Monday, February 8, 2016

Steel, China in the EU market economy? The No. 15 countries – Giornale di Brescia

A “grand march Steel”, and not only to the grant of market economy status to China by the EU. is the event organized for next Monday 15 under the aegis of aegis Europe, the association that brings together European industries from various sectors (from solar panels to aluminum), with support from Eurofer ‘s steel.

According to organizers are expected more than 5,000 people from across Europe , employees, employers and trade unions together several thousand of which only the steel industry from 15 different countries, to demonstrate in support of fair trade, growth and employment in Europe , and against the Chinese dumping and the recognition of the status of the Beijing market economy.

Brescia, historically steelmaking earth, it is likely that it will be represented in this event that has if only to see the advantage for once compact representations “from below” of different countries of the European Union, too often experienced as a constraint rather than as a driving force for the economy.

the next Monday, coinciding with the march, Aegis will also showcase its European industrial Manifesto. “the march and the poster strike at the heart of the challenges that faces of the ‘European steel industry”, he said director general of Eurofer Axel Eggert, recalling that imports of Chinese ‘doped by dumping steel have doubled in the last 18 months, causing “irreversible closures and loss of jobs across the EU steel industry.”

China, he added Eggert, “does not respect 4 of 5 EU criteria to be considered a market economy” , then recognize this status would be “a political and economic madness.” In addition to damage to the environment, because, remember Eurofer, has an impact on the European system of Ets to reduce CO2 .


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