Sunday, August 9, 2015

Bagnoli time page: get the private – Lettera43

 Bagnoli entrusted to individuals. As it was easy to imagine. As he planned the newspaper The Morning , owned by the Roman builder Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone that in the former Italsider Cementir owns and cultivates strong real estate interests.

 The newspaper for several days had prophesied that, thanks to the decree of the government Renzi local authorities and changes to Article 33 of the statute, would be Invitalia, the national agency for inward investment spa (in-house company State ed), to act as project supervisor for the relaunch reclamation area poisoned by debris factories.
NEW INVESTMENTS BAGNOLI. “Too many hands, little hands and big hands …” he commented sarcastically Mayor de Magistris facing the new government proposal. But the most important, which is also anticipated exclusive organ of information via Chiatamone, is that for the first time in more than three decades of gears, vetoes and harsh battles you allow private capital to enter the ” governance “that will be required to invest in Bagnoli.

 And to realize what is left of the original project or – more likely – a project to be developed from scratch by giving – it is feared – much more space in concrete, grand hotels and services for the ultra-luxury “Scrooge” on duty.
THIRTY YEARS OF WASTE. Bagnoli individuals. And worse for those who for two generations (ie since the late 90′s was destroyed Italsider) were guaranteed a large park equipped to green (“Imagine it so great,” they then wrote, “it would be a luxury that a cities like Naples really can not afford “), technology companies, the film production center, the sea restored and available to all, and so much more.

 Bagnoli, is year zero. After thirty years of waste, errors, quid pro quo, deception and incompetence, it was shown that without the decisive intervention of private capital and without outside local authorities it is unthinkable that the Italian Government can achieve by his own efforts a the most significant land reclamation ever attempted in Europe.

 The grain inspector: Renzi choose the friend of Verdini

 There is little that de Magistris is these days no screaming to the Commissioner and who has accused Renzi of “Napoli feel a sort of Grand Duchy of Tuscany.”

 There is little that the mayor threatens legal action and popular mobilization, indeed “a movement without precedent.”

 There is little point – even – that the new governor Vincenzo De Luca, who will be part of the planned de Magistris with “control” (which will accompany the Commissioner with duties only advisory), has not yet taken a clear position on what is happening Bagnoli.
DISPUTES BETWEEN NASTASI E De Magistris. Even the choice of Commissioner the premier Renzi gave the impression of wanting to mortify the mayor of Naples, choosing the Salvo Nastasi, 42 , powerful dispenser of sinecures spettacolar-cultural to Mibac and friend of Denis Verdini, Gianni Letta and Marcello Dell’Utri (but he, in part, vehemently denies).

 In many if they are asking: why choose Nastasi, that is the one that Commissioner theater St. Charles (2007-2011) has repeatedly argued with de Magistris in the wake of a blatant (and mutual) dislike?
MANY ACCOUNTS NOT RETURN. But despite it or not, it’s done: Nastasi, who has never occupied in his life of urban problems, let alone land-use planning, have been drawn – the least bad of the hypothesis – with the powerful lobby of the building speculators. But he will have to watch carefully by all those (and many will) that will appear in the coming months in Bagnoli and surroundings with the face of entrepreneurs but the wallet full of blood money urgently to recycling.

 Bagnoli, it starts. Maybe. And always – data in hand – is still possible to intervene significantly on what remains of the Big Ruin. There are many, in fact too many accounts that do not add up in the rubble of the former factory reduced to landfill.

 Few funds: cleaning up 300 million may not be enough

 The first is that of accounts: the government Renzi – was written – mentions 200, maybe 300 million to be spent cleaning up. But as it is possible to envisage a figure so small only if the debts accumulated by Bagnoli Futura, the company now bankrupt who managed the area in recent years, amounting to nearly 200 million?

 How is it that you will not need to invest a lot, but much more because, if you want groped to induce Neapolitan judiciary to review the seizure of much of the land, you will have to redo all over again the reclamation, including the 65-67 % of the territory that was believed to have already achieved but that was judged by the prosecutor of Naples’ most polluted than before “?
RISK FLOP AROUND THE CORNER. Anyone in Bagnoli likely will command an unprecedented flop.

 Carelessness, unpacked accounts, double and triple play, unthinkable alliances around the skeleton factory sacrificed too many bluff instead of providing convincing answers to a thousand questions. Who will drive away the mountain of money that is necessary?

 If individuals will anticipate the money, what and how much you give them in return? What will the filled, that is the hill of crap to poison 280 thousand square meters, in front of the sea of ​​Coroglio, it is not clear whether more should be removed or “safety” (ie tombata with all the debris that lurk there and may the Lord help us!)?
DOUBTS ABOUT FATE OF THE COAST LINE. Of what, and under the control of those who are inflated the volumes to be allocated to real estate and luxury hotel facilities to promote once and for all individuals to buy the land finally healed and not to get desert races tender as it has happened so far?

 Up to that point it will be permitted to betray the parameters set out in the master plan architect Vezio De Lucia and the original project in order to start the operation? Who will decide one of the more crucial points of the controversy of Bagnoli, that is the lot to be assigned to so-called line costs?

 The strip in front of the sea will be invaded by a ten-story Grand Hotel and extravagant whims for the plaything of the rich or is there still some hope that ordinary people can use them in some way without having to ask permission and pay salty access tickets?



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