought recognizes the possibility of being able to manage emotions in a harmonious and positive.




The group has become more cooperative towards colleagues, contributing to productivity. It improved the efficiency of the people, have lowered indices of stress and above all the team is winning and felt a sense of belonging to the company renewed. Many of the participants showed gratitude to the company for allowing them to grow as individuals.


The numbers of Eurosystem


35 years business 3 locations company in Italy (Treviso, Bergamo, Bologna), 90 professional specialized internal 100 collaborations external 11000000 in annual revenue, 7% of sales invested in research and development, 30 partners international technology, more than 1000 active customers. The company offers consulting services focusing on a broad spectrum: management software, business intelligence, CRM (customer relationship management), projects and IT infrastructure services.


Information technology sowing value within a company: helping to achieve the strategic objectives, contains vital information. The task of the Eurosystem is to guide businesses on the road to change, cultural and technological, growing together IT projects for business growth.


Note – This information has been published in its entirety as a guest article. This content is therefore not an article produced by the editors of BolognaToday



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