Tuesday, February 16, 2016

CPIA, at the start the registrations for the 2016/2017 school year, the division … – Horizon School

Ministry of Education – Opening of registrations for the 2016/2017 year to educational courses of I and II level at provincial centers for adult education (CPIA): concerned citizens have until May 31 and no later than 15 October 2016.

the Ministry of Education, University and Research has sent a special circular with directions to the inscriptions: to paths level can enroll adults, even with non-Italian citizenship, which did not reach the middle school. The level II courses are open, however, to adults who have not graduated, and even the guys who are at least sixteen years of age and who can prove that they can not attend day classes. The promotion of literacy and learning the Italian language, finally, can enroll adults with non-Italian citizenship of working age, even with qualifications obtained in countries of origin.

The circular also contains instructions about the timing and methods for the subscription of the agreements from the headquarters of the CPIA and educational institutions of the second degree which are hinged the second-level courses, for the preparation of Patti Individual training and for the activation and operation of Classrooms AGORA ‘, real news this year.

at the same time, the decree was published with the allocation of resources for CPIA: 1,800,000 Euros intended for 50% to the operation of the Committees dealing with the definition and evaluation of training Pacts Individuals and 50% to ‘expansion of training aimed at enhancing the role of the CPIA as a service structure that can read and interpret the personal needs of retraining and professional needs of the territories and as a research center, testing and development capable of ensuring development and quality of the system.

They were also allocated 5.6 million Euros, part of the National School, for the modernization of the technological equipment and the creation of new digital environments Centres. Finally, 12 million euro will be allocated to the CPIA for the implementation of literacy courses and Italian language learning.

The new adult education system was completely reorganized: from 1 September 2015, in fact, active and operated 126 provincial centers for adult education, autonomous schools aim to make to achieve higher levels of education to adults and to develop and strengthen basic skills necessary for employability and citizenship. The reform involves more personalized paths based on an individual training agreement, but also a path of adaptation to the needs of life of adult students with the opportunity to follow the 20% at a distance through online forms.



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