Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lecce, cameras on the cars of the fighters: those who targeted launches … – The Republic

LECCE. The City of Lecce declares technology war, uncontrolled abandonment of waste. Are bulky items or small cigarette butts, no matter: the filth are alerted. From next week the three vehicles of environmental inspectors of the City will cross the center and the suburbs with digital cameras from the windshield, related to real-time geolocation system. The goal is to film the abandonment of waste, photograph the license plate and contest, at the time or distance of hours, penalties from 30 to 300 Euros.

The inspectors beat a carpet both areas at the edge of the city, characterized by large areas turned into illegal dumps, is the streets of the center, not spared by the launch of handkerchiefs, receipts and stubs from speeding vehicles. Just the opportunity to punish the unruly smoking is one of the changes introduced by Law 221 of December 28, which brings order to a subject so far managed only by impromptu ordinances of the individual municipalities.

Not to mention that, just the remains of cigarettes – as remarked

the city Councillor for the environment, Andrea Guido – represent a major threat to the environment, due to the long lead time degradability, and strongly affect the call to clean up government expenditure . It is no coincidence that in Lecce, in recent weeks, both of those who throw cigarette butts on the ground control started in the streets of the old town, used as real dustbins despite the presence of ashtrays with baskets.

Province of Lecce
fines butts thrown on the ground
andrea guido


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