Sunday, February 7, 2016

Janet, the tough security – BBC

Milan , February 7, 2016 – 22:49

you, Janet Napolitano, president of the university, said that the new technology only serve to protect sensitive data. And nothing does his past four years, in the Obama administration, the head of Homeland Security, the US Internal Security. They, the teachers, complain that the new software invades the privacy of professors and students, and is likely ‘to undermine and limit the freedom of research. ” Creep, then, that the president could have dusted off some Homeland Security methods. In between is the battleground, Berkeley, the oldest seat of the University of California, dozens of Nobel Prize winners, but especially the cradle – in 1964 – the “Free Speech Movement”, the “movement for freedom of word, “which then came to Europe.

the hacker attack of July 2015

it is August of 2015. After yet another hacker attack at their university who removed the data of 4 , 5 million patients (stored for research activities) Napolitano decides to ‘protect’ the electronic network by new intrusions. The university – tells the Daily Californian – assigns the contract of securing a private company (Fidelis Cybersecurity) that ‘without any warning’, begins to enter a software and hardware package in data centers to monitor web traffic in and out. “This means that control what we do on the pc of the university, the emails sent and received, they see the sites that we consult, maybe even those extremes but are used to our work, and can store everything for more than 30 days” complaint in an email to his colleagues Ethan Ligon, associate professor of economics and agricultural policy.

‘it is unclear what store “

All hell broke loose. From different campuses depart clarification requests and meetings with Napolitano, appeals to take a step back. But she, the former number one Homeland Security, insists that without a “control system would eliminate any computer network security and disappear every shred of privacy of any person found in the university’s database.” Starting from the sensitive data of its professors who complain about the new safety device. An explanation that does not meet the teachers. Also because – points out the New York Times – “it is not clear what is stored.” “But ours is not a spy software precise,” Tom Andriola, head of information technology at the University of California. Words that prompted the teachers to raise even more the voice. Almost like the dawning of a new movement for freedom of speech. Digital.

7 February 2016 (edited February 7, 2016 | 22:49)



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