Friday, July 24, 2015

Rural Development 2014-2020, presentation in Orvieto – Saperefood – SapereFood

Explain to Orvieto the guidelines and objectives of the new program


New Rural Development Programme Umbria , priorities and actions for the use of 877 million euro of loans to businesses. It ‘was an official presentation of the plan 2014-2020 that was held on Thursday July 23 in Orvieto, in the Hall of the Four Hundred in Palazzo del Popolo. An event which was attended by the President of the Umbria Region, Catiuscia Marini, the Regional Councillor for Agriculture, Fernanda Cecchini, and the mayor of Orvieto Joseph Germani.

As Early in June, the RDP Umbria was among the first Italian regional and national programs to be approved. Specifically, it gives special emphasis on actions related to the preservation, restoration and enhancement of ecosystems , as well as the strengthening of the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry. It also tends to promote ‘ social inclusion and economic development in rural areas.

Here are the priorities and how the funds will be invested :

The RDP for Umbria 2014-2020 was formally adopted by the European Commission on 12 June. Outlines priorities of Umbria for using about 877 million Euros available over seven years (378 million from the EU budget and 499 million co-financing between the State and the Region of Umbria). Fund shares within all six priorities of rural development : knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas (97.9 million euro, or 11% of total public expenditure); competitiveness of agriculture and sustainable forestry (186.6 million euro or 21%); the organization of the food chain, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture (84.6 million euro, equal to 10%); restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems related to agriculture and forests (245.6 million euro or 28%); the efficient use of resources and climate (euro 80 million or 9%); social inclusion and local development in rural areas (EUR 155 656 355 or 18%).

1. A special emphasis is given to actions for knowledge transfer , with the forecast of 4400 places for participation in training activities, and to innovation, in support of which is expected to finance 120 projects to strengthen the link between agriculture, forestry and food on the one hand and research and innovation on the other.

2. For the second priority, in the light of the trend of aging farmers and the small size of farms in Umbria (the average size is 9 hectares, with 43% of the 36 thousand registered farms below 2 hectares), the RDP provides a support to 400 young farmers for starting their own business and support for the modernization of 1,200 farms. The program will also support the diversification into non-agricultural activities to provide new income opportunities for farmers, for example, through the creation and development of farms, farms educational and social farms. In this regard, they are made available to 8 million euro, for a total investment (public spending and private investment) of 17.5 million euro.

3. As part of the actions for the organization of the food chain, the RDP will support the Umbria promotion of quality products : It is expected to finance the participation of 300 farmers in quality schemes. It will be also supported the development and strengthening of supply chains to improve the chances of outlet market of regional products and to ensure a greater value added to agricultural production.

4 . Considerable importance is given to the fourth priority, for the protection and enhancement of ecosystems . Umbria will focus on investment in favor of environmentally friendly farms, especially with regard to water quality. A third of the resources of the fund EAFRD will be used for payments based on area to farmers for the use of management practices of land environment and the climate, with over 22,000 hectares of agricultural land affected by aid for conversion or the maintenance of organic farming methods.

5. The RDP then intervenes in support of forestry and agroforestry systems and aims to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases with specific agro-climatic environment. For the production of renewable energy, it is expected to invest about 3.75 million euro between public and private funds.

6. Special attention is also paid to the sixth priority, the ‘ social inclusion and local development in rural areas , which are promoted by supporting businesses with diversification in technological innovation and information and communication activities. In addition, there are local development strategies that will cover 80% of the rural population and which will be implemented through Local Action Groups of Umbria. With operations planned under this priority, 34% of the rural population will benefit from better services and infrastructure (such as water supply for domestic use in locations below 3000 inhabitants) and 90% of the population in rural areas will also benefit from new or improved infrastructure and broadband services.

The presentation of Orvieto were provided many technical operations . As those of Gianfranco Colleluori, coordinator European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture, and Maria Merlo, “rapporter” RDP Umbria, European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture, who will talk about community programming 2014-2020 and Programme of Umbria. Then Joseph Blasi, Head of Department of European policies and Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Strategy for Rural Development. Ciro Becchetti, coordinator Scope Agriculture Umbria Region, which will outline the objectives and novelty of the RDP for Umbria. Francesco Tei, Director Department Agricultural Sciences University Perugia, and Andrea Sisti, sole director 3A Technology Park of Umbria. Lucio Caporizzi, Programming Director, Innovation and competitiveness Umbria region, on the strategy of cohesion policies and Federico Steidi, Director Rural Development Sector Agea, the paying agency of the RDP for Umbria.

Wednesday, July 22, also in Orvieto, was held on the session settlement of the Monitoring Committee of the Rural Development Programme for Umbria from 2014 to 2020, the body which ensures the implementation of the program and its progress towards the objectives planned and which includes representatives of the institutional, economic and social. Are members with voting rights President of the Region, acting as chairman of the Committee, the Regional Councillor for Agriculture to act as deputy chairman of the Committee, the Managing Authority of the RDP, the Managing Authority of ROP ERDF and ESF, directors and coordinators of the Umbria region, the leaders of the regional services involved, a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, a representative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Councillor of equality of Umbria. Then there are members in an advisory capacity, including a representative of the European Commission, one of the paying agency AGEA, ANCI (Association Municipalities) Umbria, agricultural organizations, trade unions, Orders and professional Colleges, environmental groups and organic producers.


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