Saturday, February 20, 2016

The delivery also includes expert – Il Sole 24 Ore

It’s called economy of instant gratification: just click and within an hour the daily satisfaction knocks on the door. The king of this economy has always been the food with home delivery. In the past it was just the pizza, now with the advent of start-up specialized in “food delivery” you may order even a 4-course menu. In recent years the economy of the “here and now” has sucked all types of products: books, perfumes, toys, carpets thanks to Amazon Prime, Google Express and other companies can be consumed in a few hours. What happens, though, if they seek to please the consumer faster it also adds the commitment of the modern postman to sit down with the customer in front of a glass of wine or a coffee and take the time to explain how a product works? And ‘the idea and philosophy of which was born Enjoy (, the first personal commerce platform that enables the delivery of a range of technological products in only 4 hours. And as long as nothing new. The novelty is that knocking on the door is an expert who has the mission and the task of showing how to make the most of your smartphone’s potential just bought. All for free. “With Enjoy – said Ron Johnson founder of the company at a conference – we reinvented the way to shop.” To choose an iPhone 6s is no longer necessary to go to a store and wait for the expert of the department is free from a customer with this Enjoy expert looks directly at home. Known in technological environments and more, Ron Johnson was the one who participated in the creation of the Apple Store, at the head for 10 years, and CEO of JC Penny, the famous Mall of America, which was fired in 2013 for bringing the the company and its image to the decline. Enjoy is his first real company that collects what he has learned and experienced in his previous experience, however, exploiting the potential of online. The new venture combines the gratification that comes from purchasing retail with Genius Bar, service that is found exclusively in the Apple Store. The decision to only sell technology products is simple. According to the founder of the gadgets that the tech industry offers have a single purpose: to improve and facilitate their lives. The products available on the platform were chosen and carefully selected from various experts, under the supervision of Johnson, and come from a niche brand with which Enjoy entered into some partnerships, among them Apple, Sonos, Microsoft, Lenovo, GoPro. On the site then you are iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, but there are no Mac. GoPro room, Phantom drones or electric skateboard Boosted + Dual. The service is now being offered in San Francisco, throughout the Bay Area, New York and Brooklyn.

To use them just buy online, indicating the time and place of delivery: home, office, bar or even at the park. Enjoy arrives anywhere, but not on the precise moon a video posted on the company website.

If you have just purchased a drone will be enough to meet the technical to the park for a live demonstration. Enjoy, unlike Uber and various services “on-demand,” it adopted a personnel recruitment policy alternative: each expert is a full time employee, not a contributor to the contract. It receives benefits, contributions and a percentage of equity. The hours are very flexible with one constraint: to work for 40 hours per week. Currently, Enjoy has recruited 127 people between San Francisco and New York, all united by the passion for technology, hospitality and infinite patience. Every candidate who comes assumed must undergo specific training on the knowledge of the products. Because 50% of the Enjoy business model is also based on interpersonal relations and on schooling, the company has launched a series of educational, referred to as “Parties”. It is a technological version of the book club where private lessons are organized on specific topics. Social Media 101: Out-instagram your kids “, where they teach how to maintain privacy for their children and how to control the use that the children make; “All things music: Music at your fingertips”, where introduce and show how to use all music platforms on both the phone on both the tablet and iPad. The service cost is US $ 99 and includes the participation of 3, 4 experts who, just like in most common parties, will be presented with wine and coffee. The user’s task is to extend an invitation to a small group of friends (8-12), choose the topic of the lesson and sit back on your couch. Gratification today sounds the bell.


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