Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Competition teachings in high school musical: the access titles clarified – The Technical School

On the Official Journal have been published the new classes of competition. Great curiosity aroused as the Ministry of Education would have done for those materials that represented the firsts and where there are no qualifications through Completion courses.

This is the case of the high school musical , where new classes of competition a-53, a-55, a-57, a-58, a-59, a-63 were introduced. A-64 (for example, the class A-55 – Musical instrument in the upper secondary education institutions are tender 593 places).

answer is by reading Notes of the DPR of 14 February 2016, No 19, which give the opportunity to enabled in the old classsi A031 (music high school education), A032 (music school education) and A077 (instrument in middle school) to take part in the tendering procedure.


So the statement a) for the class a-55 – musical instrument in the secondary schools of II grade: “until you come to the specific arrangements enabling paths, but no later than the 2018/2019 academic year, has title of the qualified teacher access in the former class of competition A031 or A032 or A077 in possession of the academy diploma in the specific instrument (including the hand), provided that the joint degree in secondary education of the second degree. “

So note b) for class a-53 – History of music: until you come to the specific arrangements enabling paths, but no later than the ‘ 2018/2019 academic year, the teacher is entitled to access enabled in the former class of competition A031 or A032 or A077, holding a degree in Musicology and musical heritage (LM-45) or securities treated under oF 9.7.2009.

class A-63 (note a) – Musical Technologies, “until not come up to speed specific enabling paths, but no later than the 2018/2019 academic year, has title of the teacher access enabled in the former class of competition A031 or A032 or A077 long as they have the II level diploma in Music , science and technology of sound, from the Ministerial Decree 462/03; or the II level diploma, technology-focused, according to DM n. 1 8/1/2004; or the academic level II “music diploma electronics and sound technologies “of which DM 39 of 12/3/2007; or the diploma of” electronic Music “(old system); or any academic level II (conservatory diploma) provided the following study plan has included at least 36 credits in the field of new technologies, a digital audio and / or electronic music. “

finally, note a) for the class a-64 -Theory, analysis and composition: until you come to the specific arrangements enabling paths, but no later than the 2018/2019 academic year, the teacher is entitled to access enabled in the former class of competition A031 or A032 or A077 in possession of the old system or academic diploma level II diploma in: composition; direction of orchestra; organ and composition; choral music and choir; band instrumentation.

Be careful, though, teachers currently in service (as used) in high school musical are role for music education / instrument in secondary schools of first Instance and will not participate in the insolvency proceedings because indefinitely (see in this regard the letter of leaders of high school musical at the Ministry of Education of 23 February 2016).

in their place will, therefore, the authorized classes in A031, A032 and A077 that will surpass the competition that will be launched by the end of the week.

Except that you do not find a specific solution in the next sequence on contract mobility about the high school musical, it will create a situation hardly districabile and natural litigation.


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