Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The parade of Chanel, large shoulders and 3d laser –

(Roberta Filippini) _ (ANSA) – PARIS – There is a Casino Chanel this time in Paris, under the dome of the Grand Palais is an exclusive private club rather than a large dining game, but has everything you need to test your luck, from slot machines to roulette tables. The croupier welcome a group of beautiful women, among them the actress Julianne Moore, singer Rita Ora, supermodel Stella Tennant, the model and socialite Alice Dellal, the young Violet d’Urso, the daughter of Ines de la Fressange. While the ladies are pinning their fortunes on the green carpet, all around off his haute couture Chanel Karl Lagerfeld this time he imagined with broad shoulders a bit ‘eighties but also with a new technology that projects the ‘elegance in the future: the suit becomes “sintered” with an amazing 3D effect . The material is in fact an agglomeration perforated, the result of a laser procedure similar to that used for the metal, with the result that the classic full of Mademoiselle Coco become a futuristic new quilted colored but transparent . For the rest, emphasis on shoulders underlined always the military epaulettes, jackets too short but wide, square or even with pleats that make abundant the back. Wide lapels also fell, a tweed brilliant glitter, no jewelry and no bag on the catwalk while the evening dresses, linear or swollen, favor the measure on the front above the knee and stretch the back. The bride is masculine trouser suit with satin cream double-breasted jacket, perhaps a tribute to the marriage of homosexuals.


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