Saturday, February 6, 2016

Smart City, Cerone presented the draft – Terre Marsicane (press release)

Avezzano – “It is evident that the speaker does not have the slightest cognizance of the arguments, nor iter undertaken by the City Of Pangrazio: absolute gravity when, then, this ignoring of facts is just from a municipal director of minority that, at least, should be informed on the Entity’s administrative life that has been called to represent. “

it ‘as said the chief commissioner to the Smart City project, Alessandra Cerone.

“However, flying over the little knowledge of the city by some people” invisible “, i take this opportunity to explain the great strides made by this administration in terms of technological innovation. The Project of the City of Avezzano Smart City, as articulated in the warrant program comprises four areas of action: the project free WiFi, or an interconnection service which serves some of the city areas, already activated a few months into the mandate and being implemented; the project Safe City , initiated and designed to improve markedly urban safety standards, for the tranquility of the citizens and to promote the exercise of all social, cultural and commercial activities. “

“by the way, in the coming months is expected activation of additional cameras to expand the area under video surveillance, already today very relevant; the project “Intranet and broadband”, coordinated by the Abruzzo Region and entrusted, as the realization, for Infratel Spa. Avezzano was chosen as the common pilot along with other capitals of Abruzzo to test broadband services for citizens and businesses. The project has been described in detail in order to kick off as soon as possible in the work. The City Council, in the last session, approved the draft agreement drawn up in agreement with the Presidency of the Region of Abruzzo and the National Association of Italian Municipalities. Now to “RO.MA” project, which has already been funded by the Ministry of Education and will provide the city with more services to its citizens and productive activities. “

” The project is currently in progress rescheduling by the Ministry of Education and wait for positive news horas. Other than the talk of the usual distracted in search of bad news – continues the commissioner – the Smart City project, therefore, it is fully active and operative, except as regards the “RO.MA.” dowel, where delays targets depend exclusively by the ministerial bureaucracy and certainly not by the city. With the Smart City project, already started for several qualifying aspects, Avezzano ago by a regional forerunner in the field of new technology systems industry and security, aimed at making the Marsica a model in terms of safety for citizens, territorial control and improvement communications between productive entities and population. With the completion of the project, which will bring over the next two years huge public investment in broadband network drawn on EU funds, the territory will make a quantum leap forward, becoming an area technologically advanced and more attractive for businesses therefore, with the possibility of new and good jobs. “



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