Thursday, July 7, 2016

The recovery plan of the Italian tourism is unnecessary and costs 1,500,000 –

The expensive consulting Invitalia for the strategic plan of the Minister Franceschini provides trivial and not very practical solutions


” by September the plan for tourism will be brought to the CDM, “he said a few days ago, during a question time in the House, the Minister Dario Franceschini. Abandoned in some attic ministerial strategic plan “Tourism 2020″ given birth in 2013 by the then Minister of Tourism Piero Gnudi; He lost track of the Plan for the digitization wanted by Franceschini; Well, seven months ago, the Mibact decided to return to question the promotion of the tourism industry strategies.

By attributing, as noted, a consultancy, the value of 1.5 million euro, to Invitalia because it would support “the development of the strategic directions and policy programming [...] of the tourism industry.” The computing jobs would be in the final stages , to the point that in the coming days will be submitted to Prime Minister Renzi. The backbone of the plan, such as emerge from documents that had access to , is almost final effects.

“But they lack substantial pieces – told us sadly a renowned hotel entrepreneur – such as the timing, the available resources, an indication of who does what, and above all the economic objectives to be achieved …. “

tourism convention

The architecture of the plan, which contains actions and instruments be put in place, is accompanied by a voluminous text, divided into sixty pages: three are for the minister’s foreword, even five for the introduction of the general director of tourism, ten are assigned to explain to the reader the positioning of Italy in international tourism. Five pages instead relate to the chapter “Vision and strategies.” “The vision of the PST – it is written in the introduction – is the result of a process that [....] Imagines a future scenario of renewed growth and enhanced the attractiveness of tourism in Italy, basing it on the sustainable development of cultural and territorial heritage of our country, on the stimulus to its sustainable use and its sustainable management. “
a high goal is then stated that the experts will have heard evoke in every sauce countless times in recent years, “ revive Italy’s leadership in the international tourism market [...] using its” beauty “as a distinctive element of competition.”

the PST vision is then divided into four priorities , defined by strategic extenders: enhancing the cultural and territorial heritage of Italy, its sustainable management and sustainable and innovative use; improve the competitiveness of the national tourism system by increasing the added value, the proportion and quality of tourism jobs; maximize traveler satisfaction Italy; integrate the system of institutions and tourism operators [...]. He could not of course miss the call of main principles, guiding the PST: the development of a “sustainable tourism for the well-being and balance of Italian territory” and “a great process of technological innovation in tourism.”

As part of the ‘ architecture , within four broad goals are identified a series of instruments. That in many cases we have seen put in place, with modest results. Is again on the agenda, for example, of “creating great tourist poles of the South”, “recovery and re-use of state property for tourist use”, the “definition of a national system of classification of accommodation”, the “reorganization of the system of detection of supply and demand. ” And, last but not least, the workhorse of all programs on tourism developed by politics: “the establishment of an aid scheme framework.”

The draft of the plan at June 24 finally states little more than twenty actions . Although rare, if we consider the more than sixty lines of action identified by the previous Gnudi plan. But it is above all the quality to make you think. Because it is clear the prevalence of studies, investigations, monitoring, negotiating tables. Concrete actions are few . And among those to achieve the primary objective to innovate and diversify the offer stand out the pilot project to enhance the Lyric Opera, the project to enhance the Langhe. And that for the development of tourism open air . Which, translated, is the campsites.

In all, two years from “Urgent measures for [...] the revival of tourism” launched by the Renzi government that transformed ENIT in public economic entity, not you can see any light at the end of the tunnel for the institution should deal with the promotion of the Italian brand in international tourism markets: the reorganization is still on the high seas, the board of directors, appointed by the Minister Franceschini exactly one year ago has completely disappeared from the radar , no developments in terms of trade promotion strategies.

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