Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Manual to survive the disintermediation –

Another figure that characterizes the advance of disintermediation is the individual autonomy growth accompanied by a distrust shared by institutions and politics. “We need to rebuild trust and confidence – says Siliprandi – because it is increasing the need for identification and relationship that opens the door to new forms of intermediation. Peers are the first reference. “

The empowerment of individuals must find new areas in which to measure and materialize in value and identity. Which? The judgment of others (80%), the information online (57%), blogs (25%), videos (42%), social (46%), forums (14%), reviews (40% ) and online newspapers (25%).

according to the new brand reputation index developed by GfK, in the first place there is confidence, according to the innovativeness, the third l ‘authority with weights on the intention to buy / to become a customer of 33% respectively 26%, 22%. The leading role of the brand is only in fourth place with 19%. “The brands become important if it becomes evocative icons of the possibility of new experiences, exciting, never experienced,” adds Minoia.

The retail has in front of him four working areas: the convenience , understood as a convenience to the customer (to be found where there are buyers), the choice depending on the multi-channel options, the price the same in the different channels / formats, the experience provided by a greater customer focus. “Retailers need to deal with most of the consumer and the competition ‘urges Antonio Besana , deputy general manager GfK Italy.

” The mythologies that are being developed are linked to trust, involvement, innovation, “explains Siliprandi. “Trust means regenerating the pact: authenticity, transparency, accessibility, level of service, taking charge of the changing needs of people are its core elements. The involvement you get with new content, should read experience and customization. Innovation is one of the forms and contents of the reports: one must question themselves, adapt to change. “

The people, even in the era of disintermediation, however, they need new mediation based on the awareness: “In a mobile society, the megamasse moving quickly, the empowerment of people is revealed in his own dangerous fragility and incompleteness. Why disintermediation become synonymous with growth, opportunity and strength, it is necessary to increase individual awareness of the stakes. Something to which they are called to help in so many: institutions, consumers and businesses, “concludes Siliprandi.

Article published Online Trends


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