Monday, August 8, 2016

The smart working is good for rest – Il Sole 24 Ore

Before the trip from home to work. Then immediately exit around the city streets to deliver letters to citizens. With the concrete risk of not finding the target. A waste of time and productivity, which has prompted the Municipality of Genoa to bet on smart working: 26 to put municipal is experienced by the end of 2015 a form of flexible work that allows them, every other day, starting to deliver the notifications directly from home, in areas close to their residence or deciding the timing independently: at lunch or the dinner, when it should be easier to find people at home. And without having to go to headquarters to punch the clock. The result is that productivity has risen by 10 to 12 media notifications a day and there was a halving journey times, in addition to reducing the number of recommended sent due to the unsuccessful end of visits. Not counting the lower costs for the city, which from October will start six other experimental projects of smart working in various fields: from advocacy services for personnel management.

All the advantages found in a public body which were also recorded in private companies, in agreement with the unions, start off on the road to allow greater flexibility of working hours, with ad hoc rules on the amount hours of fast work on access requirements and organizational methods. Some people are two days a month (as ABB and L’Oreal Italy), who capped a year (10 days for General Motors Powertrain), who one day or more per week (in the case of BNL and Accenture , and in the latter the “remote working” improved logistics and reduced by 25-30% the spaces). The draft Leroy Merlin, born in 2014 and extended to all employees instead allows employees of the head office in Rozzano, near Milan, to independently manage the 40 hours a week from 7 to 21, about 5 or 6 days Monday to Saturday. In Siemens you can decide how to manage their work time between different Location and those who do are delivered devices that are needed to work: an initiative combined with the redesign of the physical spaces of the seats that facilitates smart working well when people are in the office.

the experiments, in short, no shortage and the bill on the fast work – expected in the House to the Senate for the first reading in September – the aim is to draw a frame common rules, from an innovation introduced in the original text: recognition, on paper, of the right to disconnect the worker “smart.”

the agile work will be carried out in part in the company and partly off, with daily and weekly time limits provided by law and collective agreements: in this frame agreement will be “tailored” signed by the parties to regulate the execution of the work done on the outside, even with forms of organization in phases , cycles and objectives and no precise daily time and place, with the possible use of technological tools.

from the makeup made by the Senate Labor Committee on the bill comes out so a definition of working smart you dash down even more from telework, activity that takes place in a different physical location from the company’s headquarters (usually the home of the worker), where a real workstation is set up.

“telework requires the electronic connection – explains Maurizio del Conte, president dell’Anpal and author of the bill – and therefore the working time is always verifiable every minute. Unlike the smart working, which enjoys more freedom as well as on the site also timetable, having as only limit to the maximum limits set by the law and collective agreements. “

In the agreement between the parties there will be time to rest and “the technical and organizational measures to ensure the disconnection of the worker by the technological work equipment.” The goal, in short, is to prevent the smart worker will leave “catch” a little ‘too much on technology and stay connected 24 hours to 24 working devices.

Digital technologies, moreover, play a decisive role in the spread of fast work. “At the design stage – underlines Mariano Corso, scientific director of the Observatory on the smart working at Politecnico di Milano – one must consider the current technological equipment of the company and of the incoming call, to understand the feasibility of smart working model. At the same time, in the development of development plans related to technology, they must be analyzed the possible effects on new forms of work organization.

According to the Polytechnic Observatory – according to a survey with the possibility of multiple choice survey of one thousand medium-sized companies – the main barriers to the smart working initiatives concern not yet complete digitization of business processes (in 51% of cases), the ineffectiveness in communication and virtual collaboration (45%) and difficulties due to the ability to ensure the same level of performance of the systems also outside the company headquarters (41%).

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